spanish-american institute
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43 Street ● NYC, NY 10036
● 212.840.7111 ●
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New Teacher Mentoring
and Supervision Plan Procedures
Summer 2013
New Teachers Orientation:
After hiring and before a teaching assignment begins, new teachers meet with the President to discuss:
· Job description
· Terms of Employment
· School Catalogue
· Good Classroom Practices
· School Policies
· On-Going Student Orientation
· Syllabi
· Student Learning Outcomes
Senior Teacher Observations:
Before a teaching assignment begins, new teachers first observe all ESL levels. This helps the new teacher to understand the way in which all the levels connect to each other. The new teacher then observes the classes of the teacher being replaced.
After each observation, the President and the new teacher meet to review aspects of the observation and to discuss the lessons they observed, as well as the preferred classroom management technique and acceptable stylistic within the faculty.
Transition to Teaching:
Before a teaching assignment begins, the new teacher observes every class the teacher they will replace is assigned. At the end of each class, the current teacher provides specific information regarding the needs of each student, as well as, the lessons that will be covered in order to facilitate a smooth transition.
Teaching Assignments:
After a teacher starts working in their classes, they are encouraged to take advantage of the “Institute’s open door policy” and meet with the President and Dean of Academic affairs for questions and/or concerns they may have.
In addition, the Dean of Academic Affairs meets with new teachers for a pre-observation, observation and post observation meeting.
Finally, the Dean of Academic Affairs also meets each term with new teachers at the regular Faculty Meetings and Workshops and during the “Idea Exchange” luncheons which follow for informal discussion about their teaching experiences.
Annual Teacher Observations:
Senior teachers conduct annual peer observations using the Teacher Evaluation Form.
Annual Professional Development
The Dean of Academic Affairs meets with each teacher annually to review the peer observations, student surveys, commendations, complaints or other information that would be useful to an individual teacher in order to develop a yearly professional development plan.