spanish-american institute

a not-for-profit equal educational opportunity institution

215 west 43 street     times square, NEW YORK 10036 -3913     212-840-7111      fax: 212-719-5922


job Description GUIDE 2013.DOC



Institute JOB DESCRIPTIONS  ~   


TO:      All Faculty, Administrators and Support Staff


Please review your job description and return the signed acknowledgement page to Room One today.











President / Director of Financial Aid / PDSO.. 2



Dean of Administrative Services. 5


Network and IT Systems Coordinator.. 6



Faculty Student-Services Associates. 7



Job Description Acknowledgment Form.. 9



The Institute's Board of Directors, Dante V. Ferraro, President/Treasurer, Paul Schiffman, Vice-President, and Robert Connelly-Secretary, share responsibility for the overall operation of the Institute.  They jointly determine school policy, procedures, and finances; assume specific areas of responsibility; delegate functions to individual members of the Institute's administrative staff; and monitor execution and compliance.


Among the specific responsibilities assumed by the President-Treasurer are to:

1.       participate in Board of Director meetings and decisions

2.       participate in the selection and training of administrative personnel

3.       develop long-term program development plans

4.       participate in the selection and training of secretarial personnel

5.       participate in the selection and training of admissions personnel

6.       provide for the overall financial stability of the Institute

7.       evaluate long-range development proposals

8.       evaluate course and program change proposals

9.       appraise equipment acquisition plans

10.   oversee overall institutional coordination and supervision for compliance with local, state and federal regulations

11.   review advertising plans

12.   track enrollment, retention and income goals

13.   oversee payment of accounts receivable and other financial obligations


Among the specific areas of responsibility assumed by the Vice-President are to:

1.        participate in Board of Director meetings and decisions

2.        prepare and maintain corporate minutes, in the absence of the Secretary

3.        assure equitable financial relations with students


Among the specific areas of responsibility assumed by the Board Secretary are to:

1.        participate in Board of Director meetings and decisions

2.        prepare and maintain corporate minutes

3.        assure equitable financial relations with students


President / Director of Financial Aid / PDSO

The Institute's President, Dante V. Ferraro, is supervised by the Board of Directors.  He is responsible for the implementation of the policies and procedures established by the Board of Directors in the day-to-day operation of the Institute.

The President's responsibilities include overall provision for appropriate:

1.        selection, orientation and monitoring of faculty

2.        oversight of the Institute's administrative offices and personnel

3.        student discipline

4.        proper equipment functioning

5.        physical plant safety and cleanliness

6.        identify areas of concern for discussion by the Board of Director and administrative personnel

7.        prepare school publications

8.        plan advertising

9.        assure adequate supply and proper distribution of teaching and instructional aids such as teacher editions of text books, answer keys and enrichment materials

10.     supervise preparation of student transcripts, certificates and diplomas

11.     develop, delegate responsibility for, oversee implementation of and evaluate effectiveness of student retention program

12.     develop, delegate responsibility for, oversee implementation of, and evaluate effectiveness of student placement program

13.     coordinate evaluation and preparation of curriculum

14.     implement accreditation self-study

15.     assure compliance with New York State Education Department licensing requirements

16.     direct financial aid compliance activities

17.     perform the functions of system administrator for school computer records network

18.     undertake such other duties and responsibilities as the Board of Directors may from time to time require

19.     assure that the Institute meets applicable laws related to hiring and personnel and to doing business in the State of New York including maintaining NYS Education Department School License, Certificate of Good Corporate Character, accreditation certificate, by designating responsible individuals and reviewing compliance achievement

20.     fulfill the statutory obligations of an institutions Primary Designated School Official (PDSO).  including but not limited to obtaining DSO approval for other staffers, supervising the Deans of Student Services and Administrative Services in SEVIS and ICE compliance issues

21.     the president will bear ultimate responsibility that student admission eligibility requirements in the areas of documentation of prior education, information showing means of support for an academic term, I-20 copies, national identity document personal data page, placement test result documentation, etc. are included in each student's file.

22.     will establish and maintain policies and procedures to ensure and document that the Institute  meets applicable laws related to privacy of information for faculty, students and staff.

