Spanish-American Institute



930  Introduction to DOS                                                                 80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  Margaret Brown, Learning DOS, DDC Publishing, 1993 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course introduces students to the DOS operating system and common DOS commands and tasks.


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills.  Students will complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%


Course Outline:         



Assignments and Tests


Mapping the text and course:  introduction to the course and the book, including learning aids

Language preparation:  basic direction words.

Vocabulary guidelines:  write two complete sentences for each word, one that describes its meaning and one that gives an example of its use.

Computer system hardware and software.

Introduction to concept of operating systems and to DOS:  DOS's job, disk drives, directories, files, etc. 

Vocabulary log. 

Lesson one:  reading topics 1-10, exercises 1-7, and worksheets 1-6. 

Write at least five complete sentences beginning with direction words from the following list:   TBA

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 6 as a complete statement sentence. 

Rewrite Worksheet 7's incomplete sentences as complete sentences. 


Exploring directories:  DIR, DIR and switches, redirect output to printer, TREE,  DC

Vocabulary log.

Lesson two:   reading "explanations," exercises 8-17, & worksheets 7-10 . 

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 9 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 10's incomplete sentences as complete sentences



Vocabulary log.

Lesson three:  reading "explanations," exercises 18-29, & worksheets 11-14. 

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 13 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 14's incomplete sentences as complete sentences


Additional DOS commands:  FASTHELP, HELP, CHKDSK, DIR/S, cancel/repeat/correct a command


Review for exam, week 8.   

Vocabulary log.

Lesson four reading:  Topic 11; explanations

Lesson four exercises:  30-43

Lesson four worksheets:  15-18

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 17 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 18's incomplete sentences as complete sentences

Exam, week 8. 


Organizing files:  MD, RD, XCOPEY, DELTREE, delete directory, organizing files, transfer files

Vocabulary log.

Lesson five:   reading Topic 12 &  "explanations," exercises: 44-52, & worksheets 19-20

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 19 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 20's incomplete sentences as complete sentences.


DOS editor:  using menu bar and dialog boxes, creating/saving/opening/printing a text file; editing/finding text

Vocabulary log.

Lesson six :  reading Topic 13 & explanations, exercises 53-64, & worksheets 21-24. 

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 24 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 23's incomplete sentences as complete sentences


Automating DOS:  creating batch files; PATH, ECHO, PAUSE, AUTO.BAT, SYS

Vocabulary log.

Lesson seven:   reading Topic 14 &  explanations, exercises:  70-75, & worksheets:  25-17

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 27 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 25's incomplete sentences as complete sentences. 


DOS shell:  starting the shell, selecting areas, using menus and dialog boxes, selecting a drive, working with directories.

Review for exam, week 8. 

Vocabulary log.

Lesson eight:   reading Topic 15 & explanations, exercises:  76-89, & worksheets:  28-31. 

Rewrite each question or imperative sentence in Worksheet 31 as a complete statement sentence.

Rewrite Worksheet 29's incomplete sentences as complete sentences.

Exam, week 8. 

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