Spanish-American Institute

202  Keyboarding  (Advanced Course)                                             120 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  Keyboarding 201 or equivalent.

Textbooks:  Scot Ober et al, Gregg College Typing, Series Six:  Intermediate, Glencoe:  1996 (or comparable text). 

Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course builds keyboarding speed and accuracy skills through  production of various kinds of business correspondence, of reports, of tabulations, and of forms from unarranged and rough-draft hand-written and print copy sources in English. 


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and theory sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills for speed and accuracy using WORD.  Students will complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation


Progress tests and Post-tests


Document Production










The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%.  .

Course Outline:         



Assignments and Tests


Developing a vocabulary log with complete sentence definitions and illustrations.

Vocabulary guidelines:  write two complete sentences for each word, one that describes its meaning and one that gives an example of its use.

Unit 1.  Skills development/production review.  .


Vocabulary log (according to guidelines provided by the instructor)

Pre-test/Practice/Post-test (P/P/P): alphabetic keyboard review.

Memos 11-12; Letter 23; Tables 16-18; Form 8; Reports 21-22


Unit 2.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language correspondence:  business letters, formal letter, and interoffice memos. 

Vocabulary log

P/P/P: inter-office memo.

Letters 24-31; Memos 13-14


Unit 3.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language reports:  business reports, news releases, magazine articles, book manuscripts with and without tables. 

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  business reports

Reports 23-29


Unit 4.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language tables:  open, ruled, and boxed tables.

Review for exam.

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  ruled tables

Tables 19-30; Report 30

Progress Tests:  5-minute timed writing, modified-block letter with indented paragraphs, ruled table, and book manuscript page.



Unit 5.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language specialized correspondence:  letter styles, special letter parts, two-page letters, special stationery, and special features. 

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  letter styles

Letters 33-41


Unit 6.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language specialized reports:  itineraries, meeting minutes, procedures manual, report with author/year citations, and legal documents.

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  minutes of meetings

Forms 9-17; Tables 31-35; Reports 31-38


Unit 7.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language specialized forms and tables:  order and billing forms, financial statements, balance sheets, and complex tables.

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  financial statements

Forms 10-17; Tables 33-35


Unit 8.  Reading, discussing, and producing English language word processing applications:  window envelopes, report headers and footers, automated typing technicalities, mail merge in formatting form letters, and desktop publishing in formatting a newsletter. 

Review for exam.

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  report headers and footers

Letters 42-49; Memos 15-16; Table 36; Reports 39-41



Unit 9.  In-Basket situation:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to Saturn Appliances and deciding how to produce required documents

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  Saturn Appliances

Memos 17-19; Letters 50-53; Table 37;

Reports 42-43


Unit 10.  In-Basket situation:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to Buck Hardware 

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  Buck Hardware

Letters 54-55; Forms 18-22; Reports 48-50


Unit 11.  Integrated administrative office project:  Reading about, discussing, and producing documents related to the National Conference of Realtors

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  National Conference of Realtors

Memo 20

Letters 56-58; Tables 38-39; Forms 23-28; Reports 48-50


Unit 12.  English language production skill refinement:  correspondence, table, forms, and report review. 

Review for exam.

Vocabulary log

P/P/P:  correspondence

Letters 59-60; Memo 21 & Letter 61; Letter 62; Tables 40-43; Forms 29-30;

Reports 51-53

Progress Tests:  5-minute timed writing, ruled table, modified-block style letter, two-page unbound report with footnotes.




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