ACICS Self-Study
August 2011
Table of Contents
1.1. How was the mission developed?
1.7 How does
the institution plan to improve its effectiveness?
1.8 How is
the plan evaluated? What is the schedule
for evaluation?
2.3 How does
the administration monitor and evaluate activities of faculty and staff?
2.6 Describe
any plans for the improvement of the institution's organization.
Student activity programs
3.4.1. Financial aid activities
3.4.10 Annual Institutional Reports
4.4 Describe
the institution's student recruitment program.
4.11 What are
the institution's refund policies and procedures?
4.16 Describe
the institution's retention program.
5.4 How are provisions made for
individual differences among students?
5.9 How was the length of each
program determined?
5.29 Describe the frequency,
content, and documentation of faculty meetings.
6.3 Describe any plans to improve
the physical plant and equipment.
7.3 Describe
the institution's advertising and promotional literature.
8.6 Describe
any plans for improving instructional resources.
The Spanish-American Institute was founded in 1955. The school’s mission responds to the needs of
its changing student population. The
Institute originally provided communicative adult basic English language
training to newly arrived immigrants primarily from the Spanish-speaking
1.2. State the
institution's mission and cite where it is found in the catalog.
As found on page 7 of the Catalog, the Institute mission statement reads as follows:
Spanish-American Institute's mission is to provide effective skills training to
individuals seeking entry-level office employment.
– The population served by the Institute is largely foreign-born and faces a
double challenge to acquire:
entry level office skills in keyboarding, accounting, computer operations
· improved English language ability.
Institute believes that students who can anticipate progress on both fronts
from the start of classes are more likely to begin and to successfully complete
training. Courses and programs at the
Spanish-American Institute permit an individual to pursue these two goals
– The Institute implements this philosophy through:
the establishment and maintenance of an effective faculty
the development of business, computer, and language courses and programs
the integration of a varied English as a Second Language course sequence.
1.3. Explain how the faculty, financial resources, physical plant, administration, management, and educational activities contribute to the implementation of the institution's mission.
Faculty: The Institute’s multilingual, English proficient faculty is sensitive to the particular needs of students in a new country, a new culture, and new language environment. Faculty members meets ACICS requirements and have New York State Education Department licenses to teach in their respective discipline(s) at a registered business school. Faculty with degrees from other countries have had their credentials formally evaluated by a NCAES member organization in accordance with ACICS guidelines.
Financial Resources: The Institute provides the resources needed to accomplish its mission, including but not limited to—
The Institute's financial statements indicate that it has adequate financial resources to securely deliver its educational programs and services.
Physical Plant: The physical plant provides attractive space for 13 classrooms, a library, a computer room, an accounting instructional area, a keyboarding instructional area, a bookstore/commissary, two student study and meeting rooms, and administrative and faculty offices.
Administration and Management: The Institute has four administrative officers—a President, a Dean of Students, a Dean of Administrative Services, and a Dean of Academic Affairs.
Educational Activities: To serve its adult commuter students, the Institute offers a broad array of ESL and non-ESL courses scheduled so that they can arrange full-time academic study during the day or evening with maximum flexibility.
1.4. What are the provisions for ensuring that the
mission is subjected periodically to critical review by the administration and
faculty to determine if the institution is fulfilling its educational mission
and meeting the needs of the community?
The mission statement and goals and objectives are reviewed periodically through the Institutional Effectiveness Plan (IEP) process.
1.5. How
was the institutional effectiveness plan developed? Who is responsible for its
The Institute implemented the first IEP in 1992 and updated it every two years until 2001. Since 2001, the Institute has updated the IEP at least twice a year. The IEP Study Group consists of faculty and administrators. The entire faculty, staff, and advisory board also review the Plan periodically.
The President is responsible for IEP implementation through supervision of and delegation to the Deans.
1.6. What
data are utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan? Explain how the data are used to a) measure
the knowledge and skills gained by students and b) measure satisfaction of
employers and graduates.
Knowledge and Skills Measurement: All Institute courses are performance-based. The Institute uses bi-monthly exams to measure the knowledge and skills gained by students. Some computer applications courses include a final project. To assure high testing standards and correlation to course content, faculty are strongly encouraged to use publishers’ professionally developed testing material, in addition to self-generated exams. The Institute also currently uses the Secondary Language Proficiency Test (SLEP), a nationally normed instrument produced by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), to assess ESL student placement and achievement. Under the new academic Division and Chair structure described below in Section 2: 2.6, the Institute has begun to review all testing to ascertain what changes, if any, might be needed to assure that tests measure and validate the stated academic outcomes for course objectives.
Graduate and Employer Satisfaction Measurement: To measure graduate satisfaction, the Institute surveys career program graduates before they leave the school or as soon as possible after leaving. The school uses a follow-up system that includes staff exit interviews, mailings, telephone calls, and express mail (if the previous contact strategies produced no results).
To measure employer satisfaction, the Institute periodically surveys all employers of record over a finite period to obtain short- and long-term employer satisfaction data and graduate employment trends. The President and Deans review graduate and employer satisfaction data. The data are also presented to the IEP Study Group and through them to the faculty as a whole via IEP drafts for review and feedback
To implement the goals
listed in 1.2., above, the Institutional Effectiveness Plan contains 5
objectives with specific activities; data, assessment tools, and/or other
criteria; timelines and responsibilities; and outcome measures. The 5 objectives are:
1. To provide student-centered curriculum and instruction accommodating the needs of students for whom the first language is not English by:
· developing English and career courses and programs according to best practices within an ESL environment;
· implementing career and English language course and program designs most appropriate to students whose first language is not English;
· providing faculty development consistent with new curriculum and materials according to best practices; and
· assessing student academic progress in English as well as content learning.
2. To support effective teaching and learning through appropriate facilities, equipment, and faculty services by:
a. providing the same quality of service to faculty and students in day and evening classes;
b. providing the equipment and courseware required to support instruction; and
c. developing and maintaining facilities and services appropriate to urban commuter students from diverse backgrounds.
3. To support and advance student retention by:
· monitoring indicators of academic performance related to retention and
· providing student activities geared to urban commuter students from diverse backgrounds whose first language is not English.
4. To support and advance student placement and graduate satisfaction by:
a. surveying current and former students and
b. providing on-demand student placement services, to the extent possible.
5. To provide activities that support and advance employer satisfaction by:
soliciting the input of the school’s Advisory
Board and
conducting outreach to and obtaining feedback
from actual and local potential employers.
The IEP Study Group
reviews the plan at least once a year.
Periodically, the full-text of revisions is presented to all members of the Institute
community for comments and suggestions.
1.9 What are the retention and placement goals for
the institution? What factors were taken
into consideration when developing these goals?
Retention Goals: The Institute is an open-admissions school with rolling admissions and programs of different duration. Spanish-American programs range from 480 to 1600 hours in length. As illustration, a full-time student might be enrolled for 5 hours a day over 16 months while a part-time student might be enrolled for 4 hours a day for 20 months or for 3 hours a day for 27 months.
Based on trend line data, the Institute set a reasonable retention baseline of 75% for 1999-2002, with a goal of increasing retention by 1 percent a year until the school had achieved an 80% aggregate retention rate by 2002-2003. The Institute exceeded its retention goals for the last three reporting periods from 84.9% in 2007-2008 to 95.6% in 2009-2010.
Table 1 Aggregate Retention Goals and Outcomes
Year |
Goal |
Actual |
1999-2000 |
75% |
78.6% |
2000-2001 |
78% |
83.2% |
2001-2002 |
79% |
83.5% |
2002-2003 |
80% |
87.5% |
2003-2004 |
80% |
81.1% |
2004-2005 |
80% |
82.0% |
2005-2006 |
80% |
79.7% |
2006-2007 |
80% |
81.6% |
2007-2008 |
80% |
84.9% |
2008-2009 |
80% |
89.0% |
2009-2010 |
80% |
95.6% |
Placement Goals: The
Institute set a placement goal of 80%.
Table 2 Aggregate Placement Goals and Outcomes by Percent
AIR Year |
Goal |
Actual |
2003-2004 |
80% |
81.1% |
2004-2005 |
80% |
100% |
2005-2006 |
80% |
79.7% |
2006-2007 |
80% |
0% * |
2007-2008 |
80% |
0%* |
2008-2009 |
80% |
100% |
2009-2010 |
80% |
0%* |
*There were no graduates available for placement in AYs 2008 and 2010.
1.10 What are the annual average retention and
placement rates for the institution for the past three years? (Provide the numbers used to calculate the
rates, and explain as necessary.)
The Institute is an open-admissions school with rolling admissions and programs of different duration. Spanish-American programs range from 480 to 1600 hours in length. As illustration, a full-time student might be enrolled for 5 hours a day over 16 months while a part-time student might be enrolled for 4 hours a day for 20 months or for 3 hours a day for 27 months.
The Institute has set reasonable retention and placement goals. At the same time, it recognizes that retention and placement results in any one-year may vary due to factors beyond the Institute's control such as international student visa processing and changing international student visa regulations.
The Spanish-American Institute periodically evaluates placement patterns to determine if we need other placement strategies for all programs or for individual programs. While the school seeks to improve the placement rate for these programs, review of our program placement rates suggests that differences from year to year may not be statistically significant, when calculated on a relatively small validation base.
More complete data about aggregate and program retention rates are provided
in the Table below. These data suggest that ongoing student retention programs are suited to the school's mission and population and have contributed to retention, even during a difficult periods like that following 9/11.
Aggregate retention is reported in the section above. The Institute exceeded its 80% retention goals for the last three reporting periods from 84.9% in 2007-2008 to 95.6% in 2009-2010.
Retention Rate Comparisons: Annual
retention rates exceeded those of comparable institutions according to the annual
ACICS Summary of Key Operating
Placement Rate Comparisons: The Spanish-American Institute's aggregate
annual placement does not compare as favorably in years when no graduates were available for placement.
1.12. Have the
activities undertaken to meet the retention and placement goals enabled the
institution to maintain or improve retention and placement outcomes over
successive years. Describe.
