Spanish-American Institute                             

200  Keyboarding for Information Processing                               48 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  None

Course Description:  While developing English language skills, Keyboarding for Information teaches basic keyboarding for information processing and computer applications.


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:


§         to apply rules for English spelling and word formation;

§         to read and understand English letter combinations and words, word combinations, sentences, and passages;

§         to recognize and correct spelling, punctuation, and other English language errors; and

§         to key English text at least 10 wam with no more than 5 errors in a 5-minute timed writing.


Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills for speed and accuracy using Multimedia Typing Instructor, an interactive computer-assisted instructional software package.  Faculty encourage students to ask questions that require them to use the language of keyboarding.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the average of each student's weekly classroom grades for class participation, speed and accuracy rates, and document production.


Course Outline:




Assignments and Tests


History of typing.  Orally and visually identifying and keyboarding English alphabetical characters.

Key learning test 1


Identifying and keyboarding English alphabetical characters (continued).  

Key learning test 2


Orally and visually identifying and keyboarding English punctuation and numbers.  Learning left and right shift.

Key learning test 3


Orally and visually identifying and keyboarding English language symbols. Random English word practice.                   



Random English sentence practice without and with numbers.

Random sentences test.


Reading, interpreting, and building speed and accuracy building keyboarding English text.  Keyboarding difficult English words.

Random words (long test).


Alternating fingers; reaches and high-risk combinations.

Random sentences (long test).



Reading, understanding, and keyboarding English prefixes and suffixes, vowels and consonants, and numbers and symbols.

Touch typist test. 


Reading, interpreting, and building speed and accuracy keyboarding English text. 

Expert typing test


Reading, interpreting, and building speed and accuracy keyboarding English text. 

Numbers and symbols test. 



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