Spanish-American Institute

620 College Success                                                                                160 classes

Prerequisite(s):  English VI (or equivalent)

Textbooks:  Carolyn H. Hopper, Practicing College Learning Strategies, Houghton Mifflin, 2004 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, College Success is designed to inform students about American colleges and teach strategies that aid college success.  The course will be taught in a small class environment with lecture, discussion, small group work, and individual student presentations.  Course topics will include an overview of American higher education and an introduction to the college application process, to learning psychology, and to life and lifelong learning strategies that make for successful postsecondary learners.   


Objectives: By the end of the course, students are expected:


Instructional Methods:  Students will listen to mini-lectures, take notes, read textbook and source material, work in small groups, discuss, present, and write shorter and longer responses to questions arising from classwork.  Textbook reading and exercises will be supplemented with actual college catalogs, model syllabi, and resource material such as the CUNY Undergraduate Admissions Guide


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%


 Course Outline:        



Assignments and Tests


Understanding American colleges:  comparison of system of education in the United States and in students' home countries; terminology of American education;  types of higher education institutions, overview of degrees, levels, programs, majors/minors, etc. 

Practice accessing college catalogs and information on the web. 


Discussion, note taking, and classifying information. 


Classification exercise based on board notes about different levels of education.


PP. 1-35, CUNY Guide, question formation and explanation of a degree program of interest. 


From the CUNY Guide and website, write a summary of any one program’s goals, the degree offered, the number of total credits required for graduation, and the credit distribution.


Applying to college:  college promotional and informational materials, reading the catalog, understanding college and degree requirements; understanding application processes, especially for international students; completing an application. 

Pre-entrance exam requirements and placement tests. 


Transcript and transfer credit evaluations for international students; acceptable credit evaluation services. 


College admissions requirements for international students.   



Read textbook pp. 236-237


Compile a checklist of admissions application requirements based on the CUNY process for international students.


Research international student admissions process for any CUNY college on-line and write a summary.  Write a report on the steps required for international student admissions to a CUNY college with an estimate of the time required for each step of the process.  Describe the documents that you must submit as part of the application process. 


Complete the sample CUNY admissions application.


Write a personal or autobiographic essay for a college application


Using the Internet and other sources, research a career area that interests you requiring a college degree.  Following the guidelines provided by your teacher:

·         write a description of the career area and the educational preparation it requires; 

·         describe the CUNY or other college program that prepares for that career;

·         indicate the steps that you would have to take to apply for the program and to be accepted; 

·         explain why you would pursue that career.

·         be prepared to present orally in class, as well. 


Understanding American academic/classroom culture: 

Estimating the time required for certain class assignments (e.g., reading, written assignments, lab work, etc.)



Read pp. 245-46. 

Read pp. 15-16.


Write a summary of at least four important kinds of information found on a syllabus


In writing, explain how a semester GPA is calculated for two courses, one for 3 credits in which you got an A and the other for 4 credits in which you got a C.  Then explain the difference between a semester GPA, a GPA needed for demonstration of academic progress, and a cumulative GPA. 


Write an essay describing your American college goals and how you plan to achieve them.  Follow the guide provided by your teacher.  Be prepared to present orally in class.


“What’s Your Advice?” case study-p. 251—write a report summarizing Tara’s problems and providing recommendations for her with reasons..  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class with reasons.


Using chapter map and other textbook learning aids.

Locating and understanding bibliographic information for a book.


Processing information from lectures:  listening, note taking based on mini-lecture (teacher reading of p. 114 on left or right brain); strategies for recording and reviewing notes.


Mapping (textbook note-taking):  label in the margin and visual representation; mini-lecture, different kinds of mapping. 


Introduction to sensory learning styles. 




Read "practice with mapping" p. 133 and map the second paragraph.


Describe in writing the textbook learning aids in your textbook and explain how they would be helpful. 


Describe in writing the textbook’s basic bibliographic information. 


“What’s Your Advice?” case study-p. 120—write a report summarizing Sara’s problems and providing recommendations for her with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class


Read pp. 115-116 on note taking. Read p. 125.  Complete the exercise on p. 126.  Then turn each quiz item into a complete sentence.  Read pp. 127-130 on learning styles.  Complete practice quiz 129. 




Mapping Chapter 7 before studying it.


