spanish-american institute
240 West
35 Street ● NYC, NY 10001
● 212.840.7111 ●
fax: 646.766.0302 ● ●
Faculty Mentoring,
Supervision and Teaching Effectiveness Plan
Fall 2013
Table of
Professional Development Plan:
Before a teaching assignment begins, new teachers meet with the President and review the themes in the Faculty, Administrators and Support Staff Handbook. The following issues are discussed:
School Catalog
With Student Policies & Procedures
Student Orientation Guide
TOEIC Speaking and Writing Examinee Handbook
Teacher Orientation: Standards of Good Practice in ESL Teaching
Bi-Monthly Examination Duplication Request Form
Descriptors for ESL-Plus Course of Study
Faculty Memo and Terms of Employment
Faculty Performance Standards and Expectations Signature Sheet
Classroom Practices
Literacy. WorldView
and NorthStar
ESL-Plus Course of Study Syllabi
A Training Video: Using A
Rubric To Grade MyLab Speaking and Writing
and Writing Assessments
Rubrics: Speaking and Writing
Student Assessments
Teacher Observations Form Template and Memo
Mentoring and Evaluations
Growth/Annual Professional Development Plan
Before a teaching assignment begins, a new teacher observes all class levels, including those of the out-going teacher’s classes they will be assigned to teach. This allows the new faculty member to learn how the ESOL Course of Study is sequenced and to develop relationships with their peers.
After each observation, the President and new teacher meet to debrief and discuss the level and lessons they observed, as well as the classroom management style of teacher just observed.
In order to facilitate a smooth transition, before observing all of the out-going teacher’s classes, a review of the objectives, student learning outcomes, and assessment procedures for each level occurs. After observing the classes of the out-going teacher, the new faculty member also learns specific information regarding the needs of each student, as well as, as the upcoming lessons to be covered.
Teachers are encouraged to take advantage of the Institute’s “Open Door Policy” whereby they can meet with the President and Dean of Academic affairs anytime they have questions and/or concerns.
In addition, within the first three months of a new teaching assignment, the Dean of Academic Affairs meets with the new teacher for a pre-observation, classroom observation and post observation meeting. The Dean will provide the first formal evaluation within one year of their start date.
The Dean of Academic Affairs also meets with new teachers at the quarterly staff meetings and during the “Idea Exchange” luncheon for informal discussion about their teaching experiences.
Senior teachers, trained by the President and/or Dean of Academic Affairs to use the Teacher Evaluation form, conduct annual classroom observations, which includes the classrooms of new teachers after the first year of their teaching assignment.
The President and Dean of Academic Affairs are available to discuss any aspect of the observation process if questions or concerns arise.
Within two months of an Annual Peer Observation, the Dean of Academic Affairs meets with each teacher to review their Peer Observation, along with student surveys in order to develop a yearly professional development plan together.