Spanish-American Institute

Program Development, Planning and Review

Steering Committee Draft for Discussion

March 2013



Develop a separate English Plus Effectiveness Plan.  Include standards, tasks, process, parties and time line, assessment measure and appendix of documentation.  Tasks will include a cycle for curriculum review, assessment review and student services review.


Program Development, Planning and Review








Assessment Measurement



Present aggregated data from multiple years since implementation of the NorthStar-based curriculum to demonstrate that the instructional materials and methodologies are appropriate and contribute to the mastery of course objectives.

Demonstrate that there is a logical consistency among the pass/fail patterns at each level, rates of promotion for each level, and the average time required to complete all levels in the curriculum.

Curriculum: Std 3
The instructional materials and methodologies are appropriate and contribute to the mastery of course objectives.

Length and Structure of Program of Study
Standard 1: The calendar states the number of terms per year, the number of weeks per term and the number of hours of instruction per week. The calendar is consistent with and supportive of the program or language institution’s stated mission and goals.

Length & Structure of Program of Study
Standard 2: The program or language institution’s curricular design clearly indicates the levels of instruction and specifies how students progress through a full program of study.

Curriculum Committee:

Paul Schiffman, Chairperson

Caryn Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs

Lori Panginabon,
E Plus Chairperson

Thomas Schwenke, Dean of Admin. Servs

Christian Gallardo, Student Faculty Servs Assoc

Linda Manliclich, Faculty

Determine how to capture assessment data.

Students “test in” and “test out” at each esl level.

Use MyNorthStarLab as instrument for assessment.

Identify students who have Access Codes for MyNorthStarLab.

Develop a process to ensure the pre-test is administered.

Students “test in” and “test out” at each esl level via MyNorthStarLab.

Use Regit to identify students who purchased books with Access Codes.

Use Labels to print each student’s class schedule.

Invite  students to register for MyNorthStarLab and take the pre-test.

Maintain a record of who has tested-in and compare to individual’s


Compare grades on test-in and exit exam. Identify percent improvement.

Links to documentation

Curriculum Committee Meeting

Spreadsheet containing students who have tested in and out at each level.

Student Assessment Practices

Provide data to show that the program has a placement system that allows valid and reliable placement of students into levels.

Provide data to demonstrate that the instruments or procedures used to determine if students are ready to progress to the next level or to exit the program of study appropriately assess their achievement of the student learning outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum.

Provide evidence that the program consistently informs students of its placement, progression, and program-completion assessment procedures, that it provides students with their individual results, and that students are informed of and have access to the program's grade-appeal procedure.

Student Achievement
Standard 1: The program or language institution has a placement system that is consistent with its admission requirements and allows valid and reliable placement of students into levels.

Standard 2: The program or language institution documents in writing whether students are ready to progress to the next level or to exit the program of study, using instruments or procedures that appropriately assess the achievement of student learning outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum.

Standard 4: The program or language institution informs students of the assessment procedures used to determine placement, progression from level to level, and completion of the program, as well as their individual results.

Student Achievement Committee:

Caryn Davis, Chairperson

Lori Panginabon,
E Plus Chairperson

Thomas Schwenke, Dean of Admin. Servs

Christian Gallardo, Student Faculty Servs Assoc

Linda Manliclich, Faculty

Mark Schwenke,
IT Coordinator

Initial placement - CELSA Test

Pre-test at each level

Exit exam to move to the next level.

Monitor progress and progression using MyNorthStarLab and SchoolWorks

CELSA administered during enrollment.





Links to documentation

CELSA assignment matrix

Spreadsheet detailing students’ progression.

Initial Placement:

·        CELSA test.

MyNorthStar Lab:

·        Pre-test

·        Exit Exam

At each level

Student Services Policies and Activities

Provide evidence that clear, complete pre-arrival initial arrival and on-going orientation to the program and its policies and to the host institution are being provided to all new students. Include possible cross­ cultural issues and all area described in the discussion for this standard.

Provide evidence that all students at all levels are informed of the need for adequate health insurance coverage.

Student Services
Standard 3: The program or language institution provides pre-arrival and ongoing orientation (1) to support students in their adjustment to the program or language institution (and to the host institution if applicable) and to the surrounding culture and community, and (2) to help them understand immigration regulations and procedures, as well as health and safety issues.

Standard 5: Students have access to health insurance if required and, in all cases students are informed about the need for adequate health insurance coverage.

Student Services Committee






Links to documentation