Spanish-American Institute

303  Accounting (Intermediate Course)                                            120 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  Accounting 302 or equivalent

Textbooks:  Kermit D. Larson et al, Volume I:  Fundamental Accounting Principles With Working Papers, McGraw Hill Irwin, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this second course in an accounting sequence expands students' knowledge about the purposes and principles of accounting and the practice of fundamental accounting procedures. Students analyze and apply accounting concepts and procedures to real-life situations drawn from various types of businesses.


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:


Instructional Methods:  Classes include reading for detail, oral discussion and presentations, instructor and student explanations of accounting principles and procedures, and problem solving through analytical and procedural exercises within real-world business and financial contexts.  


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation











The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%

Course Outline:



Assignments and Tests


Accounting information systems: 

Oral practice:  explaining what the cash receipts journal in exhibit 8.7 communicates.

Close reading of selected text. 

Oral practice:  describing one of the problems in the assigned exercises and demonstrate to the class the steps you used to solve it. 

Discussion of responses to ethics challenge. 

Reading:  pp. 300-324.

Questions: QS 8-1 to 8-6.  Answer questions in one or more complete sentences. 

Exercises:  8-1 to 8-14, as assigned.

Problem Set:  as assigned. 

Explain in writing one of the problems in 8-1 to 8-14 and the steps used to solve it. 

Ethics challenge, p. 348:  Write a paragraph or more in response


Cash and internal control:  internal control, control of cash, and banking activities as controls. 

Oral practice:  explaining what the bank statements in various chapter exhibits communicate.

Oral practice:  explaining Reebok's balance sheet analysis based on responses to question 10.

Oral practice: describing one of the problems in the assigned exercises and demonstrate to the class the steps used to solve it. 

Oral practice:  discussion of Ethics Challenge, p. 391.  

Close reading of selected text.  

Review for exam, week 8. 

Reading:  pp. 352-378.

Questions: QS 9-1 to 9-7.

Exercises:  as assigned

Problem Set: as assigned

Explain in writing one of the problems in 8-1 to 8-14 and the steps used to solve it. 

Write a paragraph or more in response to question 10 on p. 381.  Be specific.

Bi-monthly exam, week 8. 


Receivables and short-term investments. 

Oral practice:  explaining the graph in exhibit 10.1 and the chart in "'Did You Know?" p. 412.

Oral practice:  responses to question 11, 12, or 13. 

Oral practice:  describing one of the problems in the assigned exercises and its solution. 

Oral practice:  discussion of "Communicating in Practice" and "Entrepreneurial Decision" problems on pp. 434-435. 

Close reading of selected text.  

Reading:  pp. 394-420.

Questions:  QS 10-1 to 10-8.

Exercises and Problem Set: as assigned.

Write a paragraph or more in response to question 11, 12, or 13, p. 423.  Be specific.

Explain one of the problems in one of the assigned exercises and describe the steps used to solve it. 

Write a paragraph or more in response to the "Entrepreneurial Decision" case on pp. 434-435


Plant assists, natural resources, and intangibles:  cost of plant assets, depreciation, revenue and capital expenditures, and disposals; etc.

Oral practice:  explaining exhibit 11.1 and 11.17 graphs and what exhibit accounting statements communicate. 

Oral practice:  responding to quick study questions 11-1 to 11-12.

Oral practice:  describing one of the problems in the assigned exercises with demonstrating  the steps used to solve it. 

Oral practice:  discussion of "Ethics Challenge" and "Entrepreneurial Decision" problems, pp. 477 and 478. 

Close reading of selected text.

Review for exam, week 16.  

Reading:  pp. 436-463.

Question:  QS 11-1 to 11-12. 

Exercises and Problem Set:  as assigned

In a paragraph or more, explain one of the problems in one of the assigned exercises and describe the steps you used to solve it. 

Write a paragraph or more in response to either the "Ethics Challenge" or the "Entrepreneurial Decision" problem on pp. 477 and 478

Bi-monthly exam, week 16.   



Current liabilities:  liabilities characteristics, known/determinable liabilities, estimated liabilities, contingent liabilities, and long-term liabilities.

Oral practice:  describing one of the problems in the assigned exercises and the steps used to solve it. 

Oral practice:  discussion of "Ethics Challenge" and "Entrepreneurial Decision" problems on pp. 523 and 524. 

Close reading of selected text. 

Reading:  pp. 480-508.

Question:  QS 12-1 to 12-11.

Exercises and Problem Set:  as assigned.

In a paragraph or more, explain one of the problems in one of the assigned exercises and describe the steps you used to solve it. 

Write a paragraph or more in response to either the "Ethics Challenge" or the "Entrepreneurial Decision" problem on pp. 523 and 524


Partnerships:  forms of business organization and partnership form; basic partnership accounting, admission and withdrawal of partners, partnership liquidation. 

Oral practice:  describing one of the problems in the assigned exercises and demonstrating the steps used to solve it. 

Oral practice:  discussion of "Ethics Challenge" and "Entrepreneurial Decision" problems on pp. 523 and 525. 

Close reading of selected text.

Review for exam., week 24. 

Vocabulary log

Reading:  pp. 526-543. 

Questions: QS 13-1 to 13-7

Exercises:  as assigned.

Problem Set:  as assigned

In a paragraph or more, explain one of the problems in one of the assigned exercises and describe the steps you used to solve it. 

Write a paragraph or more in response to either the "Ethics Challenge" or the "Entrepreneurial Decision" problem on pp. 523 and 525

Bi-monthly exam, week 24.

rev. 2/04, 2/07