spanish-american institute

215 West 43 Street    NYC, NY 10036    212.840.7111    fax: 212.719.5922




July 1, 2013


TO:                  All Faculty and Staff -

«FirstNAME» «LastNAME»

FROM:            Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs

                        Dante V. Ferraro, President

RE:                   Professional Growth Opportunity


IATEFL Weekend Conference, Saturday/Sunday August 3-4, 2013, in Manhattan


The International Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) conference will be held in Manhattan on August 3-4, 2013, from 9:30am-4:30pm each day at The New School near Union Square.


The theme for the conference is “MODELS and PRACTICES in Teacher Preparation: Teaching and Learning Converged.”  Distinguished scholars Professors Dr. Stephen Krashen, Blaine Ray, and Scott Thornbury are the keynote speakers.  A number of other scholars as speakers and workshop conveners will turn the event into a real learning and sharing experience.


Please visit the IATEFL WEBSITE for additional information:

If you would like to attend as a non-member, please register for one or both days using this link no later than July 19:

Faculty members who attend, may present Mr. Ferraro with a Certificate of Attendance and receipt for reimbursement of up to $75 of the admission cost.

Please let me know if you are able to attend and plan to share you experiences at our next Faculty Meeting.


Hope to see you there!

MODELS and PRACTICES in teacher preparation: Teaching and Learning Converged