Spanish-American Institute



501.1  English as a Second Language I                                          120 classes              

Prerequisite(s):  Beginner's placement test score


Textbook:  New English 900 Book 1, Maxwell Macmillan International Publishing Group, 1997 (or comparable text); F. J. Ferrraro et al, Elementary English 1:  A Handbook of twenty basic lessons, Spanish-American Institute, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  A first level ESL course that introduces beginning students to basic vocabulary, spelling, grammar, conversation, pronunciation, and other ESL skills. 


Objectives:  To develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills that utilize the present and simple past tenses. 


Instructional Methods:  Daily classes encourage application of newly-learned skills to everyday situations both on and off campus through conversation, reading, and writing.  Language elements are introduced, used, and reused in different written, oral, and aural situations within contexts drawn from daily life.  Instruction may be supplemented with ESL video material and ESL pronunciation tapes. 


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%.

Course Outline:         



Assignments and Tests


Dialogue Situation:  Welcome to the World's Fair

Conversational emphasis: greetings and introductions

Grammar Elements:  personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns "this/that"; numbers 1-15; English alphabet;

Text Exercises: Unit one exercises

Handbook :  reading passages, lesson 1


Dialogue Situation: Late for Work

Conversational emphasis: asking questions, the classroom

Grammar Elements:  present tense of "to be"; simple present "what/how much, what time" questions; numbers 16--

Text Exercises:  Unit two exercises

Handbook:  reading passages, lesson 2


Review and introduction to adjectives and the week

Text Exercises:  Unit two exercises using adjectives

Handbook: reading passages and exercises, lessons 3-5



Dialogue Situation:  At School

Conversational emphasis:  "where and why" questions, months

Grammar Elements:  plural subject pronouns with "to be"; possessive adjectives; affirmative commands, prepositions of place

Text Exercises:  Unit three exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 6


Dialogue Situation:  In the Cafeteria

Conversational emphasis "who" questions, the family

Grammar Elements:  negative and question statements with "to be"; tag questions

Text Exercises:  Unit four exercises

Handbook Exercises:  lesson 7 reading and exercises



Review and plural nouns, mass/count nouns; the garden

Text Exercises:  Unit four exercises using plurals and mass/count nouns

Handbook Exercises: reading passages and exercises, lesson 8


Dialogue Situation: What Are You Doing?

Conversational emphasis:  present continuous

Grammar Elements:  present continuous, object pronouns; possessive nouns

Text Exercises:  Unit five exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 9



Dialogue Situation:  At Home With the O'Neills

Conversational emphasis:  "when" questions with present continuous and simple past; the house

Grammar Elements:  simple present, simple past

Text Exercises:  Unit six exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 10


Review; food and meals 

Reading passages and exercises, lessons 11-13


Dialogue Situation:  At The Fair

Conversational emphasis: using modals; the body 

Grammar Elements:  modals, simple present tense

Text Exercises:  Unit seven exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 14



Dialogue Situation:  A Dinner Party

Conversational emphasis: expressing wishes and wants; clothing

Grammar Elements:  "have to/want to/like to" plus auxiliary verb

Text Exercises:  Unit eight exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 15


Dialogue Situation:  I Need A Job!

Conversational emphasis:  "why" questions and "because" responses

Grammar Elements:  simple present with tag questions

Text Exercises: Unit nine exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 16


Dialogue Situation:  Mr. Yamamoto's Market

Conversational emphasis:  non-count and count nouns; dressing

Grammar Elements:  possessive pronouns; additional questions words

Text Exercises:  Unit ten exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 17


Review; the weather and the store

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 18-20


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