Professional Growth
Partial Tuition
Application Form
Please use this form to request financial assistance for academic professional development.
After completing this form, please give to Room One.
Your Name: ______________________________________________________________
Today’s Date: _____________________________________________________________
Amount Requested: ________________________________________________________
(Attach supporting
documentation such as copy of membership or course tuition fee from a website
or publication)
Briefly but specifically describe how the activity for which you seek support will contribute to your professional development in terms of your work at the Spanish-American Institute.
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Signature and Position:_____________________________________________________
Subject to fund
availability, faculty and staff may request tuition reimbursement for
appropriate, college-related professional growth courses.
Faculty members are
encouraged to attend off-campus meetings related to professional development
and/or to the conduct of official school business with the prior approval of
the appropriate supervisor. Written
requests must include the reasons for attendance and estimated expenses. Requests should be made in a timely fashion
and are subject to budgetary constraints.
Well-defined arrangements for the coverage of classes or administrative
responsibilities must accompany requests.
Faculty may be reimbursed
for PREAPPROVED, reasonable and documented expenses, which may include meals,
lodging, transportation, and fees.
Within one week of returning to campus, faculty must file a travel
expense report including receipts.
Within two weeks a report
must be submitted summarizing the conference or meeting.