Spanish-American Institute


501.5  English as a Second Language VI (NorthStar: Advanced)                              120 classes            

Prerequisite(s):  ESL V or Advanced placement test score


Textbook:  NorthStar:  Listening and Speaking Advanced, 2nd ed., 2004 (or comparable text); F. J. Ferrraro et al, Advanced English 6:  A Handbook of twenty basic lessons, Spanish-American Institute, 2002 (or comparable text); Longman Dictionary of American English now with Thesaurus, 3rd or later edition, Pearson, 2004 (recommended).   


Course Description:  A sixth level ESL course that introduces advanced students to a higher level of difficulty and fluency than ESL V requiring wish statements, expressions of unreality, spoken discourse connections, direct and indirect speech, and compound verbs including passive voice and modals organized into longer oral and written presentations. 


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able to listen, speak, read, and write using longer compound and complex sentences and more extensive vocabulary than expected of ESL V students.  They should be comfortable with the communication of wishes, unreality, and urgency.  They should recognize and use discourse connectors, direct and indirect speech, compound tenses including the passive causative and modals of uncertainty.  They should be able to apply these language skills at a higher level of critical thinking to make predictions, express and defend opinions, summarize information, retell a conversation, and compare and contrast.   


Instructional Methods:  An integrated cumulative skills development methodology increases language retention and fluency by stimulating students to make meaning from a new language through active learning activities.  Recorded listening passages build on vocabulary and ideas from background material and exercises.  Students work individually, in pairs, and in small groups on guided, linked activities built around each unit's theme.  Instruction will be supplemented with ESL audio and video material keyed to textbook units


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation











The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%

Course Outline:



Assignments and Tests


Review of NorthStar method.

NorthStar Unit 1 Theme:  The Internet and Other Addictions

Communication Focus:  making predictions, expressing and defending opinions, using vocabulary in guided conversation, conducting a survey and reporting results, etc.  

Grammar Focus:  wish statements (expressing unreality). 

Unit 1 Video Sequence. 

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar.




Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 2 Theme:  Celebration, Florida:  Disney’s Utopia

Communication Focus:  making predictions; summarizing ideas, expressing conjecture, making a short oral presentation.

Grammar Focus:  noun clauses after verbs of urgency.

Unit 2 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar.


Student video activity sheet


NorthStar Unit 3 Theme:  The Bold and the Bashful

Communication Focus:  making predictions, expressing and defending opinions, using new vocabulary in extemporaneous responses, describing one’s personality, using gambits (to express uncertainty, to break the ice, and to maintain a conversation), presenting research results

Grammar Focus:  identifying and nonidentifying adjective clauses

Unit 3 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar. 





Student video activity sheet. 


Review, Units 1-3

Drafting, editing, and re-writing essay.

Write an essay based on topic assigned by teacher (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


NorthStar Unit 4 Theme:  The Tipping Point

Communication Focus:  using metaphors, using introductory expressions to restate, presenting findings

Grammar Focus: adverbs clauses of result

Unit 4 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar.


Student video activity sheet.   


NorthStar Unit 5 Theme:  Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West

Communication Focus: summarizing information, expressing and defending opinions, using new vocabulary and discourse connectors

Grammar Focus:  spoken discourse connectors

Unit 5 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar. 


Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 6 Theme: Spiritual Renewal

Communication Focus:  brainstorming motivations, summarizing using new vocabulary, using hesitation in extemporaneous responses, planning and presenting a longer oral presentation, etc.

Grammar Focus:  Count and non-count nouns and their quantifiers

Unit 6 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar.



Student video activity sheet.  


NorthStar Unit 7 Theme: Workplace Privacy

Communication Focus:  Brainstorming language of privacy, making predictions, practicing correct stress patterns, conducting short interviews and summarizing finding, etc. 

Grammar Focus:  two forms and meanings of verb+gerund

Unit 7 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar. 



Student video activity worksheet


Review, Units 4-7

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay. 

Write short essay based on topic assigned by teacher (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


NorthStar Unit 8 Theme:  Warriors Without Weapons

Communication Focus:  comparing background experiences, using opening gambits, defending opinions, posing and respond to questions with new vocabulary, retelling a conversation, etc.

Grammar Focus: direct and indirect speech

Unit 8 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar



Student video activity sheet


NorthStar Unit 9 Theme:  Boosting Brain Power through the Arts

Communication Focus:  comparing knowledge and reactions, summarizing information, using figurative language, using transitions to compare and contrast, etc.

Grammar Focus:  passive voice and passive causative

Unit 9 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar.



Student video activity sheet.  


NorthStar Unit 10 Theme: Television and Freedom of Expression

Communication Focus: making predictions, supporting an opinion with examples, using new vocabulary in a role play, using phrasal verbs, expressing degrees of certainty with modals, using gambits, conducting short interviews and summarizing findings, etc.

Grammar Focus:  modals to express degrees of certainty

Unit 10 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.

Handbook reading and exercises for unit grammar.




Student video activity sheet.    


Review, Units 8-10.

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay. 

Write short essay based on topic assigned by teacher (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam

            rev. 10/05, 2/07