23.     establishment of a process for regular review of policies and procedures related to faculty.  This will be accomplished by the President with the Academic Dean, Department Chairs, other Deans through informal meetings and conversations, faculty meetings and through the self-study process.  These policies shall be reviewed collaboratively by this same group.

24.     establishment of the process for regular review of policies and procedures related to students, upon consultation with the Academic Dean, Department Chairs, other Deans and the President through informal meetings and conversations, faculty meetings and through the self-study process. The policies related to students are reviewed by this same group in the same manner.

25.     establishment of a process for regular review of policies and procedures related to administrators and support staff, including which shall involved in the review the Academic Dean, Department Chairs, other Deans and the President through informal meetings and conversations, faculty meetings and through the self-study process.  These policies shall be reviewed collaboratively by this same group..

26.     provide that administrative and fiscal capacity is demonstrated by assuring that financial, student, personnel, program, governmental, and contractual records are maintained and kept current, accessible, complete, accurate and, when appropriate, secure and that reporting is done ethically and in compliance with the law.

27.   seek guidance in reviewing and drafting contracts and authorization contracts upon collaborative consensus with the Dean of Student Services.

28.   assure ongoing student orientation provided including a) adjusting to the course of study, b) pre-enrollment orientation, c) orientation after enrolling, d) orientation initial period after starting classes, e) ongoing mentoring and orientation activities, f) adjustment to surrounding culture and community, g) understanding immigration regulations and procedures, h) understanding health and safety issues, i) importance of medical insurance, j) health and safety issues in and out of school.

29.  develop long-term program development plans



The Institute’s Dean of Academic Affairs, is supervised by the President.  This job description includes but is not limited to responsibility for: 

  1. developing, evaluating, and implementing the Institute’s curriculum
  2. soliciting and assessing department chair, faculty, and other input into curriculum development and evaluation
  3. designing in-house faculty professional development opportunities
  4. encouraging individual faculty development
  5. conducting informal and formal evaluations of faculty
  6. conducting faculty meetings and in-house professional development workshops
  7. developing the Institute’s instructional resources and their use, including but not limited to multi-media for classroom use and Library resources
  8. design, implement and train faculty on collection of course assessment and program assessment data.
  9. lead faculty in review of program on a bi-annual basis.
  10. staying abreast of issues, trends, and materials related to the Institute’s academic programs and student population’s academic needs
  11. participate in the development and implementation of activities by all members of the Institute staff to assure ongoing student orientation provided including a) adjusting to the course of study, b) pre-enrollment orientation, c) orientation after enrolling, d) orientation initial period after starting classes, e) ongoing mentoring and orientation activities, f) adjustment to surrounding culture and community, g) understanding immigration regulations and procedures, h) understanding health and safety issues, i) importance of medical insurance, j) health and safety issues in and out of school.
  12. performing such other related duties as may from time to time be assigned by the President


The Institute's Dean of Students / TAP Certifying Officer, Paul C. Schiffman, is supervised by the President.  His job description provides that he:

1.       certify New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP payment rosters

2.       supervise the establishment, preservation and utilization of the Resource Centers

3.       assist the in the day-to-day operation of the Institute and perform the functions of others in their absence or disability

4.       identify areas of concern for discussion and resolution by the other Deans and the Board of Directors

5.       interview prospective students

6.       oversee staff in the admissions and recruitment process

7.       assure compliance with New York State Education Department, United States Department of Education and ACICS regulations and criteria

8.       assist in financial aid compliance and record keeping

9.       promote student retention efforts

10.   assist in student placement activities

11.   participate in advanced standing and transfer hour evaluations

12.   participate in professional growth and in-service training activities

13.   perform such other duties and function as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem necessary for the well-being of the Institute and its students

14.   participate in the development and implementation of activities by all members of the Institute staff to assure ongoing student orientation provided including a) adjusting to the course of study, b) pre-enrollment orientation, c) orientation after enrolling, d) orientation initial period after starting classes, e) ongoing mentoring and orientation activities, f) adjustment to surrounding culture and community, g) understanding immigration regulations and procedures, h) understanding health and safety issues, i) importance of medical insurance, j) health and safety issues in and out of school.

