Spanish-American Institute



975  Using Adobe Photoshop                                                80 classes

Prerequisite(s):  None

Textbooks:  Lisa A. Bucki, Learning Adobe Photoshop 6, DDC Publishing, 2001 (or comparable text). 


Course Description:  While developing English language skills, this course introduces students to computerized concepts, features, functions, and applications using PhotoShop.     


Objectives:  By the end of the course, students should be able:



Instructional Methods:  Classes include language development and critical thinking sessions followed by hands-on practice and drills.  Students will complete periodic summary exercises that require application of all skills learned to date.  Each student will create a portfolio of finished output.


Grading:  The final grade is based on the following:


Class Participation












The grading scale is:  A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%, D=65-69%, F=60-64%


Course Outline: PS=Photoshop



Assignments and Tests


Mapping the text and course:  introduction to the course and the book, including learning aids. 

Weekly vocabulary log guidelines:  write two complete sentences for each word, one that describes its meaning and one that gives an example of its use.

Language preparation:  basic direction words

Basics:  introduction to PS; the PS screen, menus, toolbars, and commands; using help features; reviewing Adobe Online. 

Using ordinals as transition words in directions

Vocabulary log.

Write at least five complete sentences beginning with direction words for PS. 

Read Chapter 1 and follow the directions for touring the work area.

Exercise:  1.

Turn any list of 4 or more sequential directions in the text into a paragraph, using ordinals:  first, second, third, etc.




Working with image files; storing images digitally; creating a new file, importing a scanner or digital camera image, adding file information. 

Using other transition words in directions

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 2 and follow the directions for working with image files. 

Exercise:  2.

Turn any list of 4 or more sequential directions from Lesson 2 into a paragraph, making use of some or all of the following transition words:  first, next, then, after, last. 

In a paragraph or more, describe how to use transparent background and describe its effect.   


Adding content with Tools:  choosing tools, setting options, painting, drawing, adding text, and creating a note on an image.

Oral presentation:  describe one Tool and its use.  


Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 3 and follow the directions for adding content with Tools.

Exercise:  3

Describe two Tools, what they do, and how to use them in PS. 


Working with the Image View:  zooming, viewing pixel or print size, scrolling, moving around with Hand tool and Navigator. 

Selecting image content:  selecting shapes and colors.   

Oral practice:  explaining what you did in either exercise 4 or 5. 


Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 4 and follow the directions for working with the Image View.

Exercise:  4.

Read Chapter 5 and follow the directions for selecting image content.

Exercise:  5.


Changing a selection:  transforming or rotating a selection, fine-tuning selection marquee, working with the History palette.

Using positioning tools:  displaying a grid and rulers; snapping a selection to a guide or grid; adding custom alignment guides. 

Oral practice:  explaining what you did in either exercise 6 or 7.

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 6 and follow the directions for changing a selection.

Exercise:  6.

Read Chapter 7 and follow the directions for using positioning tools.

Exercise:  7.


Working with layers:  creating, selecting, changing, arranging, and merging layers.



Vocabulary log

Read Chapter 8 and follow the directions for working in layers.  .

Exercise 8. 

Write a paragraph or more in which you explain what layers do in PS and how your used layers in the exercise. 


Adding variety with masks:  setting options, working in Quick Mask, creasing and using a layer mask.

Using paths:  creating, viewing, and working with paths. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 9 and follow the directions for adding variety with masks.

Exercise:  9.

Read Chapter 10 and follow the directions for using paths.  .

Exercise:  10.


Using other editing tools:  adding blurring or smudging; sharpening; erasing color; adding fill; dodging, burning, or sponging an area. 

Review for exam

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 11 and follow the directions for using other editing tools.

Exercise:  11



Working with image size and orientation:  cropping, resizing, adjusting the canvas, rotating the canvas, and trimming the edges of an image.

Using a filter:  applying and adjusting the filter. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 12 and follow the directions for working with image size and orientation.

Exercise:  12.

Read Chapter 13 and follow the directions for using a filter.

Exercise:  13.

Look up the word "orientation" in the dictionary and then describe how it is used in PS. 


Printing your image:  using transfer settings to correct color; adding a border, bleed, or background; printing with special marks and features, etc.

Oral presentation:  describe one way that Photoshop and Word print features differ.   

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 14 and follow the directions for printing your images.

Exercise:  14.

Explain at least two ways that the print features of Photoshop differ from those in Word.  


Understanding colors and channels:  calibrating your monitor; converting an image to another color, proofing image color. 

Oral discussion:  discuss with others how you think you will use PS in the future. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 15 and follow the directions for touring the work area.

Exercise:  15.

Write a letter to a friend who does not use PS in which you explain what you can do in PS.  Include some discussion about how you think you will use PS in the future.


Correcting image color:  adjusting tones, rebalancing color, changing brightness and contrast, etc.

Having fun with color:  adding spot color, making a duotone print; converting to sepia.

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 16 and follow the directions for correcting image color.

Exercise:  16.

Read Chapter 17 and follow the directions for having fun with color.

Exercise:  17.

Explain how you had fun with color when working on chapter 17. 


Working with plug-ins:  installing and using a plug-in.

Oral presentation:  make a short oral presentation about the PS project you have found most interesting to date. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 18 and follow the directions for working with plug-ins.

Exercise:  18.

Describe the most interesting PS project you have worked on so far and explain why you think it is so.


Working with actions:  recording and playing an action; making and using a droplet. 

Digital watermark protection. 

Close reading and discussion:  watermark protection and other intellectual property rights. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 19 and follow the directions for working with actions.

Exercise:  19.

Read appendix A, p. 315.  Write a paragraph or more in which you explain what intellectual property rights are and what digital watermark protection does.


Creating Web images:  reviewing Web graphic formats, converting an image to indexed color, and creating optimized JMEP and GIF images. 

Using online resources to learn more about PS: Appendix C.

Oral presentation:  describe one on-line resource from the research and writing assignment. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 20 and follow the directions for creating Web images. 

Exercise:  20.

Visit at least two on-line resources to learn more about PS and write a short explanation about the information they contain. 


Adding hotspots:  adding and working with slices and saving a sliced image in HTML format. 

Prepare for exam. 

Vocabulary log.

Read Chapter 21 and follow the directions for touring the work area.

Exercise:  21.


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