spanish-american institute

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To:       All Faculty and Staff

From:   Program Planning, Development and Review Standing Steering Committee Member

·        Dante V. Ferraro, President

·        Paul Schiffman, Dean of Student Services

·        Thomas S. Schwenke, Dean of Administrative Services

·        Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs

RE:       Program Planning, Development and Review Focus on Oct 2013 CEA Reporting Requirements

Date:    July 27, 2013

Standing Committee Notes

CEA Standards

1) Program Planning Development and Review: Standard 1-The program or language institution has a plan, in writing, for development of the program or language institution, including planning, implementation and evaluation.

  • Faculty and staff received the ESL Plus Course of Study Development, Planning and Review document. The document provides information on tasks to accomplish based on the TESOL Program Standards for Program Review and Improvement, the responsible parties, timelines, outcomes and documentation needed. (see attachment).


  • Faculty and staff were informed that copies of the TESOL Program Standards for Program Review and Improvement will be made available. In addition, committees will be formed to assist in the planning, development and review process.


2) Student Services: Standard 3The program or language institution provides pre-arrival and ongoing orientation (1) to support students in their adjustment to the program or language institution (and the host institution if applicable) and to the surrounding culture and community, and (2) the help them understand immigration regulations and procedures, as well as health and safety issues.

  • Faculty and staff received bound copies of two booklets, “Guide to Ongoing Student-Orientation Procedures 2012-2013” and A Faculty Student-Services Associate’s and Faculty “On-Going Monthly Orientation Planner: The Foreign Student’s Guide to the Surrounding New York City Culture and Community 2012-2013.” The first booklet includes detailed sections that will help students understand immigration regulations and procedures, as well as health and safety issues. The second booklet provides extensive information, month by month, of a variety of ways students can interact with the people and places in New York City. Each booklet compliments each other, and gives students a good tool to help them in their adjustment to the Institute and New York City. Faculty and staff were advised to use these booklets frequently throughout the year.


3) Student Achievement: Standard 2-The program or language institution documents in writing whether students are ready to progress to the next level or to exit the program of study, using instruments or procedures that appropriately assess the achievement of student learning outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum.

  • Faculty and staff were informed of a new assessment, a pre-test, to be administered to new students at the beginning of their enrollment. Adding this assessment will provide useful data when it’s compared to their exit test to assist the Institute to access student achievement and learning outcomes as it relates to movement to the next level or exit from the program.


4/5) Faculty Standards: Standard 2-Faculty has experience relevant to teaching students at the postsecondary level in their areas of assignment and demonstrates an ongoing commitment to professional development and;

Standard 3-Faculty who teaches English demonstrates excellent proficiency in English. In language institutions where languages other than English are taught, faculty demonstrates excellent proficiency in the languages they teach.


  • Faculty and staff were informed that new hires to the Institute will be required to demonstrate excellent English proficiency by way of a TOEIC score of 7 or 8 on the speaking test. New hires without a TOEIC speaking score will have the opportunity to improve their pronunciation skills by using the TOEIC Pronunciation module, an on-line program, the Institute will offer free of charge. In addition, current faculty and staff who would like to a) practice for and take the TOEIC speaking test this spring, and/or b) engage in professional develop to strengthen their teaching skills in the area of pronunciation will be given codes to access the pronunciation program from the Institute’s computers or from any other location.


  • Faculty and staff learned that Dean Davis will continue to observe and meet with recent hires to provide on-going mentoring and supervision.





a not-for-profit, equal educational opportunity institution