15.   perform the duties of SEVIS/ICE Designated School Official (DSO)

16.   Dean of Services will assure that student admission eligibility requirements in the areas of documentation of prior education, information showing means of support for an academic term, I-20 copies, national identity document personal data page, placement test result documentation, etc. are included in each student's file.


Dean of Administrative Services

The Institute's Dean of Administrative Services, Thomas S. Schwenke, is supervised by the President.  His job description provides that he:

1.       perform student SEVIS reporting reviews

2.       notify students of Good Academic Standing  and SEVIS compliance issues

3.       maintain computer network, wireless, and database connectivity and availability

4.       assist in the establishment, preservation and utilization of the Resource Centers

5.       assist the in the day-to-day operation of the Institute and perform the functions of others in their absence or disability

6.       identify areas of concern for discussion and resolution by the other Deans and the Board of Directors

7.       assist in assuring class coverage

8.       assist staff in the admissions and recruitment process

9.       assist in compliance with New York State Education Department, United States Department of Education, SEVIS and ACICS regulations and criteria

10.   assist in financial aid compliance and record keeping

11.   promote student retention efforts

12.   assist in student placement activities

13.   participate in advanced standing, transfer hour evaluations and Good Academic Standing reviews

14.   participate in professional growth and in-service training activities

15.   perform such other duties and function as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem necessary for the well-being of the Institute and its students

  1. participate in the development and implementation of activities by all members of the Institute staff to assure ongoing student orientation provided including a) adjusting to the course of study, b) pre-enrollment orientation, c) orientation after enrolling, d) orientation initial period after starting classes, e) ongoing mentoring and orientation activities, f) adjustment to surrounding culture and community, g) understanding immigration regulations and procedures, h) understanding health and safety issues, i) importance of medical insurance, j) health and safety issues in and out of school.
  2. perform the duties of SEVIS/ICE Designated School Official (DSO)
  3. Dean of Administrative -Services will assist in assuring that student admission eligibility requirements in the areas of documentation of prior education, information showing means of support for an academic term, I-20 copies, national identity document personal data page, placement test result documentation, etc. are included in each student's file.



Under the supervision of the President and Dean of Academic Affairs, Department Chairs responsibilities include but are not limited to: 

  1. assisting the Dean of Academic Affairs in developing, evaluating, and implementing the Institute’s curriculum
  2. meeting periodically with the Dean of Academic Affairs
  3. soliciting faculty input into curriculum matters
  4. staying abreast of issues, trends, and materials in their respective curriculum areas
  5. making recommendations for multi-media and Library instructional resources
  6. performing such other related duties as may from time to time be assigned to assure the well-being of the Institute, its employees and students.

Network and IT Systems Coordinator

The Network and IT Systems Coordinator is supervised by the President, Dante V. Ferraro.  The President may delegate specific daily supervisory functions to the Deans or Faculty Student-Services Associates, the Dean of Students or other administrative personnel or faculty members.  The President retains primary supervisory responsibility for the Network and IT Systems Coordinator.  Job description includes responsibility to:

  1. help to maintain internet connectivity
  2. provide technical support to office and teaching staff personnel
  3. maintain software and virus updates
  4. consult on hardware and software updates, upgrades and replacements
  5. assure equipment functionality
  6. participate in the development and implementation of activities by all members of the Institute staff to assure ongoing student orientation provided including a) adjusting to the course of study, b) pre-enrollment orientation, c) orientation after enrolling, d) orientation initial period after starting classes, e) ongoing mentoring and orientation activities, f) adjustment to surrounding culture and community, g) understanding immigration regulations and procedures, h) understanding health and safety issues, i) importance of medical insurance, j) health and safety issues in and out of school.
  7. provide such other network and IT assistance as from time to time may be deemed appropriate by the President or his designees



Faculty members are supervised by the President through the Dean of Academic Affairs.  Job descriptions for faculty members include responsibility to:

1.       provide input into curriculum development and evaluation

2.       present required coursework to students

3.       assign and correct homework

4.       prepare, administer and correct quizzes and examinations

5.       provide informal counseling and guidance of students

6.       participate in the continual evaluation of Institute policies, procedures and curriculum through faculty meetings, surveys, suggestion box utilization, and informal discussions

