To:          Faculty and Staff     ~    

From:      Dante V. Ferraro, President

                Carolyn Prager, Dean of Academic Affairs

Re:           December 12, 2009 Faculty and Staff Meeting and Agenda

Date:        October 30, 2009 / December 10, 2009


There will be a Faculty and Staff Meeting on Saturday, December 12, 2009.


We are very pleased to welcome as a special guest speaker, Michelle Bugay from Pearson Education   Ms. Bugay will provide an overview of NorthStar’s 3rd edition as part of the Institute’s phase-in of these exciting and innovative new teaching materials. 


Please try to arrive promptly at 10 am.  Our speaker must leave for another appointment and thus must start on time.


Faculty meetings are an important part of our school's professional development activities.  Your participation helps us to meet many requirements of our accrediting agency and state licensing authority.


Faculty meetings are a great time to meet and get to know your fellow teachers and exchange ideas and teaching strategies.  Students benefit in uncounted and unimagined ways.  In addition to being educational (much like the Public Library) they are also inspirational and always "delicious" great fun!.


So make an extra effort to be with us and our special guest speaker as we plan to launch NorthStar Third Edition.


REMEMBER:  The front door of the school will be closed.  Please enter at 1501 Broadway.

Take the elevator to the second floor.
Bring photo ID for Building Security!.


Faculty and Staff Meeting and Workshop

Saturday, December 12, 2009   ~   10 am to 1: pm


Faculty Meeting:  10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.


1.  President’s Welcome and Report


2.  Chairperson and Other Faculty Reports

  • Business Chair
  • Computer Chair—New MACs
  • English Chair
  • Other Faculty
    • iPod Classroom Use Report (Melvin Marcus, Natalia Tomskikh, others)
    • Apple Store Visits and Workshop Report (Jenny Arbai, Alex Lisitsyn, Enrique Nibeyro, Ivelisse Rymer Olga Shukova, and others)


3.  Dean of Academic Affairs

·        New ESL Literacy Course

·        NorthStar/TOEFL Correlations

·        NorthStar Women’s Bibliography Project

·        Library Education--Promoting Public Cards and Use

·        Reporting ESL Instructional Resource Problems or Needs


Break:  11:00-11:15


Workshop:  11:15 a.m.-12:30 :  NorthStar 3rd Edition


Michelle Bugay, a Pearson Education ELL Specialist with an MA in TESOL, will introduce NorthStar 3rd edition.  Her presentation will include but not be limited to: 

  • new themes and updated content;
  • more purposeful and pronounced integration of critical thinking;
  • enhanced focus on academic skills such as inferencing, synthesizing, note taking, etc.;
  • more extended and creative oral practice in Listening and Speaking texts;
  • fully integrated writing in Reading and Writing texts; and
  • new design features (e.g., color pages, more photos, illustrations, graphic organizers, etc.) . 

Lunch:  12:45  (at an undisclosed location - - - suggestions welcomed and encouraged)