Understanding individual learning profiles:  left/right brain dominance, linear vs. holistic processing, sequential vs. linear processing, logical vs. intuitive processing, symbolic vs. concrete processing, verbal vs. nonverbal processing, reality-based vs. fantasy-oriented processing. 

Close reading and oral summarizing of homework reading passages. 

Review for exam, week 8. 

Map Chapter 7 before studying it.


Read pp. 147-156. Answer questionnaire on pp. 149-151. Write out answers to all questions on the reading. 


Prepare guided writing on hemispheric dominance and sensory learning styles. 


In your own words, write an essay explaining why it is important to determine learning styles.

Bi-monthly exam, week 8.


Understanding how you process information.

Sensory modes of learning: auditory, visual, and kinaesthetic learners.  .   

Sensory Modality Inventory:  discussion of results

Small group inventory and group report of group member's auditory learning strategies.  Ditto for visual strategies. 

Multiple intelligences:  linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist 




Read pp. 157-170. Answer all questions, in writing. 


Complete the Sensory Modality Inventory, pp. 158-160.


Complete the "Social Inventory." p. 164.


Write at least one sentence explaining how each of the intelligences listed on p. 166 could be used to learn the biology classification system on p. 170.


Select one of the topics about careers and majors on p. 173 for an oral presentation.


Select the other topic on p. 173 for a written report.  Make sure you answer all questions and provide reasons.


Using multiple intelligences to make decisions:  choosing a college major, choosing a profession. 

Compiling individual learning profile.



 Complete the learning profile inventory on p. 174.  Use the questions as the organizing principle for an essay about your learning profile. 


“What’s Your Advice?” case study-176.  In writing, summarize the students’  problems and providing recommendations for them with reasons.  Use the questions after the case study as your guide.   Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class


Understanding and improving memory:  mini-lecture (p. 68) and memory inventory with and without note taking;.

The biology of memory.

Ten memory principles:  interest, intent to remember, basic background understanding, selectivity, meaningful organization, recitation, visualization, association, consolidation, distributed practice.  (Students are asked to list five from memory at the end of class and again the next day after they have studied them.)

Strengthening memory. Mnemonics. 

Short- term memory:  reception to memory, memory processing.

Long-term memory:  processing from short- term to long-term memory; nature of long-term memory, retrieving from long-term memory

Applying memory principles: 


Small group work to develop mnemonic(s) for ten memory principles on p. 83. 

Small-group work:  drawing charts of how memory works.

Review for exam, week 16.   


Read pp. 67-71.  Summarize the passage.

Outline the paragraph on p. 69. What is the main idea and what are the supporting details?


Write a description of the kind of information stored in each part of the brain based on the brain drawing on p. 71.  Then explain why it is or is not important where memory is stored. 


Read pp. 74 (bottom) to 77.  Take notes (to be read in class tomorrow).  Write out answers to all questions. 


Read pp. 78-83.  Write out answers to all questions. 


Using the list of memory principles on p. 71, explain in writing how Kelly puts these memory principles to work as described on p. 83. 


Read pp. 84-92. Write out answers to all questions.


“What’s Your Advice?” case study, p. 96.  In writing, summarize Marlene’s problems and provide recommendations to solve her problems with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class

Bi-monthly exam, week 16. 


Lifestyle management and college success:  time-, stress, and financial management. 

Managing time:  scheduling, time logs, timesavers and wasters, prioritizing; “spending” time.

Rules of thumb for student time required per college course (e.g., 2 hours of reading and homework per 1 hour of class time). 

Typical distribution of exams, assignments, and other requirements in a 15-week semester. 

Close reading, p. 15.




Quiz (open book, explanation of the number 1,440 in time management).

Small-group critical thinking prioritizing exercise.




5-day Time Log exercise, p. 19.



Read the critical thinking exercise, p. 16 and write a paragraph or more explaining the analogy. 

Read pp. 17-19. 

Continue work on 5-day time logs.

Read pp. 28-29 and 31.  Come to class with a prioritized “to do” list for today.


In writing, explain  your three biggest time wasters and your plans for dealing with them. Be prepared to report orally. 


In writing, explain the analogy between spending time and spending money in the critical thinking exercise, p. 16. 


