Prerequisite(s): ESL VI or higher
practical introduction to succeeding academically in American college and other
postsecondary environments. The
course will help students to learn about American colleges and to develop skills
for academic success while also developing English language skills at an
advanced ESL level. The course will
be taught in a small class environment with lecture, discussion, small group
work, and individual student presentations. Course topics will include an overview
of American higher education, an introduction to the college application
process, and the development of life and lifelong learning that make for
successful learners.
Understanding American Colleges (The American higher education system,
differences between American colleges and those in students' home countries;
degrees, programs, courses, credits, prerequisites, etc.; GPAs; credit transfer;
graduation requirements; etc.)
Week 2
Applying to College (College catalogs, entrance requirements, application
processes, documentation, standardized and college exam requirements,
application essays, etc.)
Week 3
American College Classroom Culture (First day of class; course syllabus;
class participation; individual and group presentations; group work; class
exams, quizzes, and projects; attendance; student responsibility for learning;
student-professor interaction; etc.)
Week 4
Time Management (Scheduling, time logs, time savers and wasters,
prioritizing, etc.)
Week 5
Stress Management (Stress analysis, stress alleviation, lifestyle habits
and stress, internal and external distractions, study habits analysis,
Week 6
Financial Management (Budgeting, bank accounts, credit, financing
college, etc.)
Week 7
Memory and Learning (Applying memory principles, information control,
strengthening memory, short- and long-term memory, memory retrieval,
Week 8
Learning Styles I (Brain information processing; sequential vs. random
processing, sensory learning modes, social learning preferences, multiple
intelligences, etc.)
Week 9
Learning Styles II (Individual learning profiles, adjusting individual
learning profiles to formal instruction and learning)
Week 10
Learning to Learn
(Processing information, mapping, lecture note taking, processing
information from textbooks, using textbook aids, etc.)
Week 11
Strategies (Discovering the best time to study, study habits analysis,
developing questions, out-of-classroom assistance, studying
Week 12
Test Taking Strategies (Strategies for objective tests, strategies for
essay tests, anticipating questions, asking questions in class,
Thinking Critically (Thinking about thinking, learning taxonomy and
levels, facts and opinions, etc.)
Week 14
Information Literacy: Using
Library Resources (Components of modern libraries; using networked automated
library catalogs and tutorials; typical library resources; library policies;
librarian assistance; locating books, periodicals, newspapers, print material
search strategies, etc.)
Week 15
Information Literacy: Using
Electronic Databases (Types of electronic periodical databases, accessing
databases, on-line periodical search strategies)
Week 16
Information Literacy: Using
the Internet (Using different search engines, using general search principles,
using search engine tools, assessing information validity, etc.)
will include reading, writing, listening, and speaking about American colleges;
academic skills development; learning theory; and information literacy. Each student will develop a project with
a written and oral presentation component based on his or her academic
final grade will be based on the weekly average of grades for class
participation, class assignments, quizzes, final project, and