From: caryn davis []
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 1:31 PM
Subject: DRAFT Saturday workshops at the Spanish American Institute

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Due By: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:00 AM
Flag Status: Red
Please give me comments and/or suggestions.....
Hi Ira,
It was good to meet with you last week, and begin the conversation about how the Spanish American Institute and LACNYC might work together in 2014-2015 by way of Saturday workshops for approximately 40 teaching and administrative staff. There's 3 Saturday workshops each year, and they are from 10am-1pm at our school in Times Square. Our first workshop would be on Saturday, April 26.
We would like to provide teachers and administrative staff with interactive workshops, delivered roughly in this order,  that would offer  a foundation for ESOL theory including practical suggestions that could be transferred to classroom teaching:
A certificate of participation from LACNYC would be a bonus to our staff.
I hope that we will have a chance to work together, and if so, what would the cost be for each Saturday workshop?