spanish-american institute
215 West 43 Street ●
NYC, NY 10036 ● 212.840.7111
● fax: 212.719.5922 ● ●
To: : |
All Faculty and Staff |
From: |
Program Planning, Development and Review Steering Committee |
Committee Members: |
Dante V. Ferraro, President, Caryn Davis, Dean of Academic Affairs, Paul Schiffman, Dean of Student Services, Thomas Schwenke, Dean of Administrative Services |
RE: |
Program Planning, Development and Review Steering Committee Minutes
Date: |
: June 26, 2013 |
Faculty Standard 3
Tasks: Demonstrate excellent proficiency in English by preparing faculty, including new hires, for the TOEIC speaking test, testing faculty, and then providing additional support for examinees who receive a score less than 7 before they retest.
Process: Ten faculty members received a 7 or 8 (highest) on the TOEIC speaking test. One of the ten faculty members was a new hire and tested at an 8.
Thirteen faculty members received 5 or 6. One faculty member that scored a 6, received additional support, retested, and received a 7. Other faculty members in this category will provided with additional practice, peer coaching and support prior to retesting later in July.
Responsible parties: Dean of Academic Affairs and Dean of Administrative Services
Timeline: Additional TOEIC test practice and retests will be done in July.
Documentation: Examinees receive an email from the President and a copy of their test scores.
Assessment/Measurement: As additional examinees prepare for a retest and then retest, a score of 7 or 8 will assess whether or not the additional support they received was effective. A 7 or 8 demonstrates excellent proficiency in English.
Student Services
Standard 3:
Tasks: Assure prospective and current students receive pre-arrival and on-going orientation.
Process: Create links to student orientation information, that includes medical insurance. Develop ways to document use of the student orientation information.
Responsible Parties: Dante V. Ferraro, President
Timeline: June, 2013 (Student Website Utilization Review Form created), July, 2013 (Student Orientation Survey to be created)
Documentation: A link was included in numerous documents (printer and electronic) including the following texts:
Since the link was added, a process was developed to review the web server hit date to ensure that student orientation information is being used. The newly created Student Orientation Website Utilization Review form captures this data.
Assessment/Measurement: The Student Orientation Website Utilization Review form assesses on-line Student Orientation activity. In addition, a Student Orientation Survey will be created to determine prospective and current students’ responses to the information.
Achievement Standards 1 and 2:
Tasks: Document the placement system and document whether students are ready to progress to the next level or exit the program of study, and provide students with written reports that indicate levels of language proficiency.
Processes: The Class Change and Admittance Form was updated to include a section entitled, “Test History.” The CELSA test dates and scores, as well as the MyLab Pre and Post Tests scores have been added.
Responsible Parties: Dante V. Ferraro, President
Timeline: June, 2013
Documentation: The updated Class Change and Admittance Form allows for the integration of the CELSA and MyLab test information with the Institute’s SchoolsWorks in order to provide analysis of a variety of data. In addition, faculty members and advisors will have CELSA and MyLab scores for each student at their fingertips. Finally, Management will begin to receive an email of this form for supervision and training purposes.
Assessment/Measurement: The new Class Change and Admittance Form will contribute to the assessment of the achievement of student learning outcomes for courses taken within the curriculum, as well as assisting in the measurement of the placement system.