spanish-american institute
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Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Program Development,
Planning, and Review
February 5, 2013
Topic: Review CEA’s Action Report items related to
· Faculty Mentoring and Proficiency
· Student Outcomes
· Program Development, Planning, and Review
· Ongoing Student Orientation
Meeting Date and Time: February 5, 2013 – 12:00 pm until 1:00 pm
Present:: Dante
V. Ferraro, President Spanish-American Institute
Nori Panganiban, Chairman,
ESL-Plus Course of Study
Thomas S. Schwenke, Dean
of Administrative Services
General Discussion: Each item was reviewed. An approach on the plan to address each reporting requirement was discussed.
Faculty Standards
Standard 2: Faculty has experience relevant to teaching students at the
postsecondary level in their areas of assignment and demonstrates an ongoing
commitment to professional development.
Reporting requirement 3
Provide evidence
of the development, implementation, and assessment of a plan to provide
careful monitoring and developmental support for all faculty who do not have experience relevant to teaching ESL students at the postsecondary level in their areas of assignment.
Design, develop and implement an internal training and mentoring program,
where by the experienced faculty will co-train, provide feed-back on
observations, and facilitate coaching sessions with the fellow faculty members.
Mentors will work with their assigned colleagues to design a developmental plan
to strengthen their teaching skills.
Standard 3: Faculty who teach
English demonstrate excellent proficiency in English. In language institutions
where languages other than English are taught, faculty demonstrates excellent
proficiency in the languages they teach.
Reporting requirement 4
Provide evidence
of the establishment, implementation, and assessment of a system
to ensure that faculty who teach English
demonstrate excellent proficiency in English as required by this standard.
In order to demonstrate excellent proficiency in English, the Institute
will use the TOEIC test (Test of English for International Communication) to
assess the English language of the Faculty. The steps to demonstrate excellent
proficiency will be:
1. Prep work of about 90 days
2. Administer the test to each Faculty member
3. Those achieving a grade of Grade of 7 or 8 will be considered proficient.
4. Those with a lower Grade will be required to participate in program to
strengthen the areas that are
considered less than proficient.
Student Services
Standard 3: The program or language institution provides pre-arrival
and ongoing orientation (1) to support students in their adjustment to the
program or language institution (and to the host institution if applicable) and
to the surrounding culture and community, and (2) to help them understand
immigration regulations and procedures, as well as health and safety issues.
Reporting requirement 7
Provide evidence
that clear, complete pre-arrival initial arrival
and on-going orientation to the program and its policies and to the host institution are being provided
to all new students. Include possible cross cultural issues and all area described
in the discussion for this standard.
Attach C. Cavage Orientation flow chart. This covers pre-arrival and
initial arrival orientation for students regarding their adjustment to the
program and its policies, as well as health and safety issues.
Each Faculty member will use the “Ongoing
Orientation Monthly Planner” to ensure students are aware of the
different aspects of culture and community in
Student Achievement
Standard 2: The program or
language institution documents in writing whether students are ready to
progress to the next level or to exit the program of study, using instruments
or procedures that appropriately assess the achievement of student learning
outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum.
Reporting requirement 10
Provide data to demonstrate that the instruments or procedures used to determine
if students are ready
to progress to the next level or to exit the program of study appropriately assess their
achievement of the student learning
outcomes for courses
taken within the curriculum.
Select an external testing instrument that can assess students’ achievement
of their learning outcomes for courses taken.
Program Planning, Development and Review
Standard 1: The program or
language institution has a plan, in writing, for development of the program or
language institution, including planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Reporting requirement 12
Provide evidence
of a plan, in writing, for development of the program
that covers planning, implementation, and evaluation and that is comprised of the tasks,
processes, responsible parties,
time lines, and document
as specified by the standard.
Include all the areas specified in the Program Development, Planning, and Review
Standard 1. Provide
evidence of implementation of the plan.
Implement a plan using the model of the TESOL Program Standards for
Program Review and Improvement. This model includes identifying the tasks,
processes, responsible parties, timelines and documentation for the development
of the program.