Spanish-American Institute
Teacher Exam Duplication Request Form
Teachers should use this form to request duplication of all exam material.
This form will eliminate the need to leave copies of the NorthStar and WorldView Teacher's Manuals at the Front Desk and keep them available for circulation and reference in the Bookstore.
Please submit a separate form for each class hour. (For example, if you teach more than one class of ESL 3, submit a seperate form for each class hour).
I. Teacher's First Name: Teacher's Last Name: Teacher's Email:
II. Today's Date:
III. Class Hour: 9:15 am 10:10 am 11:05 am 12 noon 1:00 pm 1:55 pm 2:50 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:51 pm 6:42 pm 7:33 pm 8:24 pm Subject: English Literacy English Level One English Level Two English Level Three English Level Four English Level Five English Level Six Business English Advanced Reading and Writing TOEFL Room: 2 3 4 4B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 25
IV. Teacher Manual Title:
Name of Test and Pages to Duplicate: Number of Copies Needed:
V. Please upload test to duplicated here:
IMPORTANT: All tests must include appropriate reading and writing questions that align with the course. For example, for ESL 3, attach a copy of reading and writing questions that align with the Scope and Sequence English outcomes objectives in NorthStar for that unit. For non-ESL courses, attach (or upload) a copy of the entire test for duplication. Thank you.
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