Spanish-American Institute

August 29, 2011


To:      Members, Faculty Self-Study Standards Committee:   Carolyn Prager, Nori Panganiban, Bouchra Zouhairi, Freddie Ann Bush, Melvin Marcus, Svetlana Shcheglova, Yana Kiryeva

From: Carolyn Prager, CEA Self-Study Coordinator

Re:     Transmittal of Charge to the Committee

Date:  August 29, 2011


cc:  Self-Study Steering Committee:  Dante V. Ferraro, Paul Schiffman, Thomas Schwenke, Carolyn Prager



CEA Self-Study Standards Committees: 1

Charge to the Committee: 1

Next Steps--September-October: 1

September 1

October 2





The Spanish-American Institute is seeking CEA accreditation of our English-Plus Course of Study.


CEA Self-Study Standards Committees:

  A copy of CEA’s Accreditation Standards was previously distributed to each Institute faculty and staff member.  To develop the CEA Self-Study, we have formed 6 CEA Self-Study Standards Committees (SSSCs).  Each SSSC will draft a portion of the CEA Self-Study required by the Accreditation Standards for its area(s).  The six SSSCs are: 


  1. Mission, Recruiting, and Student Complaints
  2. Curriculum
  3. Resources
  4. Faculty
  5. Student Services
  6. Student Achievement


Charge to the Committee:

  Attached is the Charge to the CEA Faculty SSSC.  It contains: 


·         a general introduction,

·         timelines for Committee activity,

·         CEA Standards for the Committee, and

·        Guiding Questions or Prompts for the Committee’s consideration. 


Next Steps--September-October: 




  1. Dr. Prager meets with Committee members to review and discuss the assigned standards; 
  2. SSSC meets as needed to draft preliminary responses to the Self-Study Prompts; and
  3. SSSC sends draft preliminary responses to Dr. Prager on the attached form by the end of September.




3.  Dr. Prager reviews the SSSC’s draft preliminary responses and returns them with suggestions for developing the Committee’s portion of the Self-Study by October 15.

4.  SSSC begins work on its 1st draft of the Self-Study to be submitted no later than November 15.