Spanish-American Institute


935   Using Lotus 1-2-3                                                                    80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks: Cathy Vento and Iris Blanc, Learning Lotus I-2-3, DDC Publishing, 1995 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course introduces students to Lotus 1-2-3, including Lotus concepts, features, functions, and applications. 

Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills.  Students will complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%. 

Course Outline:



Assignments and Tests


Mapping the text and course:  introduction to the course and the book, including learning aids

Lotus basics:  the Lotus 1-2-3 and Windows screens, Lotus templates, menu items and commands, dialog boxes, setting view preferences, changing screen display, getting help, etc. 

Exploring the worksheet.

Ordinal transition words in giving directions.  

Lesson 1 reading.

Lesson 1 exercises.

Turn any list of 5 or more sequential directions in the text into a paragraph, using numerical transition words:  first, second, third, etc.


Using the worksheet:  exploring the worksheet using directional and express keys, labels and values, corrections, saving/closing a file, exiting, printing

Using formulas and functions

Inserting and moving columns and rows.

Advanced functions.

More transition words in giving directions.

Oral practice interpreting spreadsheets.

Lesson 3-7 reading.

Exercises 4-54.

Turn any list of 4 or more sequential directions from the chapter into a paragraph, making use of some or all of the following transition words:  first, next, then, after, last.    

In a paragraph or more, describe what the spreadsheet in exercise 23 tells you. 

In a paragraph or more, explain which country would offer the best price for Heavy Metals Import Company, based on the spreadsheet information. 


Creating and graphs:  using titles and legends, printing graphs, graph settings

Oral practice interpreting graphs.

Lesson 8 reading.

Exercises 54-64.

Pick one of the graphs in exercise 58 and explain what it tells you.

Develop a spreadsheet that tracks one of your weekly or monthly costs (e.g., for food, for telephone, for electricity, etc.).  Then display the results in a graph


Worksheet enhancements:  changing fonts, typestyles, shading/patterns/colors, lines/shadows/boxes, frames and grids, printing/compression and landscape, using graphics, and adding paragraph text.


Review for exam, week 8.   

Lesson 9 reading.

Exercises 65-74.

Explain how you enhanced the Sigma and Company's worksheet in exercise 74.

Exam, week 8.


Using simple database functions:  creating, sorting, querying, calculating

Lesson 10 reading.

Exercises 75-86.

Explain how you organized the transaction data for Noah Auto Sales by describing the parts of your spreadsheet for exercise 86.


Using simple macros:  creating, naming, running, stepping/debugging, editing, and hiding

Lesson 11 reading.

Exercises 87-90.

In a paragraph or more, describe how you updated the OWN worksheet in exercise 89.

Summarize the steps you took to prepare a weekly payroll for the Gingerbread Cookie Company. 


Summary applications:  using spreadsheets in accounting, economics, finance, marketing, math, sales, and science. 

Close reading of problems from each discipline.

Review for exam, week 16. 

Lesson 12 reading.

Exercises 91-97.

Keep a time log for a week.  Develop a spreadsheet that shows how you used your time.  Then develop a graph with the same data.  Finally, write a paragraph describing areas where you wasted time and areas where you saved time doing something.   

Exam, week 16. 

rev. 2/04, 2/07