Spanish-American Institute

300  Business Management                                                      120 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  W.L. Megginson et al, Small Business Management:  An Entrepreneur's Guidebook, 4th edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description: While developing English language skills, this course introduces students to small business management.  Through reading, discussion, and case study analysis, students develop an understanding of small business planning, of marketing and operational strategy development, of legal and financial issues, and of day-to-day supervision and control procedures. 


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Students will read, discuss, and write in English in response to

situations described in the text; in reponse to quotations, charts, tables, and pictures; and in response to "cases."


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation


















The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%


Course Outline:         



Assignments and Tests


a.) Using the text:  parts of the book, glossaries, profiles, visuals, charts, margin information, objectives, summaries, cases, and other learning aids.

b.) Vocabulary guidelines:  write two complete sentences for each word, one that describes its meaning and one that gives an example of its use.

c.) Introduction to small business issues and trends.


Read chapter 1.

Begin a vocabulary log, following teacher's instructions.

Select one chapter chart and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response.

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Opportunities and challenges in small business:  reasons people start small business, characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, opportunities for small businesses, and concerns of small business owners. 

Read chapter 2.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Forms of ownership:  proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and others; selecting and evaluating the right legal form.

Individual within small group oral presentations in response to a specific chapter case. 

Read chapter 3.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Becoming a small business owner:  identifying a needed product and a market for it; franchising. 

Read chapter 4.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Planning in organizing and managing a small business:  strategic, operational, and financial planning; components of a business plan; writing, presenting, and implementing the plan; writing a resume. 

Brief individual oral presentations explaining a chapter visual or figure. 

Read chapter 5.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Select one component of the sample business plan and explain why it is important.

Using the models in the sample business plan, write a resume for yourself. 

Open book test on material covered so far.  


Financing your business:  various forms and sources of financing; presenting yourself to lenders. 

Review for exam. 

Read chapter 6.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 



Marketing strategies:  marketing concepts; using research; packaging, pricing, and other aspects of marketing; implementing and evaluating a marketing strategy. 

Individual within small group oral presentations in response to a specific chapter case

Read chapter 7.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Promoting and distributing a product:  choosing a distribution channel; advertising, merchandizing, and promoting the product; managing credit. 

Read chapter 8.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Human resources:  recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees; complying with Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations; compensating employees and providing benefits; protecting their health and safety. 

Individual within small group oral presentations in response to a specific chapter case

Read chapter 9.

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Maintaining good employee relationships:  defining an organizational structure; exercising effective leadership; communicating with and motivating employees; evaluating employee's performance; imposing structure and discipline; terminating employees. 

Read chapter 10

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Locating and laying out facilities:  developing operating systems; locating facilities; planning the physical facility; improving operations. 


Read chapter 11

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter


Purchasing, inventory, and quality control:  selecting suppliers and establishing purchasing procedures; controlling inventory; assuring quality control. 

Individual within small group oral presentations in response to a specific chapter case


Read chapter 12

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter


Planning for profit:  business financial structure; profit-making activities; planning for profitability. 

Read chapter 13

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Budgeting and taxes:  controlling operations and using budgetary control; evaluating financial conditions; local, state, and federal taxes; employment and personal owner taxes; record keeping for tax purposes.

Review for exam.  

Read chapter 14

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter



Information technology:  role of information in small business; creating appropriate management information systems; using information technology to promote your business.  

Read chapter 15

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Risk management, insurance, and crime prevention:  types of risk, minimizing loss with insurance, and preventing crime; safeguarding employees. 

Read chapter 16

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter


Business-government relations and business ethics:  basic laws affecting small business; government help for small business; government regulations and paperwork; social and ethically responsible behavior. 

Read chapter 17

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Write a response to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter. 


Planning for the future:  preparing the next generation and preparing for management succession; tax and estate planning. 

Read chapter 18

Continue entries in your vocabulary log. 

Select one chapter visual or figure and write at least a paragraph explaining it.

Select one "question for discussion" and write at least a paragraph in response. 

Work with a small group to prepare a small group oral presentation that responds to the questions following one of the cases at the end of the chapter


Individual Project:  Developing a successful business plan. 

Read "Workbook for Developing a Successful Business Plan"

Follow instructor guidelines for developing an individual business plan for written and oral presentation next week. 


Individual project oral reports. 

Review for exam. 

Individual oral reports summarizing business plan. 

Hand in written plan. 

Final exam. 


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