Activities to meet institutional retention and placement goals have enabled the Spanish-American Institute to maintain or improve retention outcomes in particular over successive years. We attribute our relative success to the Institute’s small class size, to attention to individual student learning needs, and to increased student enrichment opportunities described further below in Section 4, Relations with Students.
1.13 Describe the administration's plans for any
changes in the institution's mission.
The Spanish-American Institute’s does not plan any change in our core mission in the near future.
2.1 Describe the governance, control, and corporate
organization of the institution and cite where it is stated in the catalog.
The Institute
Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit
2.2 How does the administration ensure that faculty
and staff clearly understand their duties and responsibilities, the person to
whom they report, and the standards by which the success of their work is
measured? How is this documented?
The organizational chart indicates administrative positions and lines of authority.
To ensure a clear understanding of performance duties, responsibilities, and standards by which work will be measured, the administration provides each faculty and staff member with, the following, as applicable (e.g., faculty receive faculty related documents):
an Orientation Program
a Faculty Handbook
a Faculty Performance Standards and Expectations Statement
systematic support and supervision during the initial period of
employment and informal oversight on a regular basis,
periodic evaluation, and
ready access to senior administrators under the school's Open Door Policy
Faculty: The Dean of Academic Affairs also observes new
faculty within the first few weeks of teaching and may informally observes
other faculty from time to time.
The Dean of Academic Affairs evaluates faculty on a regular basis. The process includes a formal professional development conference:
· to assess progress made in implementing the previous professional development plan (with documentation) and
· to formulate a professional development plan for the coming year.
Staff: Spanish-American Institute staff work in close proximity to senior administrative staff in contiguous offices. Senior administrators, therefore, monitor them daily. In addition, the President formally evaluates them.
Most administrative staff also hold teaching licenses. The Dean of Academic Affairs evaluates those staff who may also have teaching assignments, the same as other faculty.
2.4 Describe
how the administration provides for the professional integrity of the staff and
the academic freedom of the faculty. How
is the institution’s policy for ensuring academic freedom communicated to
Upon employment, each
faculty member receives a copy of the Faculty Handbook, which contains
the Academic Freedom statement. Print copies of the Handbook are
distributed periodically. The updated Faculty Handbook is also available
on-line at the school website.
The administration
requires faculty and staff to take every inquiry seriously, to treat students
with dignity, and to keep protected information such as individual student
grades confidential. The administration informs
faculty and staff of
The administration
encourages faculty to voice their professional concerns or suggest new
directions in several ways, including:
to the President and/or Deans through their
Open Door policy;
to their colleagues and the administration at
periodic faculty/staff meetings;
through curriculum development and other
aspects of academic activity; and
through formal participation in activities
such as serving as department chairs, on IEP and Self-Study committees, and/or
on other committees.
2.5 Describe the institution's grievance policies
and procedures for students, employees, and other interested parties. How are students, faculty and administrative
staff made aware of these policies?
The Catalog
(p.15) describes the Institute's complaint procedure. The school encourages students and/or
employees to resolve complaints informally, where possible. We encourage students to resolve classroom
matters first with the faculty member and to resolve administrative matters
first with a Student Advisor. If not
resolved informally, the Catalog spells out procedures for addressing
formal complaints to the administration, to the New York State Education
Department, and/or to ACICS.
The Spanish-American
Institute has had a Dean of Academic Affairs since Fall, 2000. The Dean reports directly to the
President. The Dean of Academic Affairs
will continue to assume responsibilities typical of the position, including but
not limited to faculty evaluation; faculty development; curriculum review,
assessment and development; and instructional improvement.
In mid-2011, the Institute began implementation of an academic
reorganization to better enable the academic planning and execution reflected
above. Previously, the Institute had an
academic department organization for English, Business, and Computers. The new
academic organization reflects the Institute’s emphasis upon English language
learning while also providing for career program oversight.
The Institute’s academic reorganization resulted in creation of two academic Divisions, a Career Program Division and an Intensive English Language Division. Each has three department chairs—one each for Business, for Computers, and for English. Each chair works collaboratively with their counterparts in other Divisions under the Dean of Academic Affairs. However, their primary responsibilities differ. Career Program Department Chairs will be primarily responsible for assuring the occupational outcomes objectives of their respective programs for students enrolled in career programs. Intensive English Language Department Chairs will be primarily responsible for assuring the English language outcomes objectives of ESL and non-ESL courses through curriculum development, instructional practices, and academic outcomes assessment.
3.1 Who is the institution's chief executive
office and/or on-site administrator and what are that person's qualifications
for this position?
President Dante V.
Ferraro is the Spanish-American Institute’s chief executive officer and primary
on-site administrator. Mr. Ferraro has a
Bachelor's degree from
3.2. How does the administration provide for
continuous evaluation of the following functions?
Programs are evaluated
continuously through the following:
mandatory State Department of Education course
review and approval once every four years,
student feedback through periodic surveys,
faculty feedback through informal and formal
review of national and professional standards
in the field, and
employer feedback.
State Review and Evaluation: The New York State Department
of Education evaluates and approves all curricula before they can be
offered. The State also requires
submission of all course and program outlines for its review and re-approval
every four years.
Student Feedback: The Institute conducts surveys in-class
periodically such as the Student Evaluation of Faculty and Courses and the Current Student Survey. Both surveys provide students with the
opportunity to formally comment in writing about course and program strengths
and weaknesses. For example, student
feedback contributed to the decision to change ESL textbooks to a
state-of-the-art series.
Faculty Feedback: Faculty feedback occurs informally in
conversations with the President or Dean of Academic Affairs and formally at
faculty and/or department meetings. For
example, faculty recommendations for different ESL teaching materials has led
to entirely new textbook materials supported by a wealth of instructional
resources correlated to the textbooks, including listening tapes and CDs, DVD
videos, teachers’ manuals, and publisher tests.
National and Professional Standards: The Dean of Academic Affairs
periodically reviews national and professional organization standards with
program Chairs and faculty.
Employer Feedback: The Institute has routinely surveyed
employers of graduates. The Employer
Survey Form asks employers to recommend areas in which the school could improve
graduates' performance. Overall,
employers continue to be highly satisfied with the performance of Institute
graduates with some recommendation for improved communication skills. The Institute continues to work on maximizing
student and graduates’ English language communication skills through adoption
of new textbook materials in ESL, Accounting, and Computer courses that require
higher order language skills.
Since 2004, the Spanish-American Institute has greatly
expanded student activities tailored to the needs and preferences of our unique
second-language student population. Most
of the Institute’s enrollments are international students, new to
Dedicated Space: We have designed the Student Room and the
Activities and Amenities: The Institute has expanded student activities and amenities to meet our students’ unique socio-demographic-cultural needs in the following ways:
1. descriptions of American culture, especially holidays and other celebrations;
of free or inexpensive ways to see and enjoy
3. listings of free or inexpensive access to health and wellness services.
The Dean of Students and Faculty Student-Service Associates provide assistance regarding course placement and scheduling, academic progress, and job placement. The Institute's Counseling Plan describes the following specific guidance services:
identification of "at risk" students through Academic Progress
and Attendance tracking and through administrative review of all bi-monthly and
final grades.
one-on-one Orientation and Progress conferences.
academic warning notification and referral for in-school support to help
with academic problems.
job placement counseling and assistance.
The nature and frequency of student requests for particular
kinds of information helps us gauge the need for new or different guidance
services. For example, in the last few
years, faculty and staff have received more frequent requests for information
about American colleges. To accommodate
the growing number of students who indicate that they plan to go to an American
college at some point after leaving the Spanish-American Institute, the school
instituted a College Success Seminar course in Summer, 2003. The College Success Seminar provides
practical information about the American higher education system, about higher
education programs of study, about American college classroom culture, and
about applying to colleges in the
The Institute is eligible to participate in the Pell Grant and New York Tuition Assistance Programs (TAP). Financial aid services are reviewed for updates as needed based on:
information provided by financial aid professional organizations;
reading of Federal, State, professional, and other timely financial aid
literature; and
subscription to a financial aid-processing package that includes
EdConnect and EDExpress e-mail updates.
Instructional procedures
The administration continuously evaluates instructional procedures through informal and formal classroom observations and through student feedback obtained from the Current Student Survey and Student Classroom Evaluation. Faculty receive periodic formal and informal feedback. For example, the Dean of Academic Affairs observes each new faculty member informally in the first few weeks of initial appointment and talks with the faculty member informally about areas for improvement. At the annual evaluation conference with each faculty member, the Dean of Academic Affairs discusses the observation report and the faculty member's efforts to improve instruction based on the recommendations for improvement.
In the aggregate, classroom observations provide the Institute with insight into areas of instruction that could benefit from increased attention. For example, with the adoption of new textbook materials, some ESL teachers have clearly needed more guidance in using more active pedagogical strategies to facilitate student learning. English and career program faculty have all needed more guidance in teaching reading skills or integrating writing. The Institute dedicates most in-service workshops to these and related topics.
Instructional resource services
The Institute provides ready access to instructional resources services for faculty and staff through:
computer and printer access,
multi-media hardware and software,
a professional library exclusively for faculty use, and
a general library.
Computer and Printer Access: Faculty members are encouraged to establish free e-mail accounts, to use the Institute's Internet connection, and to use any Microsoft Office program for curricular and instructional enhancement. Faculty can access e-mail accounts and the Internet or use any Microsoft Office Suite program at school networked computer terminals. Faculty may also obtain laser printer accounts for use in school-related activities such as preparing examinations and supplementary classroom materials. In addition, the Institute provides faculty with Xerox services for exam and other critical learning material duplication.
Multi-Media Courseware: The Institute has developed an extensive selection of audio-visual material that faculty may borrow for instructional purposes. Faculty have access to DVD/VHS playback units and CD/tape playback and recorder units for classroom use. Three classrooms have wall-mounted CD players. Faculty may check out classroom related multi-media materials on demand through the Bookstore. The material is catalogued and described in detail in the school's annotated Instructional Resource Manual. The Manual is updated periodically and distributed to all faculty and staff. The Dean of Academic Affairs circulates periodic memos that describe new additions to the audiovisual collection and other instructional resources.
