Spanish-American Institute

240  Introduction to Word Perfect                                                     80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  Iris Blanc, Learning Corel WordPerfect 8, DDC Publishing, 1998 (or comparable text).

Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course builds word processing speed and accuracy through practice in the production of various kinds of business correspondence, of reports, of tabulations, and of forms from unarranged and rough-draft copy sources in English.  .


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:


Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by English language hands-on practice and drills for speed and accuracy using WordPerfect.  Students complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student creates a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation











The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%. 

Course Outline:



Assignments and Tests


Mapping the text:  the book's layout and learning aids.

Language preparation:  basic direction words

WP basics:  starting the program; navigating the screen; using the menus, tools, and commands; opening and closing a document window, etc.

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.   

Write at least five complete sentences beginning with direction words from the following list:   TBA

Exercises 1-3


Document production:  creating, saving, and printing documents; correcting errors; understanding default settings; creating an address book; etc. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Using transition words in giving directions. 

Turn any list of 4 or more directions from the chapter into a paragraph, using some or all of the following transition words:  first, next, then, after, last.   

Exercises 4-10. 


Retrieving and editing documents:  opening and revising files; previewing documents; changing toolbars, margins, and tabs; changing  style elements. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 11-18


Aligning and enhancing text:  changing fonts, justifying, and centering; using symbols, ornamental fonts, and sub/superscripts; bulleting and enumerating.

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 19-26


Formatting and editing documents:  spacing and indenting; moving, copying, and pasting text; and fitting text to document.

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 27-34


Additional formatting and editing skills development:   the thesaurus and grammar checker; finding and replacing text; and creating new styles.

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 35-44


Working with multi-page documents:  breaks, paginating, and adding notations; footnotes or endnotes; and book marking and finding text. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Review for exam. 

Exercises 45-50



Working with multiple documents:  macros and templates; switching and copying text between documents; and envelopes and labels.

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.reation of an English language document based on supplied material

Exercises 51-59


Working with tables and columns:  creating tables and columns and formatting and calculating table data. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 60--69


Merging:  understanding the merge process; creating and merging source files; and preparing envelopes while merging. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 70-74


Using desktop publishing:  graphics and text boxes; inserting text or clipart, lines, borders, and fills; drawing and editing shapes; sizing and other formatting features.

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 75-87


Managing files and customizing toolbars:  file management options; creating a Favorites folder; and customizing toolbars. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 88-91


WordPerfect and the Internet:  using WP to access the Internet; finding and printing Web site information; accessing the Internet using URL addresses and book marking favorites; creating hyperlinks to another WP document or to a web-site; and using Web templates, formatting as a Web document, and publishing to HTML. 

Creating an English language document based on supplied material.

Exercises 92-100


rev. 2/04, 2/07