spanish-american institute

215 West 43 Street    NYC, NY 10036    212.840.7111    fax: 212.719.5922



Program Development, Planning and Review Steering Committee


Standing Committee on Faculty


  • Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Nori Panganiban, IEP Division, English Chair
  • Freddie Ann Bush, Business Chair
  • Melvin Marcus, Faculty
  • Svetlana Shcheglova, Faculty
  • Yana Kiryeva, Faculty


Faculty Standards

Standard 3: Faculty who teach English demonstrate excellent proficiency in English. In language institutions where languages other than English are taught, faculty demonstrate excellent proficiency in the languages they teach.


July 3, 2013


Tasks: Provide evidence of the establishment, implementation, and assessment of a system to ensure that faculty who teach English demonstrate excellent proficiency in English as required by this standard.

Of the 28 faculty who have taken the TOEIC test, a number of faculty have been scheduled to retake the TOEIC test in order to obtain scores truly reflective of their proficiency in English.

Process: Faculty, who passed the TOEIC test, have volunteered to partner with and coach their colleagues who need to be re-tested. Together they will practice techniques such as stress, intonation and pronunciation, as well grammatical correctness that are necessary to demonstrate proficiency in English. At the end of this coaching period, faculty who need to be reassessed will be re-tested.

Responsible Parties: Faculty who have successfully taken the TOEIC test have been designated coaches. The coaches and their assignees are:

Dr. Panganiban, Coach

  • Ms. Bush
  • Ms. Bobrysheva
  • Mr. Ramos
  • Ms. Tuldanes

Ms. Grajo, Coach

  • Mr. Castillo
  • Dr. Dolina
  • Ms. Ortiz

Ms. Manliclic, Coach

  • Ms. A. Diaz
  • Ms. G. Diaz
  • Ms. Zatulovski

Timeline: The coaching period will be two weeks beginning July 8th. TOEIC testing will be scheduled for the week of July 22nd.  Results should be received from ETS before mid August 2013.

Documentation: Results are provided by ETS and are available for review.

Assessment:  Number of faculty increasing their TOEIC scores will be used to assess the efficacy of the TOEIC study materials and of the peer coaching and support activities


Thank you,                      TSS