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Useful TOEIC Speaking Test Practice Tips


July 10, 2013


Dear ESL Faculty Member,


I’ve found additional resources for you to use before your TOEIC test on July 22. Please review the review the two videos, and read the TOEIC Speaking Tips. If you practice in the ways the videos and Tips recommend you may increase your TOEIC test score. In addition, I will be in the office from 5:00pm-8:30pm on Monday, July 15, if you would like additional assistance. Please email me at to make an appointment.




4 free tips for a better SPEAKING score on TOEFL iBT




TOEIC Speaking Tips

It is highly recommended that you work with an experienced teacher or join a TOEIC test preparation class to prepare for this section of the test. It's really the only way you can receive feedback about the nature of your weaknesses and be advised on ways to improve the quality of your responses. Dean Davis is available for assistance. Please email her at to make an appointment for Monday, July 15, 5pm-8:30pm.

1. The most important point in the speaking section of the TOEIC test is to speak as clearly as possible, with whatever accent you have. Don't make the mistake of mumbling because you don't want the examiner to find fault with your accent. Whatever corrections you need to make to your accent, you should do before your exam and not during your exam. This is the time to speak out loud and clear.

2. Remember that you will not be speaking to a live examiner. Instead, you will be wearing headphones and speaking into a microphone, so that your answer can be recorded for later evaluation by an official ETS rater. You need to get used to speaking to yourself, into a microphone, with whatever background noise may exist in the room from the other examinees.

Many examinees find this challenging so try practicing your TOEIC speaking exercises in a room with the television or radio on, or with other family or friends speaking. Learn to focus on your own speaking task and to ignore everything else in the surrounding area. This tip alone could make a gigantic difference in your speaking performance and score.

3. Avoid boring, overly-used words like nice, good, or bad. Use expressive words like terrific, awful, or excellent.

Good Luck! Caryn T. Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs