spanish-american institute
215 West 43 Street ● NYC, NY 10036 ● 212.840.7111 ● fax: 212.719.5922 ● ●
To: All Faculty and Staff - Natalya ARMYAKOVA
From: Dante V. Ferraro, President
RE: Ongoing Student Orientation on
Date: September 14, 2012
Please notice two new additions to the "Faculty Matters" / "Handbooks" section of the Institute's website:
Ongoing Student Orientation Guide 2012-2013 at and
Student Club Monthly Orientation Guide to NYC at
Please be sure to refer to these important outlines as you provide ongoing orientation to students in the office and in the classroom.
New students should be directed to these useful guides on the Institute's website.
Classroom teachers should use materials with each new starting group and with continuing students to assure that our students understand their responsibilities and opportunities and also to enjoy to the fullest the resources of our school and of the wider New York City community.
We will be meeting with Department Chairs, Faculty Student-Services Associates and Faculty members in the coming days to emphasize the importance to be placed on ongoing student orientation practices.
Copies of both documents will be distributed shortly and will also be made available in the Student Lounge, Special Events Center and the Library Resource Center. They have already been posted to the Institute website at
Please let me know should there be any question, comments or suggestion.
Thank you.