Professional Library: Faculty have access to a small professional library of books and periodicals on teaching, learning, curriculum development, curriculum evaluation, and ESL instruction. The professional library is set aside in an area of the Spanish-American Institute Library. The material is catalogued and circulated through the Institute's automated Library catalog system.
General Library: The Spanish-American Institute Library
contains a catalogued collection of print and audio-visual material that includes
reference titles, general knowledge titles, and specialized knowledge
titles. The Library’s specialized
knowledge collection reflects Institute programs. The latter contains titles primarily related
to accounting, management, business, computer applications, and English
language development. In addition, the
Library contains materials related to the
Faculty may use Library materials in the Library itself, borrow the material for their own use or for lesson planning purposes, or borrow the material for classroom instruction.
Electronic Databases: Faculty also have access to a series of EBSCOhost databases such as MasterFile Select available on any school networked computer. Most electronic databases contain full-text articles or material that can be downloaded, printed, saved to a disk, e-mailed, etc.
3.3. What evidence is on file to verify degrees of professional staff whose degrees are listed in the catalog?
The Institute maintains current files with official transcripts obtained directly from granting institutions for faculty and staff. Faculty with degrees from other countries have had their credentials formally evaluated by a NCAES member organization in accordance with ACICS guidelines.
3.4. What records
are kept relative to the following areas?
The Institute keeps the following financial aid records for all students:
total tuition due,
amount and date paid,
balance due,
source of aid (if applicable), and
calculation of refund due (if applicable).
The school keeps additional information for students receiving New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) aid:
proof of age, education, and residence eligibility;
State financial, accounting, and certification documents;
waiver evaluation sheets (if applicable); and
academic progress and academic standing records and criteria.
In addition, we maintain a financial aid folder for each Federal Pell grant recipient with items required by regulation. The folder contains:
the Previous Post-Secondary Education and Financial Aid Transcript
Request Form;
the Pell Student Aid Report;
copies of financial aid transcripts;
the Student Financial Aid Conference and Status Notes Form;
the Certification of Student Non-Default/No Refund Due Form;
Signed statements of updated information, educational purpose, and
registration status;
Drug Prevention and Information Program material;
Pell verification worksheets and supporting documentation, when required;
verification of citizenship, residency, or refugee status;
correspondence related to the above; and
verification of Selective Service Status.
The Admissions area maintains the following records for each student:
a career program Student Data Sheet;
an Enrollment Agreement that includes--
title of course and course
statement of tuition and
copy of the appropriate
refund plan;
placement guarantee
signed verification that
the student has received a copy of the school Catalog;
signed verification that
the student has received a copy of the State disclosure brochure;
signed verification of the
agent who enrolled the student;
signed acceptance by the
documentation of high
school completion or equivalent (if applicable);
documentation of request
for official transcript; and
an ESL placement test
result (if applicable).
In accordance with New York State Education Department regulations, the school maintains current copies of approved curricula on file. The State requires that curriculum documents specify the:
official title and length of the course or program;
course or program admission and graduation requirements;
method and language of instruction;
course or program occupational objectives;
course or program prerequisites;
hour breakdown by course or unit of study;
content outlines by individual course unit;
textbooks and instructional aids; and
equipment that supports the course, unit, or program.
Copies of current syllabi are:
periodically distributed to faculty in print form;
available in hard copy in the Spanish-American Institute Library and
other locations throughout the school;
available on-line at the school website at; and
· archived in the Dean of Academic Affairs office.
The Institute maintains copies of grade reports, student conference notes, correspondence and notices, etc. in individual student files.
3.4.5 Library or instructional resources
The Spanish-American Institute Library Catalog is automated. The collection of books, periodicals, reference materials, and audiovisual instructional resources may be searched on-line from any school-networked computer. In addition, the Institute periodically prints an updated Instructional Resource Manual distributed to faculty and staff. The comprehensive Manual provides faculty with an overview of the school’s instructional resources and allows faculty to quickly and conveniently locate information about access to the Library’s collection, automated databases, audio-visual teaching materials, teachers’ manuals, audio-visual material, and other instructional resources.
Instructional supplies and equipment
The Institute maintains equipment inventories, instructional software inventories, and records of service, contracts, purchases, warranties, supply orders, software site licenses, etc.
3.4.7 School plant
The school keeps on file documents related to the physical plant such as the Certificate of Occupancy, fire and health certificates, State Quarters Approval, leases, cleaning services, and fire extinguisher maintenance service.
Personnel files include but may not be limited to the following:
the initial application for employment;
official transcripts of all degrees and credential evaluations of foreign
transcripts, if needed;
State License Applications and Licenses (for each faculty member, the
President, and Agents); and
ACICS Data Sheets.
The Dean of Academic Affairs maintains current files of individual faculty professional development plans and faculty evaluations.
Students (how are the student files organized?) and student activities.
Student Files: Student files are arranged alphabetically by student status: new enrollments, active students, or inactive students. Student records include--
personal information,
Enrollment Agreements,
documentation of qualifications for admission,
copies of academic reports,
financial data,
placement information,
change of status information,
attendance reports,
guidance and counseling records,
grade transcripts, and
enrollment status (active, leave of absence, discontinued, completed,
and/or graduated).
Student Activities: The Institute records student activities in a variety of ways:
The President's Office keeps on file copies of Annual Institutional Reports.
3.5 If applicable, what specific testing records and academic and career advising records are maintained by the institution for students admitted under an ability-to-benefit determination? . . . . .
The Spanish-American Institute does not currently admit students to programs based on Ability-to-Benefit criteria.
3.6 What procedures are used to obtain official high school and/or college transcripts or equivalency certificates with scores?
For students applying to programs, the Admissions Office obtains a copy of the high school or GED diploma as part of the application process. The student completes and signs a request for Official Transcripts (retained in the student's file), which the Institute mails to the issuing school.
3.7 What grading system does the institution employ to indicate student progress? What is the system of credit used? Is a transcript maintained for each student? How is the grading system explained on the student's transcript?
The school Catalog and bimonthly progress reports contain the following explanation of the school's grading system. The grading system is printed on each student transcript.
Letter Grade |
Points |
Grade |
Range |
Meaning |
A |
4.0 |
90 |
100% |
Honors |
B+ |
3.5 |
85 |
89% |
Excellent |
B |
3.0 |
80 |
84% |
Average |
C+ |
2.5 |
75 |
79% |
Average |
C |
2.0 |
70 |
74% |
Satisfactory |
D |
1.5 |
65 |
69% |
Passing |
F |
0. |
60 |
64% |
Failing |
W |
- |
- |
Withdrawal |
I |
0. |
- |
Incomplete |
N |
- |
- |
student |
Ab |
0. |
- |
Absence |
The New York State Education Department does not permit registered business schools to use the term "credit" to describe course measurement. As a non-degree granting institution, the Spanish-American Institute measures courses and programs in instructional hours. Students receive academic "credit" on the basis of class hours successfully completed. The Institute maintains individual electronic student transcripts showing course and program titles, grades, instructional hours and diploma or certificate awarded.
3.8 How are records and reports (e.g., student, staff, financial) housed so that they are safe from theft, fire, or other possible loss? If the institution utilizes computerized record keeping, what are the back-up procedures?
The Spanish-American Institute is housed in a building with a centralized fire alarm system and command post voice capability, a 24-hour security force, and a video security system. In addition, cleaning service employees are bonded.
The school stores current student academic, financial, and payment records in fireproof files. We store recent student files in a cinderblock room with a locked metal door and we store older records on microfilm in a bank vault.
The administration back ups computer files continuously, keeping backup file copies off premises.
The school accountant also retains duplicates of financial reports, tax records, and other corporate financial records.
3.9 How long are student records maintained by the institution?
The Institute keeps student academic records for 30 years and keeps detailed financial and attendance paper records for seven years. We retain media backups indefinitely.
3.10 Identify who is responsible for oversight of all academic programs and faculty performance. Describe their qualifications for the position. If their academic and experiential qualifications are not related to the programs of study offered by the institution, explain how they are able to oversee all programs of study.
The Spanish-American Institute has a Dean of Academic Affairs and two academic Divisions, each with three (3) Department Chairs. Dr. Carolyn Prager, the Dean of Academic Affairs, has been responsible for general oversight of all academic programs and faculty performance at the Institute since 2000. She has a Ph.D. in English and over 50 years experience in education. She has many years experience as a college faculty member, as a state higher education officer with postsecondary curriculum oversight, and for over 20 years, as a chief academic officer at two- and four-year colleges with programs similar to those at the Spanish-American Institute such as business, accounting, computer technology, and English, including ESL.
Chairs report to Dr. Prager.
Career Program
Division Chairs:
Freddie Ann Bush, the Career Division Business Chair, has a Masters in Business Education from Hunter College, City University of New York. She has taught at the Institute since 2002 as a returning teacher with several years teaching here before that. She holds NYS Registered Business School teaching licenses in ESL as well as computer and business areas.
Enrique Nibeyro, the Career Division Computer Chair, has a master’s degree and work experience in computer systems. He has taught at the Institute since 2003.
Libertad Grajo, the Career Division English Chair, has a Bachelor’s in Education degree from Manuel Quezon University and 33 graduate credits from St. Michael’s College of Laguana, in the Philippines. She has taught at the Spanish-American Institute since 2000. She holds a NYS Registered Business School teaching license in ESL.
Intensive English
Language Division:
Nori Panganiban, the Intensive English Language English Chair, has a Ed.D. in Educational Management, an MA in Educational Administration and Supervision, and a BS in Education from Philippine universities. She holds a NYS Registered Business School teaching ESL license. She has taught at the Institute since 1994.
Freddie Ann Bush, the Intensive English Language Division Business Chair, has a Masters in Business Education from Hunter College, City University of New York. She has taught at the Institute since 2002 as a returning teacher with several years here before that. She holds NYS Registered Business School licenses in ESL as well as computer and business areas.