“What’s Your Advice?” case study, p. 35.  In writing, summarize Philip’s problems and provide recommendations to solve his problems with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class


Stress management:  the psychology, biology, and sociology of stress; stress analysis, stress alleviation, internal and external distractions, study habits analysis, etc. 

American concept of self-help therapies.

Concept of commandments:  archaic pronouns “thou/thy”; Ten Commandments; and ten commandments for managing stress.

Coping strategies for alleviating stress symptoms. 


Review for exam, week 16. 


Read pp. 225. Pick one of the commandments and explain why it is a good one for you.

Read pp. 226-229. 

Guided essay assignment--draft of an essay that moves from the general concept of coping with stress to the specific (one method of coping with stress) due this week and finished essay due the following week.


“What’s Your Advice?” case study, p. 233.  In writing, summarize John’s problems and provide recommendations to solve his problems with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class.

Bi-monthly exam, week 16.


Financial management:

·         budgeting,

·         bank accounts and services,

·         credit, credit history, obtaining credit cards,

·         financing college,

·         insurance, etc.


Estimating college costs:  fees, tuition, books, supplies, travel, etc. 


Video viewing:  Master Your Future: A Program on Financial Responsibility .







Completion and discussion of  8 worksheets  from video activity support material:  budgeting, personal budget, banking (writing and keeping track of checks), banking (balancing your checking account), credit card statements, cruising for credit, the credit report, credit reality check.  

Read "Tuition and Related Costs," in  the CUNY Guide. 


Describe in writing the estimated costs of attending a CUNY undergraduate college for one academic year as an international student. 


Obtain a credit card promotional offer (from something mailed to you or someone you know or from a bank).  Explain all the costs associated with having that credit card, including annual fees (if any), interest on unpaid balances, fees, etc. 


Explain in writing how you about how you would go about getting the best credit card you can in your current circumstances.


Write an analysis explaining why Bill is a good or bad credit risk, based on the data in the video Worksheet 7.


Write an explanation of why Jenny needs a credit reality check, based on the data in Worksheet 8.


Test-taking strategies:  preparing for tests and assignments;  direction words; strategies for subjective vs. objective tests, for multiple choice tests, for fill-in and matching tests; budgeting time on tests

Predicting test

Understanding negative and double negative statements and questions.

Distinguishing absolute and general qualifiers. 

Test-taking strategies for true/false, for objective multiple choice, and for essay exams. 

Applying direction words (understanding what the question asks)

Critical thinking about direction words.  Defining the level of critical thinking required for each of the 15 questions on p. 205. 

Small group work--developing topic sentence for presented situations. 

Small group work—scoring and critiquing sample student essays. 





Rate your test-taking strategies using the inventory on pp. 179-180.  Then write a paragraph of self-assessment using the guideline on p. 180.


Read pp. 179-201 and complete all exercises.

Read pp. 201-204 and p. 213-214 and complete all exercises.


Following the directions, write a clear topic sentence for each test question demonstrating that you understand the test question and how you will develop answers for the question on pp. 206-207.  


“What’s Your Advice?” case study, p. 219.  In writing, summarize the students’ problems and provide recommendations to solve their  problems with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class.   



Literacy and information literacy:  overview of different information resources (books, databases, periodicals, on-line information, standard quick reference sources, biographical resources, etc.)


Circulating collections, in-house collections, and reference materials.


Basic reference books:  encyclopedias, almanacs, yearbooks, manuals, quotations, dictionaries, etc.


Using library resources online:  class computer room online work using the Spanish-American Institute’s automated catalog to search by keyword/subject, by title, by other, by other descriptors.  Saving, browsing, and other typical electronic search features.


Complete on-line Tutorial #1:  Spanish-American Institute Library Catalog:  Basic Searching.  Complete worksheet with questions provided by your teacher. 


Advanced searching using Boolean operators AND/OR/NOT. Narrowing searches.  Complete on-line Tutorial #2:  Spanish-American Institute Library Catalog:  Advanced Searching.  Complete worksheet with questions provided by your teacher. 


Exploring library homepages. 


Locating and doing the same for the New York Public Library, Brooklyn PL, or Queens PL.  .


Locating and doing the same for a college library. 


Locating reference and other print material in the Spanish-American Institute library based on on-line search information.


Locating information about the NYPL, Brooklyn PL, or Queens public library system.  Obtaining a public library card. 


Review for test, week 24


Read pp. 253-265, doing all exercises.

