Spanish-American Institute


950  Using Excel for Windows                                                         80 Classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  Jennifer Fulton, Learning Microsoft Excel 2002, DDC Publishing, 2002 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course introduces students to spreadsheet concepts, features, functions, and applications using Excel. 


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills.  Students will complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%


Course Outline:  WP=word processing exercises, SS=spreadsheet exercises, DB=database exercises, INT= integration exercises    



Assignments and Tests


Mapping the text and course:  introduction to the course and the book, including learning aids

Language preparation:  basic direction words

Basics:  spreadsheets and Excel

Basics:  computer hardware and software; help functions, worksheets, managing multiple workbooks; internet basics, etc.

Close reading:  mini-case situations.

Write at least five complete sentences using direction words from the following list:   TBA

Exercises:  1-5.




Key worksheet procedures:  starting, saving, and closing a workbook; entering data; changing and adjusting rows and heights; changing workbook properties; creating folders and backup files, etc. 

Enumerating transition words in giving directions

Close reading: critical thinking case

 Turn any list of 5 or more sequential directions into a paragraph, using ordinals:  first, second, third, etc.

Exercises 6-11



Using formulas and formatting:  using formulas' formatting data with Toolbar, fonts, symbols, numbers; copying data; creating a series; etc.

Using other transition words in giving directions. 

Close reading: critical thinking case. 

Exercises 12-18

Turn any list of 4 or more sequential directions from Lesson 2 into a paragraph, making use of some or all of the following transition words:  first, next, then, etc.  


Printing a worksheet:  previewing, print options & page setup; page breaks, headers, and footers; etc.

Close reading: on the job and critical thinking. 

  Exercises 19-23

In a paragraph or more, explain why the computer training company needed the work you did for exercise 23. 


Editing and manipulating worksheets & workbooks

Oral practice:  explaining the information on Exercise 31's Expense Statement

Close reading: on the job and critical thinking situations

Exercises 24-33.

Write a paragraph or more explaining the need for the purchase order in exercise 31 and the information entered. 

Write a paragraph or more describing the reason for the "on your own" part of exercise 32 and explaining how you did it.


Modifying the appearance of a worksheet.

Close reading:  on the job and critical thinking. 

Oral practice:  explaining to others how you modified the appearance of a worksheet to make it more effective.

Review for exam.   

Exercises 34-41.

Write a paragraph or more describing at least two ways you made the CompuTrain worksheet more effective for Exercise 41. 


Bi-monthly Exam, week 8.


Integrating Excel with other applications and with the Internet:  object and file linking and embedding; integrating office documents; saving a worksheet as a Web page; importing/exporting text files, tables, and data from other applications.

Close reading:  on the job and critical thinking. 

Exercises 42-46


Using advanced Excel functions

Close reading:  on the job and critical thinking situations

Oral practice:  describing the information presented on the spreadsheet in exercise 47.

Discussing "what-if" situations. 

Exercises 47-57

Look up the common meaning of the word "scenario;" then explain why it is a good description for "what-if" data. 



Creating and modifying charts.

Oral practice:  interpret the information provided by the charts in exercises 58, 61, 62, 63, & 64.

Close reading:  on the job and critical thinking. 

Exercises 58-68.

Write a paragraph or more explaining the Temperature Readings chart on p. 63. 


Analyzing data: creating a list/database; modifying a record; controlling data entry; sorting records, advanced filters, using database (list) functions, creating PivotTables and PivotCharts, data consolidation, etc. 

Close reading:  on the job and critical thinking. 

Exercises 69-79

Write a letter to a friend who does not use Excel and how you think you may use it in the future. 


Creating macros and hyperlinks

Close reading:  on the job and critical thinking. 

Review for exam. 

Exercises 80-83


Bi-monthly Exam, week 16. 

rev. 2/04, 3/07