Bouchra Zouhairi, the Intensive English Language Division Computer Chair, has a Masters in Information Systems from Touro College in New York City, a bachelor’s in Biology, and an AAS degree from the TCI College of Technology in New York City. She holds several professional certifications, including Microsoft MCP and MCDST and that of a Certified Associate in Project Management from the Project Management Institute. She holds a NYS Registered Business School Teaching License in computer applications and is currently renewing her ESL teaching license. She has taught at the Institute and served as a Faculty Student Services Associate since 2005.
3.11 If any faculty members teach a course outside of their academic major or minor, list their names and describe for each, how the administration determined their qualifications to teach their assigned subject(s). How are the qualifications documented?
The Institute determined
that each of the following faculty members was qualified to teach based on his
or her completion of requirements for
Faculty Members
Teaching Outside Degree Area(s) With NYS Education Department License(s) in
Area(s) of Teaching (as of 08/2011) |
Arbai, Jenny |
Armyakova, Natalya |
Armyakova, Zoya |
Bush, Freddie Ann |
Chalek, Myriam |
Diaz, Gladys |
Dolina (Ruck), Loreen |
Eco, Lina |
Grajo, Libertad |
Guevara, Edwin |
Matichyk, Zoryana |
Marcus, Melvin |
Mere-Mere, Semen |
Ortiz, Vicenta |
Pliner, Anna |
Ramos, Emilio |
Rodriguez, Karina |
Tuldanes, Alumna |
3.12 Describe any
plans for the improvement in the institution's administration.
The Spanish-American Institute encourages staff to obtain
4.1 What is the institution's admissions
policy? Does the policy differ based on
the credential awarded or program of study?
Explain how the admissions policy adheres to the institution's mission. [AND]
4.2 If applicable, what is the admissions policy
regarding enrollment of ability‑to‑benefit students?
Applicants for
admission to programs must have a high school diploma or equivalent and be
beyond the age of compulsory schooling.
Non-high school graduates are admitted to individual courses and certain
course combinations.
The Spanish-American
Institute does not currently admit applicants to programs without the GED or
high school diploma. The Institute does
not currently enroll ABT students.
Should we resume ABT admissions at some future time, we would admit ATB
applicants after demonstrating ability to benefit from the program of study
evaluation of their admission application;
personal interview with a member of the
administrative advisement staff; and
a satisfactory score on an independently
administered, standardized aptitude test, in accordance with prevailing Federal
and State regulations.
4.3 What
records are maintained by the institution which reflect the basis for the
admission of each student?
The Institute maintains
the following admissions documentation as part of the student file:
the Admissions Application (for programs);
the signature of interviewing staff member;
documentation of prior education;
ability-to-benefit test (if applicable);
record of academic career advising
((ability-to-benefit students only, if applicable); and
advanced standing or credit transfer
documentation (if applicable).
The Spanish-American
Institute’s policy is to locate and inform students who can benefit from our
Most students first hear about the Institute by word of mouth from other
students and from graduates. According
to responses on the 2001, 2002, and 2006 Current Student Surveys,
students overwhelmingly learn about the Institute in this way. The school advertises in newspapers,
magazines, and Google AdWords.
Skype calls may now be routed to internal phones and addition of on-line
requests for admissions information enable timely response to admissions
inquiries from students abroad.
The Institute does not
utilize formal recruiters. Admissions
staff conduct in-house interviews with interested prospective students to
determine their needs and to factually describe to them the courses and
programs deemed most appropriate.
4.5 How
are admissions representatives trained, compensated, and monitored?
All Institute
admissions representatives are licensed as private school agents by the New
York State Education Department. The
President interviews new admissions personnel to orient them to school
policies, admissions objectives, standards, procedures, etc. He walks them through an orientation packet
that includes copies of the Catalog, enrollment forms, pertinent State
and Federal regulations, accreditation criteria, and other relevant
As part of their
orientation, new representatives observe the daily routine of the Admissions
department, including sitting in on applicant interviews. This provides them with a first-hand
opportunity to observe procedures and to ask questions. During the final phase of their orientation,
they reverse roles with an experienced Admissions staff member. The new representative conducts the
admissions procedure under the direct supervision of a senior staff member, the
Dean of Students. After the orientation
period, the Dean of Students continually monitors them. The President and/or Dean is/are available at
any time to assist them in any unusual circumstance.
The Institute
compensates admissions representatives by the hour. They receive no commissions or bonuses of any
kind. They, therefore, have no incentive
to pressure any applicant into enrolling.
4.6 Describe
the institution’s policies and procedures regarding incoming transfer of
credit. Where are these policies and
procedures published?
Students requesting
transfer of hours must present transcripts of previous study for
evaluation. After transcript evaluation,
the Institute may grant a transfer for hours completed in an approved course or
program from another licensed or registered school or from a registered program
at a degree-granting institution or other recognized postsecondary institution,
at the discretion of the school's President or designee. A student who successfully transfers hours
from another institution has only to successfully complete the number of
approved instructional hours for the program, minus the number of transfer
hours the Institute has granted for previous study. The Institute adjusts tuition accordingly.
4.7 Who administers the standards of satisfactory
academic progress for the institution?
Faculty Student Service
Associates administer the standards of satisfactory academic progress.
4.8 How does the institution determine if a student
is making satisfactory progress according to the institution's policy? Who reviews the student's records and advises
the student? Who monitors probation? How is attendance verified? How is the cumulative GPA and percentage of
successful course completion verified?
Satisfactory Progress: To maintain good academic standing, a student
must achieve a grade of at least 65% in examinations and attain a cumulative
average of not less than 70% (GPA 2.0).
Satisfactory Progress Review and: There are six grade-reporting periods in each
calendar year. The Institute assesses
satisfactory progress at six checkpoints:
We calculate maximum
program length according to the following table--
Table 3 Maximum Program Length Table
Normal Program Length |
Maximum Program
Length |
25% of Maximum
Program Length |
50% of Maximum
Program Length |
75% of Maximum
Program Length |
hours |
1080 hours |
270 hours |
540 hours |
810 hours |
hours |
1440 hours |
360 hours |
720 hours |
1080 hours |
1600 hours |
2400 hours |
600 hours |
hours |
1800 hours |
The school places
students on probation at the regular halfway point if they have not maintained
satisfactory academic progress until the halfway point of the maximum
timeframe. Students on academic
probation are assumed to be making satisfactory progress during the
probationary period.
Satisfactory Progress Standards: Students receiving New York Tuition
Assistance Program (TAP) financial aid must maintain a cumulative minimum
average of 70% (GPA 2.0) or lose TAP aid until they achieve that average. Otherwise, we calculate satisfactory academic
progress based on the following evaluation points and standards—
Table 4 Satisfactory Progress Table
Required Evaluation
Point |
Minimum GPA |
Minimum % Successful
Completion of Courses Attempted |
Action If Not Meeting
Standard |
25% of maximum
program length |
1.25 |
55% |
Considered for
probation |
50% of maximum
program length |
1.50 |
60% |
Dismissal |
75% of maximum
program length |
1.75 |
65% |
Dismissal |
100% of maximum
program length |
2.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
End of first academic
year |
1.25 |
55% |
Considered for
probation |
End of second
academic year |
2.00 |
60% |
Considered for
probation |
Probation Appeal:
Within three weeks of placement on probation, students may provide
information to an administrative appeals committee about mitigating or special
circumstances related to their academic progress. The appeals committee includes the
Institute's President and the Dean of Students.
The committee makes its determination within ten days of receipt of the
student's written appeal.
Extended Status:
If not making satisfactory progress at the evaluation point, the
President or designee may extend the student's enrollment status, provided that
the student and he or she discuss and agree in writing to the following
While in extended
enrollment status—
Re-establishing Satisfactory Progress: A student who has not met the minimum
completion standards may re-establish satisfactory progress if—
After re-establishing
satisfactory progress, the student is placed on academic probation until the
next evaluation period. Students are
subject to dismissal if they fail to establish satisfactory academic progress
and if they do not make or are not eligible to make any of the arrangements
listed above
Review of Student Records and Student Advisement: At each assessment point, Faculty Student Services Associates review
student records and immediately notify the Financial Aid Officer (the
President) of any student failing to meet academic progress standards. The President or his designee then meets with
that student, explains conditions related to the student's new status, and
advises the student regarding available academic assistance and support. The Faculty Student Services Associates
monitor the student during probation.
Attendance, GPA, and Course Completion Verification: Faculty submit weekly attendance reports that are entered into a
computerized database. The Financial Aid
Officer (the President) verifies attendance and grades through the Institute's
computerized database. The database
software automatically calculates both a weighted interim GPA and a final GPA
for each student at the end of each eight week marking period.
4.9 If the institution sponsors institutional
scholarship, grant, or loan programs, describe them and provide how they are
The Institute does not
sponsor any institutional scholarship, grant, or loan programs.
4.10 Provide evidence that the tuition, fees, and
other charges for all students who enrolled at the same time and in the same
program are consistent. If they are not
consistent, explain.
The Institute provides
tuition and fee charges in the Catalog or supplement and posts them at
every admissions desk. The student's
individual financial record lists all charges as well as payment dates, amounts,
and balances due. The student and school also sign an Enrollment Agreement with
an effective date that lists all contractual charges. The State Education Department approves all
such enrollment agreements, including the statement of its effective date. Any change in tuition, fees, or other charges
requires State approval of a new Agreement with a new effective date.
The Institute adheres
to the refund policy in the Enrollment Agreement given to the student at
registration. It reads as follows:
non-refundable registration fee of the lesser of 10% of tuition or ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS ($100) per course or program.
(Registration fee is additional to tuition but is deducted from last
A. The ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR ($100) registration
fee per course or program PLUS the stated cost of such textbooks, tools, materials,
supplies, etc. as have been issued by the school and accepted by the student,
PLUS the school keeps tuition.
