Spanish-American Institute



310 Import-Export Management                                                                                80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  U.S. Customs Service, A Basic Guide to Importing, NTC Publishing Group, 1993; U.S. Customs Service, Importing Into The United States:  A Guide for Commercial Importers, Books for Business, 2002 (or comparable texts). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course provides an introduction to global markets, to the major trading nations and trading blocs, and to the processes and procedures that govern import and export management. 


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods: Classes will cover both theory and examples drawn from the business world.  Students will read, discuss, and write about "cases," applying the principles of effective management explained in the text to these simulated situations.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%



Course Outline:

Weeks 1-4:   The Global Market                                       The Global Market

The student will answer 40                                                             a)major trading nations

questions on major trading nations                                                   b)trade agreements, markets and

and trade agreements, classes of                                                       zones (EU, GATT, NAFTA, etc.)

trade goods and services; methods                                                  c)classes of trade goods/services

of financing and payment; trade                                                      d)methods of payment

restrictions, international sales                                                         e)financing a transaction

and marketing and computers in                                                           -extending credit

import/export, all in 40 minutes                                                               -commercial banks

with 65% accuracy; given appro-                                                           -factoring, forfaiting and

priate data will convert dollar                                                                  confirming

amounts to and from three major                                                            -government programs(EXIMBANK,

currencies with complete accuracy.                                                        FAS, OPIC. etc.)

                                                                                                     c)currency conversion

                                                                                                     d)trade restrictions



                                                                                                            -antidumping measures

                                                                                                     e)international sales/marketing

                                                                                                     f)the computer in import/export:

                                                                                                            -electronic processing

                                                                                                            -online resources                                  

Weeks 5-8:  Transport Management                                 Transport Management

The student will answer 40                                                             a)packing standards

questions on packing, marking and                                                   b)required marking/labelling

labelling standards, shipping                                                             c)shipping options: sea/air/land

options and documents, containers                                                   d)containers and holders

and holders, standards of measure-                                                  e)standards of measurement

ment, arrangements of articles and                                                  f)shipping documents

shipments, cargo security, pro-                                                               -commercial invoices

viding for inspection, insurance                                                               -waybills

and transport agents, all in 40                                                                 -manifests

minutes with 65% accuracy.                                                                  -bills of lading

                                                                                                     g)commingled/segregated articles

                                                                                                     h)assembled/installment shipments

                                                                                                     i)cargo security

                                                                                                     j)narcotics inspections


                                                                                                     l)using an agent

                                                                                                            -freight forwarders

                                                                                                            -customs brokers


Weeks 9-12:  Import Procedures                                       Import Procedures

The student will answer 40                                                             a)the entry process

questions on the entry process,                                                               -ports of entry

surety bonds, non-dutiable status,                                                            -right to make entry

computation of duty, classification                                                           -entry documents

of goods, determining value, liqui-                                                           -special permits

dation, seizure and forfeiture,                                                                  -unentered goods

methods of protest and requirements                                                       -mail entries (form C1)

of non-Customs agencies, all in                                                       b)surety bonds

40 minutes with 65% accuracy;                                                       c)bonded warehouse

given appropriate data will com-                                                      d)foreign trade zones

plete the five specified Customs                                                      e)temporary ATA Carnet/TIB status

forms with complete accuracy.                                                       f) computation of duty

                                                                                                            -Harmonized Tariff Schedule

                                                                                                            -rates: advalorem, compound




                                                                                                            -tare allowance

                                                                                                            -tariff exemptions (GSP, etc.)

                                                                                                            -drawback refunds

                                                                                                     g)classification of goods

                                                                                                     h)methods of determining value



                                                                                                     k)protest procedures

                                                                                                     l)non-Customs requirements:

                                                                                                            -animal quarantine procedures

                                                                                                            -agricultural inspections

                                                                                                            -health inspections

                                                                                                            -alcoholic beverage licensing

                                                                                                            -precious metals/currency


                                                                                                            -Textile Fiber Products Act

                                                                                                            -motor vehicle standards

                                                                                                     m)common customs forms

                                                                                                            -commercial invoice

                                                                                                            -carrier's certificate


                                                                                                            -customs bond

                                                                                                            -entry summary


Weeks 13-16:  Export Procedures                                     Export Procedures

The student will answer 40                                                             a)export planning     

questions on export strategies,                                                         b)export advisers/services

methods and processes for exporting                                               c)international marketing

goods, products and services, ways                                                 d)methods of exporting

of contacting and corresponding with                                                      -ETC, EMC

foreign buyers, determination of                                                              -agents and representatives

price and terms of sale and export                                                          -direct selling

regulations, all in 40 minutes with                                                     e)exporting goods/products

65% accuracy.                                                                                      -channels of distribution

                                                                                                            -product adaptation

                                                                                                            -warranty/service factors

                                                                                                     f)service exports

                                                                                                     g)contacting foreign buyers


                                                                                                            -trade shows


                                                                                                     h)international correspondence

                                                                                                     i)pricing and terms of sale

                                                                                                     j) export regulations:



                                                                                                            -Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

                                                                                                            -FDA/EPA restrictions

                                                                                                            -foreign import regulations

                                                                                                            -customs benefits for exporters                          -foreign sales corporations

                                                                                                            -intellectual property rights

                                                                                                            -arbitrating disputes

                                                                                                            -UN Convention on Contracts


rev. 2/04