Spanish-American Institute


940  Introduction to Microsoft Windows                                                               80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  Suzanne Weixel, Learning Microsoft Windows XP, DDC Publishing, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course introduces students to Windows concepts, features, functions, and applications.


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:


Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills.  Students complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student creates a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation









The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%. 

Course Outline:              



Assignments and Tests



Mapping the text and course:  introduction to the course and the book, including learning aids

Getting started with Windows XP; Taskbar, Start and Shortcut menus; Windows; dialog boxes, etc.  

On the Job chapter discussions. 

Read pp. 2-36.  Exercises 1-7. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 


Windows Organization:  storage devices, folders and files; Recycle Bin

Read pp. 37-74.  Exercises 8-15. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 


Using Windows Programs:  starting , printing, and exiting programs folders, and files; Task Manager; Notepad;  Calculator; Address Book

Read pp. 75-100.  Exercises 16-21. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 


More Windows Programs:  Explorer, capturing graphics, Run, Search, Support Center, Help, Favorites etc.

Review for exam.

Read pp. 102-147.  Exercises 22-29. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 

Bi-monthly Exam, week 8. 


Customizing Windows XP:  Control Panel; Screen Saver; style options; display effects; customizing settings, menus, toolbars, etc. 

Read pp. 148-191.  Exercises 30-37. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 


More Customization:  folder options and toolbars; icons and shortcuts; desktop cleanup wizard; adding and removing programs, Window components; Hardware; Print Queue

Read pp. 192-232.  Exercises 38-44. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 


System Maintenance:  formatting and copying disks; disk cleanup, defragmenting a disk drive, compressing folders, etc.; using Backup, Restore Wizard, System Restore, etc.; System Information, power options, and troubleshooters, etc. 

Read pp. 233-266.  Exercises 45-51. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 


Digital Media and Workgroups:  using Media Player; playing or streaming audio and video; copying music from a CD to hard drive; customizing sounds; creating and managing picture files; User Accounts, passwords, etc.; LANs and Internet connections; Remote Desktop, etc. 

Review for exam. 

Read pp. 267-322.  Exercises 52-60. 

Write a paragraph or more explaining what you learned so for, in response to the Critical Thinking Exercise. 

Bimonthly Exam, week 16.

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