Spanish-American Institute



501.3  English as a Second Language III (NorthStar: Basic/Low Intermediate)        120 classes                     

Prerequisite(s):  ESL II or Low Intermediate placement test score


Textbook:  NorthStar Listening and Speaking Basic/Low Intermediate 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2004 (or comparable text); F. J. Ferrraro et al, Intermediate English 3:  A Handbook of twenty basic lessons, Spanish-American Institute, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  A third level ESL course that introduces intermediate students to a higher level of difficulty and fluency than ESL II requiring compound tenses, longer sentences, and simple complex sentence structures


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able to listen, speak, read, and write using compound tenses, simple complex sentences; longer sentences including more comparative adjectives and adverbs; verbs plus gerunds and infinitives; modals; and more extensive vocabulary  than expected of ESL I or II students. 


Instructional Methods: An integrated cumulative skills development methodology increases language retention and fluency by stimulating students to make meaning in a new language through active learning activities.  Recorded listening passages build on vocabulary and ideas from background material and exercises.  Students work individually, in pairs, and in small groups on guided, linked activities built around each unit's theme.  Instruction is supplemented with ESL audio and video material keyed to textbook units.     


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation










The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%

Course Outline:



Assignments and Tests


Introduction to NorthStar method.

NorthStar Unit 1 Theme:  Work

Communication Focus:  making predictions, expressing and defending opinions

Grammar Focus:  descriptive adjectives

Unit 1 Video Sequence. 

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text.


Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 2 Theme:  The Country and the City

Communication Focus:  sharing opinions, expressing agreement with “too” and “not either”; making past tense statements

Grammar Focus:  simple past tense

Unit Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text. 


Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 3 Theme:  Money

Communication Focus:  making suggestions and coming to an agreement, comparing products, asking and answering questions

Grammar Focus:  comparative adjectives

Unit 3 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text. 

Student video activity sheet. 


Review, Units 1-3

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay.

Write short essay based on topic assigned by teacher (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


NorthStar Unit 4 Theme:  Animals

Communication Focus:  expressing opinions, constructing and performing a dialogue, asking for more information, asking and answering information questions

Unit 4 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text.

Student video activity sheet.   


NorthStar Unit 5 Theme:  Cell Phone Etiquette

Communication Focus:  comparing and discussing solutions, expressing likes and dislikes

Grammar Focus:  verbs plus gerunds and infinitives

Unit 5 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text. 

Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 6 Theme:  Male and Female Roles

Communication Focus:  making predictions, expressing opinions, using intonation to denote attitude, agreeing and disagreeing, asking and answering questions about daily habits

Grammar Focus:  adverbs and expressions of frequency

Unit Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text.


Student video activity sheet.  


NorthStar Unit 7 Theme:  Food

Communication Focus:  making predictions, sharing opinions, comparing and discussing solutions, politely expressing wants, discussing a shopping list

Grammar Focus:  count and non-count nouns

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text. 



Review, Units 4-7 (partial unit 7)

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay. 

Write short essay based on topic assigned by teacher (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


NorthStar Unit 7 continued.  




Unit 7 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text. 

Student video activity sheet.


NorthStar Unit 8 Theme:  Travel

Communication Focus:  making polite requests, conducting and interview, agreeing and disagreeing, asking and answering travel questions

Grammar Focus:  “can/can’t”

Unit 8 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text


Student video activity sheet


NorthStar Unit 9 Theme:  Health and Illness

Communication Focus:  making predictions and expressing opinions, expressing concern about health, giving and receiving advice

Grammar Focus:  “should/ought to/have to”

Unit 9 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text.


Student video activity sheet.  


NorthStar Unit 10 Theme:  Endangered Languages

Communication Focus:  sharing background information, making predictions and expressing opinions, giving examples to explain a general statement, interpreting statistics

Unit 10 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises corresponding to grammar focus of NorthStar text.

Student video activity sheet.   


Review, Units 8-10.

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay. 

Write a short essay based on topic assigned by teacher (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


 rev. 2/05, 2/07