Description: While developing English language skills,
Computer Word
Processing builds word processing speed and accuracy using Word through
practice in the production of various kinds of business correspondence, of
reports, of tabulations, and of forms from unarranged and rough-draft copy
sources in English.
Objectives: By the end of the course, students should be able:
Instructional Methods:
include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by
hands-on practice and drills for speed and accuracy using Word. Students complete periodic summary exercises
that require application of all skills learned to date. Each student creates a portfolio of finished
Grading: The final grade is based on the average of each
student's weekly classroom grades for the following:
Class Participation |
25% |
Assignments |
25% |
Document Production |
25% |
Exams |
25% |
Total |
100% |
The grading scale is: A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%,
C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%.
Week |
Topics |
Assignments and Tests |
1 |
Mapping the text: looking at the book's layout and learning
aids Language preparation: basic direction words Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Introduction to Word: starting the program, using the mouse and
keyboard, understanding screen elements, and understanding application
features. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 1-5 |
2 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situation requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Creating, saving, and
printing documents. Reading, discussing, and
responding with an original English language document to a critical thinking
activity. Transition words for giving
directions. |
Exercises 6-15 Turn any list of 4 or more
directions from the chapter into a paragraph, using some or all of the
following transition words: first,
next, then, after, last. |
3 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Opening and editing
documents: opening documents and
editing them; inserting text; proofreading; copying and pasting; sending Word
documents as e-mail. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. Numerical transition words
for giving directions. |
Turn any list of 5 or more
directions in the text into a paragraph, using numerical transition
words: first, second, third, etc. Exercises 16-23 |
4 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Formatting text: setting tabs and alignment; changing
fonts; highlighting text; and using symbols, bullets, and enumeration. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 24-30 |
5 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Formatting documents: using alignment, line and paragraph
spacing, and hyperlinks; setting margins; and creating and formatting a one- page report. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 31-35 |
6 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Managing documents: previewing files and working with document
properties; locating and printing a file or multiple files; finding files;
and saving files as web pages. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 36-42 |
7 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Using Tables to organize
information: creating tables and
entering data; merging and splitting cells; moving and resizing tables; using
tables in HTML. Reading, discussing, and
responding with an original English language document to a critical thinking
activity. |
Exercises 43-51 |
8 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Using Merge: using Merge to create form letters,
envelopes, and letters; doing mass mailings using Merge. Reading, discussing, and
responding with an original English language document to a critical thinking
activity. Review for exam. |
Exercises 52-56 Exam. |
9 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Producing multiple-page
documents: working with multi-page
documents; using headers and footers and footnotes and endnotes; using
outlines; inserting breaks; dragging and dropping text; creating bookmarks;
and tracking changes. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 57-66 |
10 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Using Word's desktop
publishing and automation features:
using columns, borders and shading, and text boxes; and using
templates, wizards, and macros. |
Exercises 67-73 |
11 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situation requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Using Word's graphics
capabilities: enhancing Word
documents with graphics objects, clip art, and AutoShapes; layering objects
with text: and using an Internet simulation to download clip art from the
Internet. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 74-83 |
12 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Integrating Word with other
applications: copying information
between programs, embedding and editing embedded objects; and embedding and
merging with other Microsoft applications. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 84-90 |
13 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situation requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Skill refinement combining
critical thinking, application integration, and Internet skills: using templates; retrieving Internet data;
sending Web document via e-mail, downloading clip art, and other skills integration;
recording a Macro for Mail Merge; etc. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 91-97 |
14 |
Reading and discussing the
unit's "On the Job" situations requiring a word processing activity
or solution. Advanced skills: creating tables of content, indexes,
charts, and forms; creating multiple versions of the same document;
customizing toolbars; etc. Reading, discussing, and
responding to a critical thinking activity with an original English language
document. |
Exercises 98-104 |
15 |
Final project |
Project to be approved in
advance by the instructor and developed following instructor guidelines |
16 |
Final project |
Continue work on final
project. Exam. |
rev. 2/04, 2/07