spanish-american institute

215 West 43 Street    NYC, NY 10036    212.840.7111    fax: 212.719.5922




To:           All Faculty and Staff   ~  

From:       Dante V. Ferraro, President


Re:            Spanish-American Institute “Fair Use” Guidelines for Duplication of

                  Copyrighted Material (Addendum to the Instructional Resource Manual)

Date:         February 10, 2012



Please review again the school’s “fair use” guidelines below.  The guidelines apply to the duplication of all copyrighted materials. 


The following is also an addendum to the Institute’s Instructional Resource Manual.   After reviewing, please insert in your copy of the Manual. 


Thank you. 



Spanish-American Institute


”Fair Use” Guidelines for Duplication of Copyrighted Material


The Spanish-American Institute requires faculty to observe the legal restrictions on duplication of copyrighted material in the United States Copyright Law.  The duplication of multiple copies of print and graphic material for classroom use is restricted by the Law's "fair use" guidelines.


Faculty are required to observe the following school copyright policy.  This policy applies to all materials used in the classroom, whether the material was duplicated at the Spanish-American Institute or by a source outside the school: 


1.      "Consumable works" such as workbook material may never be copied for classroom use.

2.      The same item shall not be duplicated over and over again.

3.      No more than 10% or 1,000 words of a longer prose work, whichever is less, may be duplicated for classroom use.

4.      For all other material, consult with the Dean of Academic Affairs before copying or duplicating.  



a not-for-profit, equal educational opportunity institution