Spanish-American Institute



501.3  English as a Second Language III                                        120 classes              

Prerequisite(s):  ESL II or Low Intermediate placement test score


Textbook:  New English 900 Book 3, Maxwell Macmillan International Publishing, 1997 (or comparable text); F. J. Ferrraro et al, Intermediate English 3:  A Handbook of twenty basic lessons, Spanish-American Institute, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  A third level ESL course that introduces intermediate students to a higher level of difficulty and fluency than ESL II, requiring compound tenses and more extensive vocabulary.


Objectives:  To develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills that utilize compound tenses and more extensive vocabulary than expected of beginning ESL students.  . 


Instructional Methods:  Daily classes encourage application of newly-learned skills to everyday situations both in and out of school through conversation, reading, and writing.  Language elements are introduced, used, and reused in different written, oral, and aural situations within contexts drawn from daily life.  Instruction may be supplemented with ESL video material and pronunciation tapes. 


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%.

Course Outline:




Assignments and Tests


Dialogue Situation:  I Need A Job!

Conversational emphasis: finding a job; human body; year and seasons; transportation

Grammar Elements:  simple past, present, and future of regular verbs

Text Exercises: Unit 19 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 1-3


Dialogue Situation: All's Fair in Love and

Conversational emphasis: talking about friends, the house, food, and furniture

Grammar Elements:  simple present, past, and future of irregular verbs

Text Exercises:  Unit 20 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lessons 4-6


Reading and Refocus Situation:  A Letter to Miguel's Mother; Laura's Story; A Letter to Mr. Farias

Conversational emphasis:  writing home; clothing and amusements

Grammar Elements:  prepositions + time, "get" meaning "obtain"; "a few/a little"; prefixes; "so" meaning "therefore"

Text Exercises:  Unit 21 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 7-8



Dialogue Situation:  Ali's Future

Conversational emphasis:  talking about your future, the world, commerce and industry, and plants and animals

Grammar Elements:  auxiliary verbs, future with "will," verb moods

Text Exercises:  Unit 22 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lessons 9-11



Dialogue Situation: Would You Like To Go To The Fair?

Conversational emphasis:  what you would like to do; weather and seasons; color, measure, and dimension; time

Grammar Elements:  modals; hyphenated noun phrases; adverbial expressions of travel

Text Exercises:  Unit 23 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lessons 12-13


Dialogue Situation:  In Mr. Crawford's Office

Conversational emphasis:  "What kind of . . .?"; the school; the family

Grammar Elements:  modals of necessity and deduction; past continuous; time expressions

Text Exercises:  Unit 24 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lesson 14-15



Dialogue Situation:  Claire's First Day

Conversational emphasis: asking and answering questions of time and direction; city and farm; nations and peoples

Grammar Elements:  relative and subordinate clauses; direction words

Text Exercises:  Unit 25 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lessons 16-18



Reading and Refocus Situation:  A Letter From Mrs. Ortega; A Day At the Fair; Laura Wonders

Conversational emphasis: expressing the future; means of communication; the bank

Grammar Elements:  adverbial negatives, past continuous, order of adverbs of time and place

Text Exercises:  Unit 26 exercises

Handbook:  reading passages and exercises, lessons 19-20

