spanish-american institute

215 West 43 Street    NYC, NY 10036    212.840.7111    fax: 212.719.5922



Program Development, Planning and Review Steering Committee

«FirstNAME» «LastNAME»


Standing Committee on Student Achievement


  • Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Thomas Schwenke, Dean of Administrative Services
  • Dr. Nori Panganiban, English Chair, Intensive English Language Division
  • Freddie Ann Bush, Business Chair, Intensive English Language Division
  • Tetiana Bobrysheva, Faculty Member
  • Christian Gallardo, Faculty Student-Services Associate
  • Zoryana Matichyk, Faculty Member


Student Achievement Standards

Standard 1: The program or language institution has a placement system that is consistent with its admission requirements and allows valid and reliable placement of students into levels.

Standard 2: The program or language institution documents in writing whether students are ready to progress to the next level or to exit the program of study, using instruments or procedures that appropriately assess the achievement of student learning outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum.

Standard 4: The program or language institution informs students of the assessment procedures used to determine placement, progression from level to level, and completion of the program, as well as their individual results.


July 2, 2013


Tasks: Provide data to show that the program has a placement system that allows valid and reliable placement of students into levels.

Process: In order to determine that the CELSA placement test is “effective, reliable, and valid”, students will take a pre-test in MyNorthStarLab at their assigned level.

Faculty student-services Associates explain that part of the enrollment process includes the CELSA placement test along with a pre-test in the assigned level of English. When students begin their classes, each faculty member explains the requirement to take the required pre-test.

Students’ scores for both CELSA and MyNorthStarLab are entered into SchoolWorks and will be available for students to view on their class schedules.

Responsible Parties: Caryn Davis, Dr. Nori Panganiban, Freddie Ann Bush, all Faculty-Student Services Associates and Faculty

Timeline: Pre-testing initiated on April 1, 2013.

Documentation: CELSA and MyNorthStarLab scores for students are available on SchoolWorks and are printed on each student’s schedule.

Assessment: If MyNorthStarLab pre-test scores are comparable or within an acceptable variance to the CELSA scores, then proper placement is confirmed.

If scores are outside an acceptable variance, then the Committee suggested that the teacher further evaluate the student’s proper level through rubrics. The teacher and the student will work together to determine the best level for the student.


Tasks: Provide data to demonstrate that the instruments or procedures used to determine if students are ready to progress to the next level or to exit the program of study appropriately assess their achievement of the student learning outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum.

Process: Students are required to take both a pre-test and post-test at each level of English. The pre-test determines their English proficiency as they enter a level; and the post-test helps determine if they ready to progress to the next level or to exit the program.

Both faculty and faculty student-services associates explain to the students that they are required to take both a pre-test and post-test at each level of English.

A student must achieve a score of at least 80% in order to transfer to the next level. The scores are recorded both in MyNorthStarLab and SchoolWorks. They are available for students review on their class schedules.

Responsible Parties: Caryn Davis, Dr. Nori Panganiban, Freddie Ann Bush, all Faculty-Student Services Associates and Faculty

Timeline:  Post-testing began early 2012. Pre-testing initiated in Spring 2013.

Documentation: MyNorthStarLab scores for students are available on SchoolWorks and are printed on each student’s schedule.

Assessment: A score of 80% or higher determines if students are ready to progress to the next level.


Tasks: Provide evidence that the program consistently informs students of its placement, progression and program-completion assessment procedures, that it provides students with their individual results and that students are informed of and have access to the program's grade-appeal procedure.

Process: Update the Catalog to reflect updated mission.  Update catalog and grade report forms to inform students of the placement, progression and program-completion assessment procedures.

The students’ individual results are available on the student class schedule.

Update Catalog to include formal grade appeal process which follows good academic standing appeals process.

Responsible Parties:   Dante V. Ferraro, President, Paul Schiffman, Dean of Student Services, Thomas S.: Schwenke, Dean of Administrative Services and Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs

Timeline:  Catalog and form updates completed Spring 2013

Documentation: Online School Catalog and sample of a class schedule.

Assessment:  Committee members and faculty and staff in general will review and comment on appropriateness of changes.


Thank you,