spanish-american institute
215 West 43 Street ●
NYC, NY 10036 ● 212.840.7111
● fax: 212.719.5922 ● ●
To: All Faculty and Staff ~ «FirstNAME» «LastNAME»
From: Dante V. Ferraro, President
Intensive English Language and Business Department Chairs
Re: Classroom Observations
Date: January 10, 2012
Classroom Observations
In the next few weeks, Department Chairs and their associates will conduct classroom observations. Copies of the observation forms used in English/ESL and non-ESL classes are attached.
The criteria for teaching observations criteria are based on the Institute’s Standards of Good Practice in ESL Teaching and the Institute’s English-in-Context: Teaching English in Computer Education. Given the school’s primary emphasis on teaching English language skills in all classes, non-ESL faculty as well as ESL/English faculty should review these standards.
This is to be a constructive, collegial activity during which we are able to work together to improve the quality of instruction in all our classes.
Annual Professional Development
Following the observation, we will schedule a meeting to discuss the observation and to update your an annual professional development plan.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you
Associated Documents: (some attached, some you have received already, some will follow --- al available on the web @
Class Observation Form
Class Observation Form
Standards of Good Practice in ESL Teaching
Teaching English in Computer Education
Spanish-American Institute
English Class Teaching Observation
Faculty Member: «FirstNAME» «LastNAME» |
Course & Time: ESL |
Observation Date: |
Number of Students Present: |
Observer: |
Observer's Signature: |
Scale: 1=unsatisfactory, 2=needs
improvement, 3=satisfactory, 4=very good, 5=excellent, NA/NO-not applicable or
not observed
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Used content appropriate to the syllabus and the assigned textbook
according to the Institute’s Standards
of Good Practice in ESL Teaching. |
Used content appropriate to the lesson. |
Used content appropriate to the class. |
Related material to prior knowledge. |
Demonstrated command of subject matter. |
Explained items clearly and effectively. |
Assigned appropriate homework. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Explained purpose of lesson clearly. |
Demonstrated evidence of lesson planning. |
Engaged class in holistic writing activities. |
Engaged class in holistic reading activities. |
Engaged class in holistic listening activities. |
Engaged class in holistic speaking activities. |
Used effective transitions |
Used active learning strategies |
Used varied teaching strategies |
Used class time effectively |
Discouraged "bitting.” (*Bitting=accepting little bits of answers instead of
encouraging full sentence responses that demonstrate understanding of the
question.) |
Kept teacher’s “voice” to a minimum so that the primary speakers were
students engaged in active communication with each other. |
Allowed wait-time for question responses. |
Involved several students in each question. |
Arranged classroom effectively to encourage
student communication with each other (not from student to teacher). |
Used blackboard sparingly, if at all.
Involved everyone in the class. |
Communicated expectations clearly to students, including
participation levels. |
Collected homework and provided feedback. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Created a student-centered classroom, not a
teacher-centered one. (In a student-centered classroom, the teacher
facilitates learning through the use of active teaching strategies that
requires student engagement with each
Addressed students by name |
Required students to engage in answering their own questions.
(Did not allow student
questions to divert attention away from the lesson.) |
Encouraged student interaction. |
Moved around the classroom. |
Observed individual student work. |
Determined when students were confused |
Helped students who needed assistance but did not provide them with
the “answers.” |
Provided students with positive feedback |
Held students' attention. |
Faculty Member’s Signature:
«FirstNAME» «LastNAME»
Signature: _____________________________
Date: _______________
Spanish-American Institute
Non-ESL Course Teaching Observation
rev. 20110901
Faculty Member: «FirstNAME»
«LastNAME» |
Course & Time: |
Observation Date: |
Number of Students Present: |
Observer: |
Scale: 1=unsatisfactory, 2=needs
improvement, 3=satisfactory, 4=very good, 5=excellent, NA/NO-not applicable or
not observed
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Used content from the textbook unit and content appropriate to the syllabus. |
Incorporated objectives with primary attention to using English
language skills. |
Incorporated unit’s application objectives. |
Incorporated “Critical Thinking” activity (or equivalent if
not using DDC text). |
Incorporated “On Your Own” activity (or equivalent if not using DDC text as
required by textbook and syllabus). |
Incorporated “Online Resources” research (or equivalent if not
using DDC text as required by textbook and syllabus) . |
Incorporated final project development. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Demonstrated evidence of lesson planning consistent with the
syllabus and with student needs with primary attention to incorporation of
English language skills objectives. |
Facilitated student learning instead of giving students the
answers. |
Engaged students in reading for comprehension. |
Engaged students in paraphrasing (explaining textbook sections
orally and/or in writing). |
Engaged students in summarizing directions orally and/or in
writing. |
Engaged students in writing activity connected with developing
“On Your Own” activity and individual projects (or equivalent if not using
DDC text as required by textbook and syllabus). |
Engaged students in speaking activity connected with
developing “On Your Own” activity and individual projects (or equivalent if
not using DDC text as required by textbook and syllabus) |
Determined when students were confused. |
Encouraged student questions. |
Moved around the classroom and observed each student's work at
least once each class period. |
Kept daily or weekly written summaries of each student’s academic
progress. |
Took attendance while students were engaged in learning
activities. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Made effective eye contact and addressed students by name. |
Communicated expectations clearly to students. |
Held students' attention. |
Had good rapport overall with students. |
Observer’s Signature and Date:
Faculty Member’s Signature and Date: ______________________________________
«FirstNAME» «LastNAME»