Read pp. 266-269, doing all exercises. 


E-mail a catalog listing for a search about dogs to yourself, print out, and bring to class. 


Compare and contrast on-line searching using the school’s on-line automated library catalog, a public library’s automated catalog, and a college’s automated catalog .  Do a basic search for their holding on dogs.  How are they similar?  Different?  Do you feel confident you could do a basic search in any on-line catalog anywhere in the world?  Why or why not?


Find an on-line automated catalog in your home country or another country.  Write down the web address and name of the library you accessed.  Search the on-line catalog for books on a topic that interests you.  Write a report on the search techniques you used and their similarities or difference to those you used in American on-line library catalog. 











Write a brief description of what is available at the branch library closest to your home.  Be prepared to present orally in class. 


Present proof to your teacher that you have obtained a NYPL card and one from your city of residence (if you live outside of NYC).


Bi-monthly exam, week 24. 


Information literacy:  using on-line electronic periodical databases. 

Finding full-text and other periodical information on line—searching by author, by title, or by subject (keyword), saving, browsing, and other typical electronic search features.


Using the Spanish-American Institute Library’s on-line databases.  On-line Tutorial #3:   Searching Periodical Databases..  Basic and advanced search features. 

Narrowing the search.  Complete worksheet with questions provided by your teacher. 


Using other libraries’ on-line databases.


Finding, downloading, and e-mailing to yourself a full-text article. 


Understanding bibliographical information.  

Chapter 11 readings and exercises, as assigned.


Repeat the assignments for weeks 35-38, substituting searches in periodical databases for book titles.   












“What’s Your Advice?” case study, p. 271.  In writing, summarize Nathan’s  problems and provide recommendations to solve his  problems with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class


Thinking critically—thinking about thinking, learning taxonomies, facts vs. opinions.


Learning hierarchies.  Discussion of Bloom’s taxonomy. 


Small group work:  create a taxonomy or hierarchical classification system for nutritious food.  Discuss the organizing principle used. 


Thinking critically about information. 


Surveying chapter two, anticipating the chapter's information and unfamiliar concepts that will require more attention.


Reviewing decisions and consequences and choosing among options.  

Read pp. 37-42 doing all exercises.. 

Read pp. 43-44 and complete the exercise.


Assume you might have a quiz tomorrow on this information—describe how you might prepare for it.


In an essay, explain the concept of taxonomy and how it applies to learning levels.  Find a description of another  learning taxonomy on the Internet or in a print source.  Compare to Bloom’s taxonomy.  Are they similar?  Why or why not? 


“What’s Your Advice?” case study, p. 47.  In writing, summarize Nenia’s problems and provide recommendations to solve her  problems with reasons.  Be prepared to present your recommendations orally in class.   



Information literacy:  applying critical thinking to Internet and other searches

Developing good research skills using the Internet.  Complete on-line Tutorial #4:  Spanish-American Institute Library Catalog:  Developing Good Research Skills Using the Internet.  Complete worksheet with questions provided by your teacher. 


Comparing search engines.  Complete worksheet with questions provided by your teacher. 


Internet search techniques compared to those for electronic catalog and periodical database searches. 


Narrowing a search using different search engines. 


Assessing information validity; distinguishing between reliable and unreliable information. 


Research a famous person on-line. 





































Review for exam, week 32



Read pp. 263-266 and do all exercises.

















Imagine that you need to write a paper on a famous person.  Locate three on-line references for the imaginary paper—a book, a periodical article, and an Internet site.  In writing, list each of the three sources as completely as possible with their bibliographical information.  Write a sentence or more about each source.  Describe why you believe it is a valid source.


Locate information about a college that interests you from the Internet.  Find the information asked for by your instructor.  Then write a description of how you found the information. 


Write an essay in which you:

§         describe your goals for going to college; 

§         explain why you picked the college you would like to attend,;

§         describe what you would like to study and explain why;

§         describe the education you will need to prepare for the career you have chosen;

§         describe what you learned about the college you selected and courses you will take from reliable sources;

§         indicate how you know/knew when you got unreliable information; and

§         explain how you could use automated resources including a catalog, a periodical database, and the Internet to find out more about the college and the program you wish to study. 

§         prepare a brief oral presentation to the class based on your essay.

Bi-monthly exam, week 32.


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