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Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes
RE: Curriculum, Length and Structure of Program, Student Achievement
Topic: “Test-in” Students at the start of an ESL level
Meeting Date and Time: March 12, 2013 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Present: Dante Ferraro, President, Thomas Schwenke,
Dean of Administrative Services,
Nori Panganiban, Chair, Faculty: Christian Gallardo
Use MyMorthStarLab as the tool to “test-in” students. Since the MyNorthStarLab is currently used as the “Exit Exam”, in would be helpful to also use it for testing in students. A comparison of the two grades would help assess how well students absorbed the instructional information at each level.
Proposed Process:
Scheduled to begin April 1st with data retrieved from Regit as of March 1st.