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8 0 3 - Agree 3 - Agree 2 - Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Agree 2 - Disagree Ch. 6 Exercises1. First, it is the Path which each Being treads cousinnoutly return after return until perfection is accomplished; the Work never ends. The Work is continuous effort to perfect the Being, without getting into forms of evolution which are higher than human.2. When I read the term true teacher,' I thought Real Self' that is the Self which you yourself are in the sense of you are a spark of the Divine, when it has realized that it is part of the Whole, the ego has been dropped, the small I's have disappeared and the teachers are everywhere in everything because now you are able to understand' interconnected and related parts of One Whole Being.3. It appears from what I gather that Discernment (which is seeing or perceiving) is a faculty of the sense of sight in terms of seeing greater detail which is necessary before the Higher Mind or even Mentation can develop, that in fact the development of the senses (and also control of any indulgence of sensations) is absolutely necessary before discernment can be developed that is of any use. So any exercise that will refine and extend any of the senses, especially sight and hearing because they are the most complex and last evolved in man, will develop discernment and lead to Mentation which will lead to Higher Mind.All this, of course, begins with Attention and the Popcorn exercise EJ has given us. It is necessary to learn to view complex objects in parts' as in looking at a face you train yourself to look at the eyes, mouth, shape of the face, etc. separately otherwise you have a blurry memory and blurry memory is no use for anything. Beginning with Attention to detail not only with sight, but with all the senses, beginning with the observation of movements of the HBM, externally and then internally, extend all the senses, making them finer and greater.When you have discernment, can discern well, you can learn and have knowledge, your attention is concentrated and you develop will. When you have knowledge you have the ability to think' unless and until you do that you cannot have memory and knowledge, you can't mentate. In fact that is what has to be done in order to develop the astral senses which must be done in order to consciously travel in the macrodimensions in my view. All the foregoing is one description of work that is necessary to do in order to wake up in fact. When you are able to attend, sense, know, think, mentate to a far greater degree than now, then that is AWAKE. Anyway, discernment is essentially the development of the senses the increased perception means you know more about the environment, ergo you are more awake.4. If you have an awareness of the mechanical manifestations of the machine and are witnessing that I would think that you are awake to some degree. If you have an awareness of yourself as a center of Being not connected to the objects of attention I would think that you are somewhat awake. I do not think I can answer this question well or in detail. To repeat, when you are able to attend, sense, know, think, mentate to a far greater degree than now, then that is AWAKE. Ch. 6 Exercises1. First, it is the Path which each Being treads cousinnoutly return after return until perfection is accomplished; the Work never ends. The Work is continuous effort to perfect the Being, without getting into forms of evolution which are higher than human.2. When I read the term true teacher,' I thought Real Self' that is the Self which you yourself are in the sense of you are a spark of the Divine, when it has realized that it is part of the Whole, the ego has been dropped, the small I's have disappeared and the teachers are everywhere in everything because now you are able to understand' interconnected and related parts of One Whole Being.3. It appears from what I gather that Discernment (which is seeing or perceiving) is a faculty of the sense of sight in terms of seeing greater detail which is necessary before the Higher Mind or even Mentation can develop, that in fact the development of the senses (and also control of any indulgence of sensations) is absolutely necessary before discernment can be developed that is of any use. So any exercise that will refine and extend any of the senses, especially sight and hearing because they are the most complex and last evolved in man, will develop discernment and lead to Mentation which will lead to Higher Mind.All this, of course, begins with Attention and the Popcorn exercise EJ has given us. It is necessary to learn to view complex objects in parts' as in looking at a face you train yourself to look at the eyes, mouth, shape of the face, etc. separately otherwise you have a blurry memory and blurry memory is no use for anything. Beginning with Attention to detail not only with sight, but with all the senses, beginning with the observation of movements of the HBM, externally and then internally, extend all the senses, making them finer and greater.When you have discernment, can discern well, you can learn and have knowledge, your attention is concentrated and you develop will. When you have knowledge you have the ability to think' unless and until you do that you cannot have memory and knowledge, you can't mentate. In fact that is what has to be done in order to develop the astral senses which must be done in order to consciously travel in the macrodimensions in my view. All the foregoing is one description of work that is necessary to do in order to wake up in fact. When you are able to attend, sense, know, think, mentate to a far greater degree than now, then that is AWAKE. Anyway, discernment is essentially the development of the senses the increased perception means you know more about the environment, ergo you are more awake.4. If you have an awareness of the mechanical manifestations of the machine and are witnessing that I would think that you are awake to some degree. If you have an awareness of yourself as a center of Being not connected to the objects of attention I would think that you are somewhat awake. I do not think I can answer this question well or in detail. To repeat, when you are able to attend, sense, know, think, mentate to a far greater degree than now, then that is AWAKE. Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 31st, 4:35 AM
7 0                 Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 9th, 2:32 PM
6 0 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree     Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 8th, 1:22 PM
5 0 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree 4 - Strongly Agree The Mentor changed my life and I will be forever greatful to her and to Mr. Ferraro for hiring her. Everything is perfect, even the coffee. Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 8th, 1:26 AM
4 0               you go g o og test Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 7th, 5:24 PM
3 0                 Please Remember to Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 7th, 3:24 PM
2 0                 Please Remember to Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 7th, 3:19 PM
1 0 4 - Strongly Agree 3 - Agree 2 - Disagree 1- Not Applicable 4 - Strongly Agree 3 - Agree not a thing dvf Just stay the great kid you are today! Please Remember to Click Here To Submit When You Finish May 7th, 3:12 PM