1. FOR QUARTER ENROLLMENTS (all courses): If termination occurs week #
Quarter of 1st Enrollment |
Quarter 1 or 2* of
Subsequent Enrollments |
Subsequent Quarters |
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 |
0% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 60% 100% |
0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% |
25% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% |
2. FOR First-Time Students in TERM ENROLLMENTS
(all programs), The school keeps:
For withdrawal in: |
Term 1 |
2nd Term |
Subsequent Terms* |
Week # 1 |
0% of the term
tuition |
* |
20% of the term
tuition |
Week # 2 |
20% of the term
tuition |
* |
35% of the term
tuition |
Week # 3 |
20% of the term
tuition |
* |
50% of the term tuition |
Week # 4 |
30% of the term
tuition |
* |
70% of the term
tuition |
Week # 5 |
40% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
Week # 6 |
40% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
Week # 7 |
50% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
Week # 8 |
50% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
Week # 9 |
60% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
Week #10 |
100% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
3. FOR Non-FirstTime Students in TERM
ENROLLMENTS (all programs), The school keeps:
For withdrawal in: |
Term 1 |
2nd Term |
Subsequent Terms* |
Week # 1 |
0% of the term
tuition |
* |
20% of the term
tuition |
Week # 2 |
20% of the term
tuition |
* |
35% of the term
tuition |
Week # 3 |
35% of the term
tuition |
* |
50% of the term
tuition |
Week # 4 |
50% of the term
tuition |
* |
70% of the term
tuition |
Week # 5 |
70% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
Week # 6 |
100% of the term
tuition |
* |
100% of the term
tuition |
*If the student
withdraws in the second term, the school must use the first term schedule
unless the school demonstrates that no significant educational change occurred
in the program as of the student's last date of attendance. Significant Education Change is defined as
non-functioning equipment which adversely affects the student's program,
material change in the student's schedule as agreed to at enrollment,
substitution of teacher in a course after instruction begins if the teacher
does not possess necessary language skills in approved language of instruction
in order to effectively communicate subject matter to students, or significant
increase in student-teacher ratio.
A student who cancels
during the first twelve months is refunded all monies in advance for the second
twelve months or part thereof.
PROGRAM (TAP): The total program tuition
is divided by four. Program length: 64 weeks.
Term #1=16 weeks; #2=16 weeks; #3=16 weeks; #4-16 weeks.
DAYS. Although not required, written
notice of cancellation is recommended.
Refunds are computed as of the last date of recorded attendance. Failure of the student to notify the director
in writing of withdrawal may delay refund of tuition due pursuant to Section
5002 of the Education Law.
C. Diplomas, Certificates of Completion and
academic transcripts are not issued until the student meets all requirements
and monetary obligations.
D. Students dismissed for improper conduct, poor
attendance, failing progress, or tuition arrears are not relieved of financial
obligations as specified in this Enrollment Agreement.
4.12 What
are the qualifications of the financial aid officer? In what activities does the financial aid
officer participate to keep up to date on changes in financial aid programs?
The President, Dante V.
Ferraro, serves as financial aid officer.
Mr. Ferraro has a Bachelor's degree from
4.13 If
applicable, describe the system for counseling students regarding their student
loan repayment obligations. What is the
institution’s cohort default rate for the last three years?
The Institute voluntarily
ceased processing student loans in December, 1991.
4.14 If
applicable, describe the institution's cash discount policy and provide
evidence that it has been approved by the Council.
The Institute does not
offer cash discounts.
4.15 Describe the institution's orientation and
counseling programs. What are the
qualifications of the person responsible for the counseling program?
The Dean of Students and support staff provide assistance regarding course placement and scheduling, academic progress, and job placement. The Institute's Counseling Plan describes the following specific guidance services:
The student's orientation program begins with the admissions interview. Prospective students receive a copy of the Catalog and an invitation to tour the school facility. They also receive one-on-one information about program alternatives and requirements.
The Institute has had an Early Warning system in place for many years through which teachers notify the President or his designees about significant attendance or academic problems. In 2001, the school developed a weekly tracking system through which faculty indicate student's academic progress on the weekly attendance report. For example, faculty indicate what lesson the student has completed in computer application self-paced learning courses. Should the student not progress beyond that in a reasonable amount of time, the faculty member spends additional time with the student to determine the nature of the problem and, if need be, refers the student to the President or designees for counseling.
The Institute assumes
that students are more likely to remain in school if they encounter a friendly,
caring, and supportive school environment while, at the same time, knowing what
is expected of them.
In carrying out this
approach to retention, the school provides opportunity for students to:
4.17 Describe
employment services offered to students.
Describe how employment results are documented and follow‑up
studies are conducted.
The Institute infuses
school employment services into curriculum and guidance and counseling
Course Integration: All Spanish-American Institute career
programs provide job-related skills.
Appropriate courses include segments on resume preparation, job
searching, and interview techniques.
Job Search Preparation: Prior to graduation, students meet with the
Dean of Students or Faculty Student-Services Associates for assistance in job
searching, job referral, and final resume preparation.
Placement Questionnaires: In its graduate placement questionnaire, the
Institute also encourages graduates to return to the school at any point if
they would like job placement assistance.
Employer Follow-up Surveys: The Institute periodically surveys actual
employers of graduates based on information provided by graduating or graduated
students. Among other questions, the
survey asks employers if they would consider hiring other graduates of
Institute programs. The response has
been almost always most positive.
4.18 Describe
the institution's program of extracurricular activities, if any.
In recent years, Times Square, in particular, and mid-town
Manhattan, in general, has changed from an area of local businesses and local
residents to one dominated by mega-corporate centers and mega-businesses with a
transient commuter population. At the
same time, the
The Spanish-American
Institute’s has developed extracurricular student activities that best meet the
needs of our particular demographic of non-native speaking adult commuter
students in an urban environment.
International students, in particular, are eager to learn more about
American culture and to experience
students to explore the cultural and recreational richness of
them to environments requiring their use and understanding of English in real
world contexts; and
them with various aspects of American culture.
Guidance and Supervision: The Institute provides guidance for such
activities through frequent postings in school newsletters and on bulletin
boards about recommended activities, with detailed information about schedules
and transportation directions. In addition,
the Institute provides direct supervision for specific activities such as the
Student Bike Club and visits with faculty to local restaurants and cultural
Student Space: The Institute always provided students with a
Student Room where they could meet and socialize informally. In 2004, the
school added about 1000 square feet of new space, the Founders’
Refreshments: In response to student requests, the
Institute has made light snacks and beverages available in the Bookstore. Students can purchase snacks and quality hot
and cold beverages.
Student Bike Club: The school has purchased several bicycles
that it provides to students for occasional school-organized bike tours of
Student Club Newsletters: Since 2005, the Institute has published a Student
Club Newsletter 10 to 12 times a year.
The Newsletter always contains a description of a major American
holiday and listings of mainly free NYC activities as well as other items of
interest to international students. The
listed activities provide subway directions for students who may be unfamiliar
with the public transportation system.
Current issues of the Newsletter are distributed to all students,
faculty, and staff and may be mailed or e-mailed to students’ and alumni. They are also posted on the school’s Bulletin
Boards. Current and back issues are
available on-line at the school website.
School Bulletin Boards: The Institute has installed large bulletin
boards in the Student Room and outside the Special Events Center with
frequently updated postings such as free NYC activities, free museum admissions
and concerts, free inoculations through the NYC Department of Health, free or
nominal NYC Parks Department recreation center memberships, and other cultural,
health, and recreational information of interest to our primarily international
Free Concert Tickets and Theatre Discount Vouchers: Through
a business-community relationship, the Institute receives free tickets for
concerts at Carnegie Hall and other prominent sites that it makes available
free to students, faculty, and staff.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to accompany students to these
concerts. The school also provides
students with discount theatre vouchers to Broadway and off-Broadway
performances, to the New York City Opera, and to the New York City Ballet. .
Faculty-Student Out-of-Class Activities: The
Institute encourages faculty to organize out-of-classroom activities with their
students. The school maintains a
photo-log of such activities. Faculty
participation in such activity is noted on individual faculty evaluation
Student and Alumni Special
Exhibitsts: The Spanish-American Institute also hosts and
publicizes special art exhibits and performances of talented current and former
4.19 Describe
any plans for improvement in relations with students.
The Spanish-American Institute will continue to develop student activities and services similar to those described in 4.18, above. We will continue to provide students with a comfortable environment in which to meet and study. We will continue to solicit student feedback in a variety of ways—through student surveys, through “conversations’ during classroom visits, and through one-on-one discussions of senior staff and students through the school’s open door policy.
5.1 Describe how the educational programs have been
developed based on the institution's mission.
List each program offered and state the occupational and general
objectives of the program. Provide an
overview of how these programs are delivered (i.e., lecture, laboratory,
self-paced instruction, distance instruction).
In accordance with our
mission, the Institute has developed educational programs that integrate
English language and career training. We
Table 5 Programs with Occupational and General Objectives and Delivery Modes
Program |
Objectives |
Delivery Mode |
5480 English as a
Second Language
480 hours |
To enable graduates
to improve English skills to:
Traditional classroom
lecture, discussion, audiovisual presentations, etc. |
5960 English as a
Second Language
960 hours |
To enable graduates
to improve English skills to:
Traditional classroom
lecture, discussion, audiovisual presentations, etc. |
7020 Computerized
Office Management 1600 hours |
To prepare students
for entry-level positions as administrative assistants with office procedures
and computer applications skills. |
Lecture, discussion,
and hands-on computer applications. |
8002 Accounting 1600
hours |
To prepare graduates
for entry-level employment as computer accounting clerks or related
accounting/bookkeeping positions. |
Lecture, discussion,
and application |
8010 Computer-Assisted
1600 hours |
To prepare graduates
for entry-level employment as computer accounting clerks or related
accounting/bookkeeping positions. |
Lecture, discussion,
and application |
5.2 Describe the role of the faculty,
administration, and others in establishing the educational programs.
As licensed
professionals with many years of collective educational experience,
Spanish-American Institute faculty provide essential input into the selection
of courses, course content, instructional support materials, and other aspects
of educational program development.
Through department chairs, the faculty work with the Dean of Academic
Affairs to develop and implement educational programs.
Reporting to the
President, the Dean of Academic Affairs works with faculty on curricular and
instructional development and monitors academic programs and faculty
5.3. Describe how the educational programs reflect
the needs of the students and the community.
