To:  All Faculty and Staff   ~   «FirstNAME» «LastNAME»

From:  Carolyn Prager, Dean of Academic Affairs

Re:      Classroom Observations and Annual Professional Development Plans

Date:   September 1, 2011



Classroom Observations 


In the next few weeks, I will be dropping into classes to conduct classroom observations.  A copy of the observation forms used in English/ESL and non-ESL classes is attached.


The criteria for teaching observations criteria are based on the Institute’s Standards of Good Practice in ESL Teaching  and the Institute’s English-in-Context:  Teaching English in Computer Education.  Given the school’s primary emphasis on teaching English language skills in all classes, non-ESL faculty as well as ESL/English faculty should review these standards.   


In the event that I do not stay for the entire class period, I will also ask you to complete a lesson planning form that describes how the portion of the class I observed fits into the overall lesson plan for that session. 


Annual Professional Development Plans


Following the observation, I will schedule a meeting for us to discuss the observation and to develop an annual professional development plan. 


Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Thank you




Attachments: (some will follow shortly 


English Class Observation Form

Non-ESL Class Observation Form

Standards of Good Practice in ESL Teaching  

English-in-Context:  Teaching English in Computer Education