CEA Self-Study Standards Committees (SSSC):  Mission, Recruiting, Student Complaints


To:       Members, Mission, Recruiting, and Student Complaint SSSC:   Dante V. Ferraro,

 Thomas Schwenke,  Paul Shiffman, Carolyn Prager,  Ivelisse Rymer

From:  Carolyn Prager, CEA Self-Study Coordinator

Re:       Charge to the Committee

Date:    August 26, 2011


cc:  Self-Study Steering Committee




The following sections:   



I.  Timelines


The SS Plan established the following timelines for Committee Self-Study activity: 





SSC=Self-Study Coordinator, SSR= Self-Study Report, SSSC=Self-Study Standards Committee


September, 2011

1st meeting to review assigned standards, review guiding questions, define needed documentation, and develop work plan.


September, 2011 


2nd meeting to draft preliminary responses to SSC’s self-study prompts. 


On or before October 1, 2011

Send draft responses to C. Prager, SS Coordinator (SSC)  no later than October 1.   


October 15, 2011


October 15, 2011: SSC’s preliminary review of SSSC response for 1st draft preparation of SSSC portion of the SS. 


>October 15-November 15, 2011 

SSSC works on 1st draft of SSR. 


November 15, 2011. 

SSSC submits 1st draft of their portion of the SS to the SSC. 


by November 22, 2011. 

SSC reviews 1st draft with SS Steering Committee and returns provides comments to the SSSC. 


November 22-December 22, 2011

SSSC meets, reviews comments on 1st draft, and works on 2nd draft. 


December 22, 2011

2nd draft due to SSC. 


by January 15, 2012

SSC and SS Steering Committee review 2nd draft and return with suggestions for final revisions.   


January 15-February 15, 2012


January 22 Faculty Meeting

SSSC prepares final draft. 


Faculty meeting to review final drafts.. 


February 15, 2012 (This is a drop dead date.) 

By February 1, SSC compiles Self-Study Report for review by the Steering Committee for transmittal to CEA no later than March 1, 2012. 


March 1, 2010 (this is latest that the SSR can be transmitted to CEA). 

Final date for transmittal of final Self-Study Report to CEA. 




II.  CEA Standards:  Mission, Recruiting, and Student Complaints


The following Standards must be addressed in the Self-Study.  Each Standard below is followed by a brief summary, illustration, and/or excerpt from CEA’s Discussion for that Standard and page references for further review in the CEA Standards document.  



Mission Standard 1

: The program or language institution has a written statement of its mission and goals, which guides activities, policies, and allocation of resources. This statement is communicated to faculty, students, and staff, as well as to prospective students, student sponsors, and the public, and is evaluated periodically.


CEA Discussion:  “Because the mission statement forms the basis for all decisions affecting the program or institution, the statement must be evaluated and updated periodically to reflect new goals or shifts in the focus of its educational programs or services . . . [emphasis added].” (p. 7). 


Recruiting Standard 1: All program or language institution personnel follow ethical standards for recruiting students and promoting programs, and they ensure that the program or language institution’s policies and procedures are made clear to prospective students and/or student sponsors. In any recruitment transaction, the students' interests and well-being are paramount.


CEA Discussion: “The program or institution ensures that students are informed of the result of attending or completing the program or institution relative to eligibility requirements for admission to university or college classes . . . “  (p. 33)


Recruiting Standard 2:

 All written, electronic, and oral information used to recruit students is accurate and complete.


CEA Discussion:  must include student services available such as counseling, assistance with housing, application help for university or college admission, etc.  (p. 34). 


Student Complaints Standard 1: The program or language institution makes available to students, in writing, procedures by which they may lodge formal complaints. The program or language institution documents and maintains records of formal student complaints, as well as the resolution of any such complaints.


CEA Discussion:  p. 45. 



III.  Some Guiding Questions or Prompts for Committee Consideration


The following guiding questions are intended only as prompts for Committee discussion in developing it portion of the Self-Study.  The Committee will likely develop other topics for discussion


1.  Mission:  Is the Institute’s primary mission today as stated in the opening sentence still “to provide effective skills training to individuals seeking entry-level employment”? 


2.   Mission:  The Institute is seeking CEA accreditation for its English-Plus Course of Study.  Can the current mission statement be reworded to provide more balance between its career program and English language emphases?  


3.    Mission:  A mission statement is short, general, and abstract.  It is always much less concrete than goals or objectives statements. 


·         Could the current “Philosophy” statement be-- 

1.       deleted or

2.       folded into the President’s Welcome or

3.       given its own heading not under the Mission statement?    

·         Could the word “Objectives” be deleted but reflected a more general mission statement? 


(Based on preliminary discussion with some Committee members, would the following wording address Guiding questions 1-3 about the Mission statement as it pertains to the Institute today?


The mission of the Spanish-American Institute is to provide career programs for students seeking entry-level employment and/or English language skills needed for higher education.”)


4.  Recruiting 1:  Should descriptions of the ESL-Plus Course of Study indicate that “successful” completion of the course of study should prepare students with the language skills needed for study at an American college or university? 


5.  Recruiting 2:  How will the Institute provide college admissions advisement and application help?