Increasingly, our
students intend to pursue higher education in the
Nearly all Institute
students are recent arrivals to the
The Institute schedules
courses from 9:15 a.m. to 9:14 p.m., five days a week, twelve months a year
(except for major holidays and during the Christmas-New Year's break) under a
system of rolling admissions. Therefore,
students may begin their studies on the second Monday of each month and arrange
their classes in response to their learning pace and real life demands.
ESL Students:
The Institute addresses differences in students' ESL levels through
placement testing and placement counseling.
Computer Applications Students: The Institute sets a minimum threshold for
enrolling in computer application courses, consistent with course requirements
and academic outcomes. Like keyboarding
and typing, computer applications students work at their own pace under the
active guidance of teachers in a mastery learning environment.
5.5 How are the resources of the community utilized
to enrich the programs?
The Institute
periodically brings speakers from the business and professional communities
into the classroom. The school also
educates students about how they can access the vast resources available to
them in
5.6 Is there a detailed syllabus on file for each
course? How was that syllabus
developed? How is that syllabus utilized? How often is it revised?
The Institute maintains
a formal syllabus file for each course in the Dean of Academic Affairs’
In general, all syllabi
are reviewed and revised, where needed, every two years. In the interim, syllabi may be revised when
needed to accommodate new course objectives, new or revised textbooks, new
instructional methodologies, and new teaching materials. In addition, the State Education Department
requires a course outline for each course.
The State approves new courses for four years, after which the original
or a revised course outline must be resubmitted and reevaluated for
approval. The State approval process,
therefore, also assures that course outlines and syllabi are current and
After faculty have
provided input into course development, the Dean of Academic Affairs prepares a
syllabus for internal review and subsequent attachment to the formal
application for State approval.
Copies of all syllabi
are distributed to faculty to:
assure their
understanding of the courses that they teach,
syllabi information to students, and
their understanding of other courses taught at the Institute.
The Institute posts
copies of syllabi on the school website and places bound print copies of all
syllabi in strategic locations around the school such as the Library, the
Student and Founders’ Rooms, the Accounting area, the Computer Room, etc.
5.7 Describe any internship/externship programs,
indicating name of program, procedure, and person(s) in charge.
Institute programs do
not have internships or externships.
5.8 Describe the methods utilized to evaluate and
revise the curricula. Identify any
differences in these procedures among various programs. If advisory boards are utilized, list board
members and their qualifications.
State Review: Curricula are evaluated every four years by
the State Department of Education. The
State approves new courses for four years, after which the original or a
revised curriculum must be resubmitted and reevaluated for approval. The State approval process, therefore,
assures that curricula are current and timely.
Professional Standards: In addition, the Institute evaluates
curricula according to the standards set by industry and professional
groups. For example, the TOEFL course
was recently revised to accommodate the new directions promoted by ETS through
the TOEFL bit test. All ESL courses have
been revised in the last four years to integrate higher order language skills
and active learning strategies in accordance with emerging standards of good
practice in ESL teaching enunciated by TESOL and other professional language
associations. While accounting courses
still emphasize clerk/bookkeeper career entry-level education and training, they
have also been revised to include more of the reading and critical thinking
skills applications recommended by the Accounting Education Change
Student, Graduate, and Employer Feedback: In
revising or evaluating curricula, Institute faculty and staff take into account
student comments about courses and programs from the Student Evaluation of
Faculty and Courses and Current
Student Surveys, graduate feedback from the Graduate Follow-up Survey,
and employer comments about employee preparation from the Employer Follow-up
The Institute
determines program length based on faculty estimates and review of the time
needed for most students to master material subsets in a clock-hour delivery
mode. Bi-monthly exams provide a window
into student mastery according to the time allotted.
5.10 Do any programs include training by a third
party? If so, please explain.
5.11 Is licensure or other certification required for
persons employed in any program areas offered? If yes, list specific skills
that students will need to acquire in order to be licensed or certified and how
the curriculum provides for attainment of these skills. Describe any applicable examinations and the
institution’s pass rate on each of these exams.
The New York State
Department of Education requires a Registered Business School teaching license
for persons teaching in any of the programs the Institute offers. Students do not need to acquire licensure or
certification in connection with any program at the Institute.
5.13 How are appropriate course sequencing and
prerequisites determined? How is the
curriculum structured to ensure an increasing level of difficulty as the
student progresses?
The Institute determines
course sequencing and course prerequisites with faculty input.
Accounting: The school has developed three levels of
Accounting, each of which assumes the skills level attainment of the previous
Computer Applications: Some computer application courses may be
taken independently if they do not require prerequisite skills. However, others like FrontPage require that
students have taken or have demonstrated competency comparable to that in the
Word, Internet, and Access or Excel courses.
The prerequisite in this case is based on the basic computer skills and
performance expectations for the course.
ESL: The six levels of ESL and advanced ESL
courses emphasize progressively higher order communication skills and more
complex use of language. Students,
therefore, progress through these courses in sequential order in accordance
with generally accepted standards of good practice. For example, the Institute’s six level ESL
sequence follows language learning outcomes generally expected of low beginner
(ESL 1), beginner/high beginner (ESL 2), low intermediate (ESL 3), intermediate
(ESL 4), high intermediate (ESL 5), and advanced ESL (ESL 6).
5.13 How is the need for curriculum changes
determined? How are faculty members
involved in curriculum evaluation and revision?
What evidence shows that the institution utilizes follow‑up
studies of its graduates to assist in curriculum evaluation and revision?
Determining Need for Curriculum Change: The Institute bases the need
for curriculum change on a variety of factors, including emerging standards of
good practice in the professions and disciplines and the recommendations of
faculty, students, completers and leavers, and employers.
Involving Faculty in Evaluation and Revision: Faculty
are involved in curriculum evaluation and revision through frequent discussion
with the Dean of Academic Affairs and Department Chairs, individually and at
Faculty Meetings.
Utilizing Graduate Follow-up Studies: The Institute asks all graduates
to fill out a Student Placement Questionnaire that helps the school to
evaluate programs. The Questionnaire
asks them specifically to list the skills learned at the Institute that they
use in their jobs, if employed. All
graduate respondents over the past several years have indicated that they found
the quality of education and training at the Institute good, very good, or
excellent. The vast majority of
graduates have found English and computers the most helpful skills learned
here. Most respondents have made no
recommendations for new or revised curriculum directions.
5.14 What curriculum changes have been made during
the last three years? What changes are
contemplated for the next three years?
Curriculum Changes: In Spring, 2003, the Institute began a complete
revision of the ESL curriculum to emphasize higher order language skills
development and integration through active learning. The phase-in was accelerated in 2004 and 2005
and completed in 2006.
I, this resulted in a change to WorldView texts. For ESL 1-6, Business English, and Advanced
Reading and Writing, this resulted in a phase-in of NorthStar texts. For TOEFL, this resulted in the new
curriculum emphases established by ETS for the TOEFL iBT test.
Computers: With
the addition of Apple computers, the Institute also created new MAC related
courses: Introduction to the MAC,
Switching to the MAC, and Using Apple iMovie.
Developmental: The Institute added an English Literacy course in 2008 to respond to the
needs of those students with little or no prior school experience or who come from a primary
language background using a non-Roman alphabet and need to learn Roman
script. It added a Pre-GED course in
2011 for students who needed the foundational skills for further GED
Curriculum Changes Anticipated in Next Three Years: The Institute anticipates more focus on
instructional change and on student outcomes assessment in the next three years
to solidify the learning objectives of the revised ESL curriculum. The new ESL curriculum, in particular,
requires that faculty employ more active teaching strategies and pedagogies and
more attention to integrated and cumulative higher order language skills
development than required by the former English curriculum.
The creation of a new
academic Intensive English Language Division will help foster curriculum
changes, if any, to more clearly define
ESL and non-ESL course outcomes objectives, especially English language
objectives, and to implement assessment methods that better validate student
achievement of these objectives.
5.15 How does the institution determine the
appropriate allocation of contact time among lecture, laboratory, and
intern/externship activities? How does
the institution monitor the number of contact hours completed for each course?
The Institute bases the
allocation of contact time between lecture and laboratory activities on each
course's educational goals and objectives.
ESL courses are taught in a traditional classroom mode. The ESL classroom attempts to provide, to the
extent possible, a living laboratory for language learning through classroom
activity. Computer applications courses,
however, are more self-paced with an emphasis upon demonstrated mastery of
skills. The lecture portion of computer
applications courses occurs through individual or small group teaching by
computer teachers. (The Institute does
not have internships/externships.)
The school monitors
contact hours completed for each course through the weekly Monday-Friday
attendance report submitted by each teacher for each course. Attendance results are then entered into the
schools' management information database.
The administration regularly monitors each student's cumulative contact
hour completion.
5.16 How does the institution determine the
appropriate scheduling of classes in relationship to the needs of the students?
To accommodate students' real life demands for schedule flexibility in a very large urban commuter environment, the Spanish-American Institute offers courses in the morning, afternoon, and evening at 13 start times between 9:15 am and 9:14 pm. Every course offered during the day is also offered in the afternoon/evening, enabling any student to arrange or change to a day, an evening, or a combined day and evening schedule.
5.17 Describe how physical facilities, equipment, and
resources are used to enhance classroom instruction.
Computer and Printer Access: Faculty members are encouraged to establish free e-mail accounts, to use the Institute's Internet connection, and to use any Microsoft Office program for curricular and instructional enhancement. Faculty can access e-mail accounts and the Internet or use any Microsoft Office Suite program in the Computer Room. Faculty may also obtain laser printer accounts for use in school-related activities such as preparing examinations and supplementary classroom materials.
Students and faculty can access educational resources available on the internet through the Institute’s WiFi wireless LAN.
Physical Facility Enhancement of Classroom Instruction: The physical facility was renovated in early
2001. The renovated facility is designed
around a quadrangle with classrooms, offices, and Bookstore on the outer
perimeter and accounting and computer areas at the center. The layout eases the movement of students to
and from class while minimizing noise and congestion. Every teaching space including the Accounting
and Computer areas have green- boards for faculty and student use. Faculty and students have close access to the
Bookstore for textbook and material acquisition or, in the case of faculty, for
access to multi-media material for classroom use.
