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To:       All Faculty and Staff

From:   Thomas S. Schwenke, Dean of Administrative Services

RE:       Useful TOEIC Test-Taking TIPS

Date:    July 2013



Useful TOEIC Test-Taking TIPS II




Evaluation Criteria

Preparation Time


1– 2
Read a text aloud

Pronunciation, Intonation and, stress

45 seconds to prepare.

Then 45 seconds to read the text aloud.

Read aloud during practice. 

When you record you will probably finish before 45 seconds – that is ok.

Describe a picture

All of the above, plus, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Cohesion

30 seconds to prepare your response.

Then 45 seconds to speak about the picture.

Read aloud during practice.

Think of a conclusion for your description. 

If you finish early, that is ok, but make sure you finish before time runs out.

4 – 6
Respond to questions

All of the above, plus Relevance of content and Completeness of content

No prep time.

15 seconds each to respond to Question 4 and 5.

30 seconds to respond to Question 6.

Make sure you answer what is asked.

7– 9
Respond to questions using information provided

All of the above

30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin.

15 seconds each to respond to Questions 7 & 8.

30 seconds to respond to Question 9.

No prep time between questions.

Begin answering immediately after the beep.

Make sure you answer what is asked.

Propose a solution

All of the above

30 seconds to prepare.

60 seconds to speak.

Show that you recognize the problem.

Propose a way of dealing with the problem.

Express an opinion

All of the above

15 seconds to prepare.

60 seconds to speak.

Support opinion with reasons, details, or examples.









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