Spanish-American Institute



502  Business English Communication                                                                    120 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  English 501.6 or equivalent

Textbooks:  NorthStar: Reading and Writing High Intermediate, 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2004 (or comparable text).  Longman Dictionary of American English now with Thesaurus, 3rd or later edition, Pearson, 2004 (recommended). 

Course Description: Business English teaches English language skills designed to help students communicate more successfully in a business and real world environment.  The course emphasizes writing as a process of development that includes drafting, writing, editing, and reading that conveys the writer’s intentions clearly and correctly.   


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students are expected: 


Instructional Methods:  Students develop reading and writing skills from an integrated cumulative skills approach that increases language retention and fluency by stimulating students to create meaning in a new language through active learning activities.  Longer reading passages and recorded listening passages, and videos build on vocabulary and ideas from background material and exercises.  Students are guided through the writing process, followed by practice in context activities that allow them to apply each new writing concept to their own writing.  Students work individually, in pairs, and in small groups on guided, linked activities built around each unit's theme. 


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation











The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%

Course Outline:



Assignments and Tests


NorthStar Unit 1 Theme:  Media

Communication Focus:  classifying information, drawing conclusions, developing topic sentences, writing a letter to the editor, etc.

Grammar Focus:  passive voice. 

Unit 1 Video Sequence. 

NorthStar unit exercises.



Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 2 Theme:  Overcoming Obstacles

Communication Focus:  comparing and contrasting, finding correlations, writing a three-part paragraph, editing extraneous information, composing supporting sentences using transitions, summarizing research in a report, etc.

Grammar Focus:  gerunds and infinitives

Unit 2 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises. 




Student video activity sheet


NorthStar Unit 3 Theme:  Medicine

Communication Focus: comparing and contrasting, drawing logical conclusions, writing an opinion essay with evidence, summarizing research, etc

Grammar Focus:  past unreal conditionals

Unit 3 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.



Student video activity sheet. 


Review, Units 1-3

Drafting, editing, and re-writing essays.

Assigned essay (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


NorthStar Unit 4 Theme:  Natural Disasters

Communication Focus: classifying information, analyzing descriptive language, writing descriptive sentences and paragraphs, writing a paragraph that underscores similarities, using adjectives for description, etc.  

Grammar Focus: identifying adjective clauses

Unit 4 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.




Student video activity sheet.   


NorthStar Unit 5 Theme:  Conservation

Communication Focus: comparing observations, identifying language of cause and effect, writing cause and effect sentences and essay, using subordinate conjunctions and transitions to express cause and effects

Grammar Focus:  advisability and obligation in the past

Unit 5 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.




Student video activity sheet. 


NorthStar Unit 6 Theme: Philanthropy

Communication Focus:  identifying opinions, relating specific examples to broad themes, expressing an opinion in a letter, writing an essay

Grammar Focus:  tag questions

Unit 6 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.



Student video activity sheet.  


NorthStar Unit 7 Theme: Education (1st half of unit)

Communication Focus: evaluating and classifying, comparing and contrasting, using concessive language, writing an opinion essay, write dependent clauses

Grammar Focus:  direct and indirect speech

NorthStar unit exercises.




Review, Units 4-7 (partial unit 7)

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay. 

Assigned essay (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam


NorthStar Unit 7 (2nd half of unit) 


Unit 7 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises 

Student video activity sheet.


NorthStar Unit 8 Theme:  Food

Communication Focus:  comparing and contrasting information, writing narrative, practicing parallel structure and sentence variation

Grammar Focus: phrasal verbs

Unit 8 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises



Student video activity sheet


NorthStar Unit 9 Theme:  Immigration

Communication Focus:  classifying; interpreting, comparing, and contrasting imagery; writing a compare and contrast essay, using transitional expressions and subordinating conjunctions, etc.

Grammar Focus:  past perfect and time words

Unit 9 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.




Student video activity sheet.  


NorthStar Unit 10 Theme: Technology 

Communication Focus: comparing and contrasting, supporting inferences with examples, taking notes, developing an essay from an outline

Grammar Focus:  future progressive and time clauses

Unit 10 Video Sequence

NorthStar unit exercises.



Student video activity sheet.   


Review, Units 8-10.

Drafting, editing, and re-writing short essay. 

Assigned essay (part of bi-monthly grade)

Bi-monthly Exam

                rev. 6/06