Equipment Enhancement of Classroom Instruction: The Institute provides mobile VCR/DVD
playback units for ESL classroom use.
Each classroom has a CD player.
Accounting classes have computer stations in the immediate teaching area
as well as access to other computers in the contiguous Computer Room. Computer students have access to individual
computers and networked printers including a Ricoh color laser printer.
Resource Enhancement of Classroom Instruction: The Institute Library has a collection of
supplementary print, audio, and visual material specifically designed for ESL
classroom use that faculty can draw upon on demand. The instructional collection includes but is
not limited to:
listening passages and DVDs correlated to ESL WorldView, NorthStar, and TOEFL
manuals correlated to these texts;
testing materials correlated to these texts;
thematic videos with print guides for ESL and for program classes.
In addition, faculty
have access to an on-site collection of catalogued general and specialized
reference and general knowledge books, which they can borrow for their own use
or for classroom use.
5.18 How are learning materials selected? Describe how instructional procedures and
materials are evaluated to determine their effectiveness.
The Institute solicits faculty input into the selection of learning materials such as textbooks and supplementary classroom resources. The Dean of Academic Affairs shares publishers' examination copies of textbooks with Department Chairs and other faculty. She also periodically notifies faculty by memo or at faculty meetings of new publications or of web sites that might be of interest. The school evaluates the effectiveness of instructional procedures and materials through the Dean and Chairpersons' classroom observations, through faculty feedback, and through student feedback such as that provided on the Student Evaluation of Faculty and on the Current Student Survey.
5.19 Describe
how the institution ensures that students have access to appropriate learning
materials, e.g., textbooks, laboratory equipment.
The Institute’s on-site
Bookstore provides students with convenient access to textbooks and academic
supplies. No course requires laboratory
equipment, per se. The Institute
supports accounting and computer applications courses with individual computers
and networked printers including a Ricoh color laser printer.
5.20 Describe
how the institution ensures that it maintains appropriate licenses for computer
software and how it ensures
compliance with copyright laws.
Computer Software: The Institute maintains current site licenses
where required for computer software.
The President's office maintains a file of site licenses.
Print and Media: The Dean of Academic Affairs informs faculty
and staff periodically by memo of copyright laws related to the duplication of
print and media materials. The
Institute’s ‘ Fair Use’ Guidelines for Duplication of Copyrighted Classroom
Material is also part of the Instructional Resource Manual
distributed to all faculty and staff.
The President meets
with all new faculty to acquaint them with the school's:
mission and
teaching materials,
faculty and
staff payroll and benefits, and
responsibilities and resources, as described in the Faculty Handbook.
The President then
refers new faculty to the Dean of Academic Affairs for orientation to
textbooks, courses, instructional methodologies, and instructional support
materials. For ESL faculty orientation, the Dean distributes and goes
over with them a copy of the Institute’s ESL
Teacher Orientation Standards of Good Practice in ESL Teaching. For computer faculty orientation, the
Dean distributes and goes over a copy of the Institute’s Computer Teacher Orientation:
Integrating Language Skills in Computer Courses.
5.22 How
does the administration determine the qualifications of a faculty member to
teach a particular course? Describe
qualifications of non‑degreed teachers for the subjects they teach. How are the qualifications documented?
The Institute employs
only degreed teachers licensed by the New York State Education Department. The State currently requires all business
school teachers to have a baccalaureate degree with at least 18 credit hours in
business subjects. Specialized business
teachers must have at least 12 of the 18 hours in the field being taught. The State allows schools to hire faculty with
short-term provisional licenses, subject to completion of approved teacher
training courses and teaching experience.
The Institute verifies
the qualifications of new faculty with official transcripts maintained as part
of the individual faculty member's file.
5.23 Describe
the institution’s procedure for collecting official transcripts for faculty
members. If there are faculty members
whose official transcripts (those which bear the seal of the institution) are
not on file, document what efforts are being made to obtain them.
Upon employment, the
Institute requests that an official transcript from each educational
institution attended by the new teacher be sent directly to the school. All faculty members have official transcripts
on file.
5.24 In
what ways does the institution evaluate instruction? What is done to promote better teaching?
The Dean periodically
visits classrooms informally during the course of the year to monitor new
faculty, to monitor the use of new materials, and/or to visit other
faculty. The annual evaluation process
may ask faculty to address recommendations designed to improve
The Institute also
administers in-class student surveys that evaluate instruction. The Student Evaluation of Faculty and
Courses Form evaluates individual faculty in specific courses. The Current Student Survey evaluates
overall instruction and instructional delivery.
In addition, the
Institute promotes better teaching through:
5.25 Is
there a faculty development plan on file for each member of the faculty? How
are the activities on the plan determined? How is the plan implemented? How
often is the plan reviewed?
The Dean of Academic
Affairs maintains a file of individual Faculty Development Plan/Summary
reports resulting from the evaluation process.
Faculty members develop the planning portion of the report in a
meeting with the Dean. Results of individual faculty plans provide data for the
following year’s summary evaluation, documented by evidence that the previously
agreed upon Plan’s goals and
objectives have been accomplished. The
Institute typically formulates a Faculty
Development Plan/Summary for new faculty within a few months of a new
teacher’s hire and for senior faculty every year.
5.26 Describe
how the institution ensures that all faculty complete development plans. How
are the activities documented by the institution?
The Dean of Academic
Affairs sends each faculty member a memo describing the professional
development plan/evaluation process.
Faculty then meet individually with the Dean to set goals and objectives
which are incorporated into a formal Faculty Development Plan. Documentation that the faculty member has met
Plan goals and objectives then becomes the basis for the Summary
evaluation during the next evaluation conference.
The Dean maintains a
file of individual faculty development evaluation material, including
documentation of goals and objectives achieved.
Typical documentation includes but is not limited to:
5.27 Describe
the institution's program of in‑service training for the improvement of
instruction and curriculum. List the
schedule for the next 12 months.
Table 6 below lists the Institute's program of in-service
training for the past three years and the programs projected for the next
twelve months. In-service training takes
the form of intensive Saturday workshops.
In addition to the intensive Saturday workshops listed below, the
Institute may sponsor occasional
in-service sessions on a rotating schedule during the week so that different
faculty may drop in during a free period or before or after class.
Table 6 In-Service Training Dates and Topics
Workshop Date |
Workshop Topic |
Actual (A) or Projected (P) |
07/11/09 |
What Have We Learned
From NorthStar? |
A |
12/12/09 |
Language Skills
Integration in Institute Courses |
A |
05/08/10 |
Instructional Resources and Their Use |
A |
12/04/10 |
NorthStar Production
Activities |
A |
08/27/11 |
CEA Standards and
Self-Study: English Language
Curriculum, Learning Objectives, and Student Outcomes Assessment |
A |
01/22/12 |
CEA Self-Study
Report: Current and Future
Implementation of CEA Standards |
P |
XXXX 2012 |
Implementing Standards-Based
Assessment for ESL and Non-ESL Courses |
P |
5.28 Describe
how the administration documents professional growth for full- and part-time
faculty members.
The Institute documents
professional growth for all faculty through the periodic faculty development
planning/summary evaluation process.
During faculty development conferences with the Dean of Academic
Affairs, faculty are asked list and
document (where appropriate) professional growth activities such as the
In particular, the Dean encourages faculty to relate professional development goals to the recommendations made as a result of observations about teaching.
Faculty meetings and workshops occur at least once a year and as often
as four times a year in 2 1/2 to 3 hour sessions. The Institute schedules faculty meetings on
Saturdays to enable the widest possible attendance. Faculty and staff receive a memo announcing
an upcoming meeting two weeks or more in advance. The meeting notice may
include attachments for reading prior to the meeting such as a description of
recently acquired audio-visual material or the Institutional Effectiveness
The Institute encourages faculty to identify topics for faculty
meetings. A typical meeting agenda
format includes the —
The President welcomes
the faculty and reports on global issues affecting the school such as
enrollment patterns and facilities expansion and on administrative details
requiring faculty attention. The
Department Chairs update the entire faculty on curriculum and instructional initiatives
in their respective areas. The Dean of
Academic Affairs chairs the faculty meeting.
She reports on new instructional resources, on issues and trends that
may impact the school's curriculum, and on academic planning and self-study
activities. During new business, the
faculty share topics of immediate interest or concern, make suggestions for
school improvement, or propose items for future meetings. After breaking for intensive in-service
workshop sessions, the faculty as a whole usually reconvenes to summarize and
comment on the workshop sessions.
Documentation: The Dean of Academic Affairs circulates a sign-in sheet to document faculty and staff attendance and drafts minutes of the meeting. Meeting minutes are circulated to each faculty and staff meeting for his or her review and information. The President and Dean of Academic Affairs maintain files of faculty meeting minutes and attendance records.
5.30 Describe the institution's plans for ongoing
improvement in curriculum and faculty.
The Institute will
continue to respond to two factors with implications for curriculum and
instructional (faculty) development. The
first is the demand for entry-level workers with good communication and
critical thinking as well as technical skills.
The second is the demographic change bringing to the Institute students
who seek intensive English as-a-Second language preparation enabling them to
succeed in an American college. .
As noted in 5.2, above,
the Institute anticipates a greater need for instructional changes than for
curriculum changes in the next three years so that we can solidify the learning
objectives of the revised ESL curriculum and fully implement emerging standards
for student language outcomes assessment.
The new ESL curriculum, in particular, requires that faculty employ more
active teaching strategies and pedagogies and more attention to integrated and
cumulative higher order language skills development.
Institute plans for
ongoing improvement in curriculum and instruction (faculty), therefore, will
flow from the curriculum initiatives of the past three years. Institute in-service workshops will reflect
instructional emphases such as:
5.30 What are the normal teaching loads, number of
field preparations, and number of subject preparations for full-time and part-time
instructors at the institution?