7.       maintain daily attendance records

8.       participate in in-service training activities

9.       promote student retention efforts

10.   assist in Institute placement activities

11.   assist in execution of the Institute's new-student orientation activities

12.   perform such other activities as the President and Board of Directors may from time to time deem appropriate to the promotion of the well being of the Institute and its students

Faculty Student-Services Associates

The Institute's Faculty Student-Services Associates are supervised by the President and the Dean of Students.  The job description includes:

1.       develop, implement and evaluate student counseling plan

2.       provide for adequate and timely supply of student and faculty textbooks and supplies

3.       participate in evaluation of new materials

4.       keep current on social services practices and procedures as they relate to student benefits

5.       participate in the development of new courses and curriculum

6.       track student attendance and oversee attendance alert activities

7.       oversee student academic alert procedures

8.       provide for the preparation of delinquent tuition collection letters and the collection of bounced student tuition checks

9.       prepare individual student "Program Planners"

10.   prepare individual student program changes and updates

11.   supply and provide for maintenance of faculty lockers

12.   provide in-service teacher training and orientation for audio/video laboratory

13.   oversee maintenance of instructional equipment

14.   provide for student academic and financial aid record security, maintenance and preservation

15.   review student maintenance of satisfactory progress

16.   perform attendance and grade review prior to disbursement of PELL funds

17.   perform such other duties and function as the Board of Directors may from time to time deem necessary for the well-being of the Institute and its students

18.   All Faculty Student-Services Associates assure that student admission eligibility requirements in the areas of documentation of prior education, information showing means of support for an academic term, I-20 copies, national identity document personal data page, placement test result documentation, etc. are included in each student's file.



Student-Services Associates are supervised by the President, Dante V. Ferraro.  The President may delegate specific daily supervisory functions to the Deans or Faculty Student-Services Associates, the Dean of Students or other administrative personnel or faculty members.  The President retains primary supervisory responsibility for Student –Services Associates.  Job descriptions for Student-Services Associates include responsibility to:

1.       aid in providing information to prospective students

2.       aid with enrollments

3.       assist with the maintaining records of student class, hour and program changes

4.       provide clerical support to the faculty and administration

5.       aid in reviewing admissions and financial aid applications and files for completeness

6.       aid in collecting student retention and placement date

7.       aid in student placement activities

8.       post student tuition payments to individual student payment records

9.       assist in the orientation of new students

10.   establish contact with program students

11.   provide new students with information on Institute policies, requirements and services

12.   identify and contact students with poor attendance patterns

13.   provide career and personal advising and advice on good study habits

14.   follow up on student records

15.   provide students with tuition payment receipts

16.   check teacher attendance sheets for completeness and timely submission

17.   check teacher grade report forms for completeness and timely submission

18.   report deficiencies in grade and attendance reports tot he administration

19.   prepare weekly student attendance and bi-monthly grade rosters

20.   prepare student attendance and arrears letters

21.   follow up receipt of financial aid transcripts

  1. participate in the development and implementation of activities by all members of the Institute staff to assure ongoing student orientation provided including a) adjusting to the course of study, b) pre-enrollment orientation, c) orientation after enrolling, d) orientation initial period after starting classes, e) ongoing mentoring and orientation activities, f) adjustment to surrounding culture and community, g) understanding immigration regulations and procedures, h) understanding health and safety issues, i) importance of medical insurance, j) health and safety issues in and out of school.

23.   perform such other functions as the Board of Directors or the President may from time to time deem necessary to promote the well being of the Institute and its students

  1. All Student-Services Associates assure that student admission eligibility requirements in the areas of documentation of prior education, information showing means of support for an academic term, I-20 copies, national identity document personal data page, placement test result documentation, etc. are included in each student's file.



215 West 43 Street · Times Square · Manhattan, New York 10036 · 212-840-7111 · Fax: 212-719-5922 ·






Job Description Acknowledgment Form





I have received and read a copy of the Institute's Job Descriptions.

I have participated in the Institute's pre-employment orientation and peer-coaching activities.

I understand my responsibilities and know the person who is my immediate supervisor.







Date Employment Began: 9-4-08