Spanish-American Institute

CEA Self-Study Standards Committees (SSSC):  Faculty

August 26, 2011


To:       Members, Faculty Self-Study Standards Committee:   Carolyn Prager, Nori Panganiban, Bouchra Zouhairi, Freddie Ann Bush, Melvin Marcus, Svetlana Shcheglova, Yan Kiryeva

From:  Carolyn Prager, CEA Self-Study Coordinator

Re:      Charge to the Committee

Date:   August 26, 2011


cc:  Self-Study Steering Committee


I.  Timelines. 1

II.  CEA Standards:  Faculty.. 2

Faculty Standard 1: 2

Faculty Standard 2: 2

Faculty Standard  3: 3

Faculty Standard 4 : 3

Faculty Standard 5 : 3

Faculty Standard 6 : 3

Faculty Standard 7 : 3

III.  Some Guiding Questions or Prompts for Committee Consideration   3

Faculty Standards 1-3: 3

Faculty Standards 1-3: 3

Faculty Standard 7: 3




The Faculty Committee is responsible for the Faculty section of the CEA Self-Study for the ESL and non-ESL portions of the English-Plus Course of Study: 


The three sections below:  



I.  Timelines


The SS Plan established the following timelines for Committee Self-Study activity: 





SSC=Self-Study Coordinator, SSR= Self-Study Report, SSSC=Self-Study Standards Committee


September, 2011

1st meeting to review assigned standards, review guiding questions, define needed documentation, and develop work plan.


September, 2011 


2nd meeting to draft preliminary responses to SSC’s self-study prompts. 


On or before October 1, 2011

Send draft responses to C. Prager, SS Coordinator (SSC)  no later than October 1.   


October 15, 2011


October 15, 2011: SSC’s preliminary review of SSSC response for 1st draft preparation of SSSC portion of the SS. 


>October 15-November 15, 2011 

SSSC works on 1st draft of SSR. 


November 15, 2011. 

SSSC submits 1st draft of their portion of the SS to the SSC. 


by November 22, 2011. 

SSC reviews 1st draft with SS Steering Committee and returns provides comments to the SSSC. 


November 22-December 22, 2011

SSSC meets, reviews comments on 1st draft, and works on 2nd draft. 


December 22, 2011

2nd draft due to SSC. 


by January 15, 2012

SSC and SS Steering Committee review 2nd draft and return with suggestions for final revisions.   


January 15-February 15, 2012


January 22 Faculty Meeting

SSSC prepares final draft. 


Faculty meeting to review final drafts.. 


February 15, 2012 (This is a drop dead date.) 

By February 1, SSC compiles Self-Study Report for review by the Steering Committee for transmittal to CEA no later than March 1, 2012. 


March 1, 2010 (this is latest that the SSR can be transmitted to CEA). 

Final date for transmittal of final Self-Study Report to CEA. 




II.  CEA Standards:  Faculty


The following Standards must be addressed in the Self-Study.  Each Standard below is followed by a brief summary, illustration, and/or excerpt from CEA’s Discussion for that Standard and page references for further review in the CEA Standards document.  


CEA Standards must reinforce and tie back to each other.  For example, there is a direct link between Curriculum, Student Achievement (Outcomes) and the faculty’s role in transforming course objectives and course materials into useful student learning activities. 


Faculty Standard 1:

  Faculty members have education and training commensurate with their teaching assignments.  . 


CEA Discussion:  Where faculty do not have degrees in ESL or a closely related field, CEA requires that institututions demonstrate faculty demonstrate competency similar to that possessed by those with formal degrees in language teaching in very specific areas, including language teaching methodology, the structure of English, etc. (pp. 11-12). 


Faculty Standard 2:

 Faculty have experience relevant of teaching students at the postsecondary level in their areas of assignment and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to professional development.  [emphasis added].


CEA Discussion:  See the specific list of experiential and professional development criteria (p.13 and pp. 12-12). 


Faculty Standard  3:

  Faculty who teach English demonstrate proficiency in English.  (p. 13). 


Faculty Standard 4 :

  Teachers in training are appropriately selected, trained, and supervised . . .  (p. 14). Does not apply to the Institute’s faculty. 


Faculty Standard 5 :

 Faculty members each receive a job description . . . [etc.], p. 14-15.


Faculty Standard 6 :

   The program or language institution has an adequate number of faculty . . . [etc., p. 15-16.]


Faculty Standard 7 :

   The program or language institution describes to faculty clearly and in writing the performance criteria and procedures for evaluation at the onset of the evaluation period, conducts faculty performance evaluations that are systematic, regular, fair, objective, and relevant to achieving program or institutional goals; and conveys evaluation results to faculty in writing in a timely manner.  .


CEA Discussion:  See pp. 16-17. 


III.  Some Guiding Questions or Prompts for Committee Consideration

The Committee should add other questions for discussion as it wishes. 


Faculty Standards 1-3:

 How do ESL-Plus faculty for ESL and non-ESL courses without formal degrees in ESL demonstrate competency in CEA’s defined list of competencies on pp. 12-13?  Is this demonstration consistent with CEA’s criteria for language faculty? 


Faculty Standards 1-3:

  How do ESL-Plus faculty for ESL and non-ESL courses demonstrate competency in English as well as its teaching? How do ESL-Plus faculty demonstrate competency at the level at which they are teaching?


Faculty Standard 7:

How does the Institute convey its performance criteria to faculty?  To what extent are faculty aware in writing of faculty performance expectations and criteria?