Normal teaching loads
vary but never exceed 31 clock hours per week, except for one additional
subject (up to five hours per week) for additional compensation. Teachers are assigned a maximum of three
different field preparations or a maximum of five different subject
preparations per term.
5.33 What is the overall student‑teacher ratio
at the institution?
The overall student-teacher ratio was 16:1 in AIR 2009.
6.1 Provide an assessment of how the institution's
buildings, classrooms, equipment, furniture, and surroundings meet the needs of
an institution of its size and type. Is
the facility in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local codes
for occupancy and safety?
The Spanish-American
Institute’s facility accommodates the educational needs of an urban commuter
population provided with maximum alternative scheduling opportunities both day
and evening in a readily accessible building in the
The school is on the second
floor of an office building. The
Institute has a separate well-marked entrance and secure staircase. The entrance is on a well-lit, well-traveled
street one block from
The facility is
designed around a quadrangle with classrooms and offices on the outer perimeter
and accounting and computer teaching and laboratory areas at the center. Wide corridors permit the smooth flow of
teachers and students between classes.
Classrooms and other teaching and learning spaces accommodate student
chair desks, teachers' desks, and chalkboards.
The facility includes an enlarged Student Room and the Founders’
Code Compliance: The Spanish-American
Institute complies with all applicable federal, state, and municipal
codes. Compliance documentation on file
in the President's office includes:
6.2 How do the physical plant and equipment support
the educational programs of the institution?
The Spanish-American
Institute’s has dedicated most of the physical plant and equipment to the
direct support of instruction. The
overall facility is attractive, clean, and quiet. Teaching areas have chalkboards and teachers
have ready access to audio-visual hardware.
The Bookstore sells
books and supplies to students, distributes audio-visual materials and
equipment to teachers on demand, serves as the checkout area for library
materials, and also serves as a commissary for light refreshments.
Accounting courses are
taught in an Accounting area with computer support, computer applications
courses in the computer room with a variety of hardware and software support,
and Keyboarding in another area, also with computer support. In addition, the Institute has a stand-alone
Library that faculty and students may use for study, research, and/or borrowing
of circulating material.
The school does most
print copying in-house, providing faculty with copying service for exams and
handouts on an at-need basis.
The Institute has
renovated and configured the additional 1,000 square feet of space leased in
2004 that now serves as the Founders’ Special Events Center. The Center’s primary use is for student
meetings, study, and relaxation and for student or alumni special exhibits and
performance. The space now includes a
grand piano, a bass fiddle, and other musical instruments. . We plan increasing outreach to make the space
available to students and alumni for special exhibits and presentations.
The Institute routinely
replaces and upgrades audio-visual hardware for instructional purposes. We also upgrade computer hardware and
peripherals, as needed. In the past two
years, the Institute has purchased nearly 100 MAC computers for student. We have also purchased 10 MAC laptops for
office use with Skype access. We are
planning to upgrade the Windows domain and SchoolWorks database servers.
7.1 Describe how the catalog reflects the
institution's educational programs, operations, and services. How often is the catalog published?
Through the Catalog,
the Institute provides students with accurate and comprehensive information's
about programs, operations, and services, in compliance with ACICS and New York
State Education Department guidelines.
The Institute normally republishes the Catalog each year or more
often as needed to reflect information changes.
Section I, "About
the Institute," includes the statement of mission and information about
the school's history, legal control, facility, instruction, accreditation,
affiliations, faculty, and advisory board.
Section III,
"Programs of Instruction," describes the duration options,
objectives, standards, occupational objectives, required courses and electives,
and credential awarded for each program.
Each program also references where readers can find additional
information about tuition and courses.
Section IV,
"Course Descriptions," describes each course's objectives, standards,
content, tuition, and completion credential awarded.
Section II,
"Student Services;" Section V, "Admissions and Financial
Aid;" and Section VI, "Academic Policies" describe how the
Institute provides services and assistance to students as well as information
about operations and policies that govern educational programs.
7.2 How does the institution ensure that all
enrolled students receive a copy of the institutional catalog? What other publications are provided to
enrolled students?
Spanish-American Institute admissions staff are trained to make sure that every applicant receives a copy of the Catalog. Each enrollee acknowledges receiving a copy by signature on his or her enrollment agreement.
The Institute also provides appropriate immigration requirement information to student visa applicants.
In addition to the above formal documents, the school also
provides enrolled students with frequent notices and newsletters. We have designed these publications to help
acclimate a largely international population to
The Catalog is
the school's primary promotional piece.
The Institute also advertises periodically in selected local and foreign
magazines and newspapers and provides school information through its home web
7.4 Describe any plans for changes in publications.
There are no immediate plans for publication changes.
8.1 Explain
how the instructional resources serve the needs of the institution's
educational programs. How does the
institution determine which reference works are acquired? Describe any
contracts or agreements with outside libraries or resource centers.
The Spanish-American Institute’s automated library catalog lists over 1,000 holdings. The holdings include:
The collection is developed with input from faculty who are
asked to recommend new acquisitions. From any networked computer in the school,
faculty and their students can access the following:
Print Instructional Resources: The Institute supports instruction through a carefully selected print collection. The collection includes titles from the following categories:
In addition, the print
collection contains professional titles for teachers on curriculum,
instruction, and assessment; teachers’ manuals; and teachers’ guides keyed to
textbooks and/or audio-visual instructional support materials.
The reference portion
of the collection includes the Encyclopedia Britannica, several one-two
volume encyclopedias on cultural, general, and business topics; ESL and
collegiate dictionaries; almanacs, handbooks, and style manuals; and other
reference materials. Because of the
school's large international population, the reference collection also includes
several guides to
Electronic Instructional Resources: The Institute also provides access from any
networked computer in the school to several EBSCOhost electronic periodical
databases such as MasterFile Select.
Audio-Visual Resources: The school's audio-visual collection supports
ESL classroom instruction. The on-line
cataloguing system enables faculty to readily check out audio-visual material
for immediate classroom use or for lesson planning through the Bookstore. The Bookstore is always open when classes are
in session.
The video library
includes several collections designed for ESL students at different language
learning levels, including material keyed to ESL textbooks . In addition, video holdings include shorter
thematic educational videos produced for
American students at various grade levels.
These shorter thematic titles are excellent vehicles for introducing
different levels of ESL learners to everyday aspects of American culture, to
regional speech patterns, and/or to focused content on themes such as
volunteerism, the environment, business practices, and personal financial
The Institute provides three large Apple TVs with DVD/VCR units for classroom use.
The video library also
includes selected "authentic" (commercial) full-length films
recommended by ESL experts for intermediate and advanced ESL students. The "authentic" film collection is
supported by professional library resource material for faculty use such as
Five Star Films: An Intermediate
Listening/Speaking Text. The
professional library resource material contains pre-viewing, mid-viewing, and
post-viewing reading, writing, speaking, and other activities keyed to the
Audio Courseware and Playback Hardware: Every classroom has a tape CD playback unit. Faculty using the NorthStar and WorldView series in ESL or the TOEFL textbook have access to all available companion audio-visual material on demand. The NorthStar, Worldview, and TOEFL audio material is available in multiple copies so that more than one class at a time may use a given tape or CD. The Institute also provides several pronunciation titles for classroom use dedicated to American English pronunciation and to accent reduction.
External Affiliations: The Spanish-American Institute is affiliated with the New York State Library through which it has access to numerous automated databases, the NYS Library’s holdings, and the various services provided by the NYS Library to “public” libraries.
Library/Information Literacy Resources and Curriculum Integration: The Spanish-American Institute actively encourages faculty and student use of Library and library resources as part of the learning process. The Institute has selected textbooks in ESL, English, and program courses that integrate information literacy at every language and learning level. For example, the NorthStar ESL series includes “Research Topics” at the end of each unit according to ESL level, even the most basic, and the Internet and College Success course syllabi have research-based components.
The Spanish-American Institute instructional resource collection directly supports Institute postsecondary educational programs for a predominantly international population. It provides instructional resources directly related to classroom instruction and learning about technical skills development, about language development, and about American culture, as well as about general knowledge.
8.3 Explain how reference materials and periodicals
are organized for easy usage and preservation.
The Spanish-American
Institute catalogs and shelves reference materials according to Library of
Congress call numbers. Reference
materials do not circulate. Students,
faculty, and staff can search for Library holdings through the school’s
automated catalog. The Library catalog
is accessible through any school networked computer. Students may use current editions of
periodicals in the Library.
8.4 Who is responsible for maintaining an up‑to‑date
inventory of instructional resources?
The Dean of Academic
Affairs catalogs new acquisitions using Mandarin 3 library automation software.
She distributes
periodic notices to faculty about additions to the collection. She also compiles the Spanish-American
Institute’s comprehensive print Instructional Resource Manual distributed
to all faculty and staff. The Manual includes
but is not limited to information about the Spanish-American Institute Library
collection and automated search system, school copyright policy, multi-media
resources, teaching guides and manuals, information literacy development, etc.
8.5 Is there a budget for instructional
resources? How is the budget determined?
There is an annual
budget for acquisition of instructional resources. The Institute obtains multiple copies of
publishers’ instructional resources for faculty use such as Teachers’ Manuals,
CDs, and DVDs keyed to textbooks. In
addition, the Institute seeks to acquire print Library holdings keyed to
textbooks. e.g., the recent acquisitions and accompanying brochure and teaching
guide for faculty and staff, The
NorthStar Bibliography Project: Do
Concepts of Biology and Culture Shape People and Society? The Dean of Academic Affairs recommends
specific acquisitions in consultation with faculty and department chairs.
The Institute has
substantially increased and upgraded print and multi-media instructional
resources over the past few years with an emphasis upon core holdings that
directly support the curriculum. At this
time, we do not plan to significantly expand the collection. However, we will continue to:
8.36 Are there online resources available to
students? Describe all resources
available on-line. Identify full-text
Students may access the
Spanish-American Library website through any networked computer in the school
to search through the Library’s automated Catalog and to access several on-line
electronic research databases. They may
download and print articles and other on-line information through school networked
computers and printers, e-mail the information to home or other computers,
and/or save downloaded material to disk.
The automated
research databases include but are not limited to: