spanish-american institute
240 West 35 Street ● NYC, NY 10001 ●
212.840.7111 ● ●
December 14, 2016
To: Dante Ferraro, President
Tom Schwenke, Dean of Administrative Services
Paul Schiffman, Dean of Students
From: Caryn Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs
Re: Meeting with Pearson representatives, NorthStar Edition 4
Two Pearson representatives, Rob Renner and Lester Holmes, provided information about a new on-line ÒStudent CatalogueÓ which would offer NorthStar Ed 4, as well as tests and supplemental materials, to students through Spanish American Institute. These on-line materials would be available to students on their cell phones, desktops, and tablets. The edition 4 books could also be available for purchase in the bookstore. Mr. Renner will send an email with pricing information.
Teachers would also have access to additional Pearson materials that could be added to the Student Catalogue to use as an on-line reference library, such as Betty AzarÕs new book, Understanding and Using English Grammar. The library could be available for a specific amount of time, and renewed by request.
Mr. Holmes will provide the access code to the Student Catalogue for the DeanÕs and Mr. FerraroÕs perusal.
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