spanish-american institute

215 West 43 Street    NYC, NY 10036    212.840.7111    fax: 212.719.5922




Program Development, Planning and Review

Standing Standards Committee on

Mission, Recruiting, Student Complaints


To:   Members, Standing Standards Committee on Mission, Recruiting, and Student Complaints   ~   «FirstNAME»  «LastNAME»

Responsible Parties:

  • Dante V. Ferraro,  President / SEVIS PDSO
  • Thomas Schwenke,  Dean of Administrative Services / SEVIS DSO
  • Paul Schiffman, Dean of Student Services / SEVIS DSO
  • Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Ivelisse Rymer, Faculty Student-Services Associate / SEVIS DSO

From:  Dante V. Ferraro, Program Development, Planning and Review Coordinator

Re:                  Charge to the Standing Standards Committee on Mission, Recruiting and Student Complaints

Date:    April 23, 2013


cc:       Other Area Committees

            All Faculty and Staff


The following sections:   


I.  Tasks, Process, Responsible Parties, Timelines, Documentation


The Plan establishes the following Tasks. Process, Responsible Parties, Timelines and Documentation for Standing Committee on Mission, Recruiting and Student Complaints activity:  The Standing Committee Members listed above (Responsible Parties) will accomplish the review and revision tasks listed below through a process collaborative discussion, analysis and review of the listed documentation in a series of one-on-one work sessions and full committee meetings according to the timetable below.



Tasks- Process - Responsible Parties




April 2013

President Ferraro will solicit committee members by personal meeting.

Committee designees will accept or decline the assignment orally.

President Ferraro will charge the committee by memo and cause to be prepared and distributed printed and online documentation for Committee review.

First meeting to review assigned standards, review guiding questions, define needed documentation, and develop work plan.


·        Committee Charge Memo

·        TESOL Program Self-Review Instrument

·        School Catalog (vol 28 - before revision and vol 29 - after revision

·        Non-ESL Syllabi 2012 and 2013 revised

·        CEA October 2013 Reporting Requirements

·        CEA Standards

·        Committee Agendas

·        Committee Minutes

April 1013

President Ferraro: Distribute catalog and syllabi with proposed revisions in printed and online format.

Committee Members: review, comment on, add to, and correct  Catalog and non-ESL Syllabi proposed changes

in process

June 2013 


Standing Committee members will hold a Second meeting to draft preliminary responses to CEA October 2013 Reporting Requirements and evaluate TESOL Self-Review Instrument elements 

to be completed

On or before July 2013

Dean Schwenke will summarize committee draft responses and submit to Dante V. Ferraro, Coordinator for final re-write

to be completed

October 1, 2013


President Ferraro will Submit CEA required reports

to be completed

December 2013

Steering Committee (consisting of the President and Deans will evaluate elements of TESOL Self-Review Instrument.

Consider revisions, deletions and additions to the Mission, Recruiting and Student Complaints sections of the Program Development, Review and Planning report

to be completed

April 2014. 

Steering Committee (consisting of the President and Deans) will re-evaluate committee charge and implement changes, consider standing committee personnel assignments  and repeat the Program Planning, Development and Review process

to be completed


II.  CEA Standards:  Mission, Recruiting, and Student Complaints


The following Standards must be addressed.  Each Standard below is followed by a brief summary, illustration, and/or excerpt from CEA’s Discussion for that Standard and page references for further review in the CEA Standards document.  CEA Standards may be viewed online at:


Mission Standard 1: The program or language institution has a written statement of its mission and goals, which guides activities, policies, and allocation of resources. This statement is communicated to faculty, students, and staff, as well as to prospective students, student sponsors, and the public, and is evaluated periodically.


CEA Discussion:  “Because the mission statement forms the basis for all decisions affecting the program or institution, the statement must be evaluated and updated periodically to reflect new goals or shifts in the focus of its educational programs or services . . . [emphasis added].(p. 7). 


Recruiting Standard 1: All program or language institution personnel follow ethical standards for recruiting students and promoting programs, and they ensure that the program or language institution’s policies and procedures are made clear to prospective students and/or student sponsors. In any recruitment transaction, the students' interests and well-being are paramount.


CEA Discussion: “The program or institution ensures that students are informed of the result of attending or completing the program or institution relative to eligibility requirements for admission to university or college classes . . .   (p. 33)


Recruiting Standard 2: All written, electronic, and oral information used to recruit students is accurate and complete.


CEA Discussion:  must include student services available such as counseling, assistance with housing, application help for university or college admission, etc.  (p. 34). 


Student Complaints Standard 1: The program or language institution makes available to students, in writing, procedures by which they may lodge formal complaints. The program or language institution documents and maintains records of formal student complaints, as well as the resolution of any such complaints.


CEA Discussion:  p. 45. 


III.  Some Guiding Questions or Prompts for Committee Consideration


The following guiding questions are intended only as prompts for Committee discussion in developing it portion of the Self-Study.  The Committee will likely develop other topics for discussion


1.       Mission:  Is the Institute’s primary mission appropriate?

2.       Mission:  Is the stated mission reflected in other school publications?

3.       Recruiting: Do the Institute's recruiting practices meet "best practices" standards in meeting student needs?

4.       Recruiting:  How will the Institute ongoing orientation transfer advisement and application help?

5.      Student Complaints:  How does the Institute currently handle student complaints?

6.      Student Complaints:  What can be done to more effectively monitor and resolve student complaints?


IV.    Using elements of the TESOL Self-Review Instrument to Facilitate Program Planning, Development and Review in the Areas of Mission, Recruiting and Student Complaints


Using TESOL Program Standards for Program Review



IV.    Citations from CEA October 2013 Required Reports to be considered by the Mission, Recruitment and Student Complaint Standing Committee