Spanish-American Institute

203  Keyboarding  (Expert Course)                                                 80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  Typing 202 or equivalent.

Textbooks:  Alan C. Lloyd et al, Typing 75:  Expert, Gregg College Typing Series Five, Glencoe: 1985 (or comparable text). 

Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course teaches expert keyboarding skills through comprehension and application of editing, of abstracting information, of making decisions, of setting priorities, of planning workflow, and of following directions. 


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and theory sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills for speed and accuracy using WORD.  Students will complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.

Grading:  The final grade is based on the average of each student's weekly classroom grades for class participation, speed, and accuracy rates 


Course Outline: 



Assignments and Tests


Unit 25.  Skill development:  English language keyboard review

Pre-test/Practice/Post-Tests (P/P/P):  keyboard review, selective practice


Developing a vocabulary log with complete sentence definitions and illustrations.

Vocabulary guidelines:  write two complete sentences for each word, one that describes its meaning and one that gives an example of its use.

Unit 26.  Skill development:  reading, discussing, and producing English language correspondence

Vocabulary log (according to guidelines provided by the instructor)

Letters 56-64

Memos 15-16


Unit 27.  Skill development:  reading, interpreting, and producing English language tables and forms

Vocabulary log

Letters 65-66

Forms 43-70

Table 42


Unit 28.  Skill development:  reading, interpreting, and producing English language reports


Vocabulary log

Letters 67

Memo 17

Tables 43-47

Reports 50-62


Unit 29.  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the insurance industry

Vocabulary log

Test on previous units:  Letter 67, memo 17, table 48

(P/P/P):  insurance

Letters 68-70

Memos 18-19

Form 71

Tables 49-50

Report 63


Unit 30. Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the banking industry.

Review for exam. 

Vocabulary log

(P/P/P):  banking

Letters 71-72

Card 4

Memo 20

Table 51

Reports 64-67



Unit 31.  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the travel industry

Vocabulary log

(P/P/P):  travel

Memos 21-22

Letter 73

Form 72

Tables 53-56

Reports 68-71


Unit 32.  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to government

Vocabulary log

(P/P/P):  government

Letters 74-75

Memo 23

Forms 73-75

Tables 57-61

Reports 72-73

Test on integrated project units 29-32:  Letter 76, table 62, and report 74


Unit 33.  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the energy industry

Vocabulary log

(P/P/P):  energy

Letters 77-79

Cards 5-7

Forms 76078

Tables 63-64

Reports 75-77


Unit 34.  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the electronics industry. 

(P/P/P):  electronics

Letters 80-87

Cards 24-25

Forms 79-85

Tables 65-67

Report 78


Unit 35:  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the legal industry

Vocabulary log

(P/P/P):  legal

Letters 88-89

Forms 81-85

Table 67

Reports 79-81



Unit 36:  Integrated office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the medical industry

Review for exam.

Vocabulary log

(P/P/P):  medical

Letters 90-95

Memo 26

Forms 86-90

Tables 68-69

Reports 82-89

Exam on integrated project units 33-36:  Letter 96, forms 87-90, table 70, and report 90. 


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